[root@localhost data]# 安装次序很重要:apr --> apr-util --> apache --> MySQL -->php--->Xcache ——>wordpress
1 编译安装apr
[root@localhost data]#tar xf apr-1.4.6.tar.bz2 [root@localhost data]#cd apr-1.4.6 [root@localhost apr-1.4.6]#./configure --prefix=/data/apr #####软件包安装的路径统一放在第三方软件位置:/data/ [root@localhost apr-1.4.6]#make [root@localhost apr-1.4.6]#make install
2 编译安装apr-util
[root@localhost data]#tar xf apr-util-1.5.2.tar.bz2
[root@localhost data]#cd apr-util-1.5.2
[root@localhost apr-util-1.5.2]#./configure –prefix=/data/apr-util –with-apr=/data/apr
3 安装pcre-devel软件包
[root@localhost data]# yum install pcre-devel
4 编译安装httpd-2.4.4
[root@localhost data]# tar xf httpd-2.4.4.tar.bz2
[root@localhost data]# cd httpd-2.4.4
[root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#./configure --prefix=/data/apache –sysconfdir=/etc/httpd --enable-so --enable-ssl --enable-cgi --enable-rewrite --with-zlib --with-pcre --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/data/apr-util --enable-mpms-shared=all --with-mpm=event
说明:--prefix=/data/apache ####httpd安装路径
--sysconfdir=/etc/httpd ####系统配置文件目录路径
--enable-so ######支持共享模块功能
--enable-ssl #####支持ssl功能
--enable-cgi ####支持cgi功能
--enable-rewrite ####支持重写功能
--with-zlib #####支持扩展库文件功能
--with-pcre #####支持pcre功能
--with-apr=/data/apr ######指定apr安装路径
--with-apr-util=/data/apr-util #####指定apr-util安装路径
--enable-mpms-shared=all #####表示此平台的mpm模块都会被安装
--with-mpm=event #####特指定mpm模块为event,mpm模块可以在配置文件中修改
[root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#make
[root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#setenforce 0 #####由于web服务是受selinux控制会导致系统运行不起来,要把selinux的功能关掉
[root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#make install
5 修改httpd的主配置文件,设置其pid文件的路径
[root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#vim /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
添加内容:PidFile “/var/run/httpd.pid”
6 为httpd提供服务脚本
[root@localhost data]#cp /httpd-2.4.4/build/rpm/httpd.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
[root@localhost data]#vim /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
1: #!/bin/bash
2: #
3: # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
4: # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
5: # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6: # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
7: # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8: # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9: #
10: # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11: #
12: # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13: # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14: # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15: # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16: # limitations under the License.
17: #
18: #
19: # httpd Startup script for the Apache Web Server
20: #
21: # chkconfig: - 85 15
22: # description: The Apache HTTP Server is an efficient and extensible \
23: # server implementing the current HTTP standards.
24: # processname: httpd
25: # pidfile: /var/run/httpd.pid
26: # config: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
28: # Provides: httpd
29: # Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named
30: # Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network
31: # Should-Start: distcache
32: # Short-Description: start and stop Apache HTTP Server
33: # Description: The Apache HTTP Server is an extensible server
34: # implementing the current HTTP standards.
37: # Source function library.
38: . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
40: # What were we called? Multiple instances of the same daemon can be
41: # created by creating suitably named symlinks to this startup script
42: prog=$(basename $0 | sed -e 's/^[SK][0-9][0-9]//')
44: if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/${prog} ]; then
45: . /etc/sysconfig/${prog}
46: fi
47: # Start httpd in the C locale by default.
50: # This will prevent initlog from swallowing up a pass-phrase prompt if
51: # mod_ssl needs a pass-phrase from the user.
54: # Set HTTPD=/usr/sbin/httpd.worker in /etc/sysconfig/httpd to use a server
55: # with the thread-based "worker" MPM; BE WARNED that some modules may not
56: # work correctly with a thread-based MPM; notably PHP will refuse to start.
57: apachectl=/database/apache/bin/apachectl
58: httpd=${HTTPD-/database/apache/bin/httpd}
59: pidfile=${PIDFILE-/var/run/${prog}.pid}
60: lockfile=${LOCKFILE-/var/lock/subsys/${prog}}
61: RETVAL=0
63: # check for 1.3 configuration
64: check13 () {
65: CONFFILE=/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
66: GONE="(ServerType|BindAddress|Port|AddModule|ClearModuleList|"
67: GONE="${GONE}AgentLog|RefererLog|RefererIgnore|FancyIndexing|"
68: GONE="${GONE}AccessConfig|ResourceConfig)"
69: if grep -Eiq "^[[:space:]]*($GONE)" $CONFFILE; then
70: echo
71: echo 1>&2 " Apache 1.3 configuration directives found"
72: echo 1>&2 " please read @docdir@/migration.html"
73: failure "Apache 1.3 config directives test"
74: echo
75: exit 1
76: fi
77: }
78: # The semantics of these two functions differ from the way apachectl does
79: # things -- attempting to start while running is a failure, and shutdown
80: # when not running is also a failure. So we just do it the way init scripts
81: # are expected to behave here.
82: start() {
83: echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
84: check13 || exit 1
85: LANG=$HTTPD_LANG daemon --pidfile=${pidfile} $httpd $OPTIONS
86: RETVAL=$?
87: echo
88: [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch ${lockfile}
89: return $RETVAL
90: }
91: stop() {
92: echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
93: killproc -p ${pidfile} -d 10 $httpd
94: RETVAL=$?
95: echo
96: [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && rm -f ${lockfile} ${pidfile}
97: }
98: reload() {
99: echo -n $"Reloading $prog: "
100: check13 || exit 1
101: killproc -p ${pidfile} $httpd -HUP
102: RETVAL=$?
103: echo
104: }
106: # See how we were called.
107: case "$1" in
108: start)
109: start
110: ;;
111: stop)
112: stop
113: ;;
114: status)
115: if ! test -f ${pidfile}; then
116: echo $prog is stopped
117: RETVAL=3
118: else
119: status -p ${pidfile} $httpd
120: RETVAL=$?
121: fi
122: ;;
123: restart)
124: stop
125: start
126: ;;
127: condrestart)
128: if test -f ${pidfile} && status -p ${pidfile} $httpd >&/dev/null; then
129: stop
130: start
131: fi
132: ;;
133: reload)
134: reload
135: ;;
136: configtest)
137: LANG=$HTTPD_LANG $httpd $OPTIONS -t
138: RETVAL=$?
139: ;;
140: graceful)
141: echo -n $"Gracefully restarting $prog: "
142: LANG=$HTTPD_LANG $httpd $OPTIONS -k $@
143: RETVAL=$?
144: echo
145: ;;
146: *)
147: echo $"Usage: $prog {start|stop|restart|condrestart|reload|status|graceful|help|configtest}"
148: exit 1
149: esac
150: exit $RETVAL
7 为httpd提供服务脚本
1: [root@localhost httpd-2.4.4]#chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
8 添加httpd为系统服务
1: [root@localhost ~]#chkconfig --add httpd
9 查看服务
1: [root@localhost ~]#netstat -ntl | grep 80
注:apache启动报告httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed错误。解决方法有两个:
/etc/hosts修改内容如下(最后添加myservername申明): localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 myservername
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
ServerName myservername:80
1 编译安装php-5.4.13
1: [root@localhost ~]# tar xf php-5.6.10.tar.gz
2: [root@localhost ~]# cd php-5.6.10
3: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]# ./configure --prefix=/data/php --with-mysql=/data/mysql --with-openssl --with-mysqli=/data/mysql/bin/mysql_config --enable-mbstring --with-freetype-dir --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-zlib --with-libxml-dir=/usr --enable-xml --enable-sockets --with-apxs2=/data/apache/bin/apxs --with-mcrypt --with-config-file-path=/etc --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d --with-bz2 --enable-maintainer-zts
4: 说明:
5: --prefix=/usr/local/php:php安装路径
6: --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql:mysql安装路径
7: --with-openssl:支持openssl功能
8: --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config:mysql与apache访问的另一种接口,安装在二进制目录下
9: --enable-mbstring:多字节string
10: --with-freetype-dir:安装的字体库头文件
11: --with-jpeg-dir:jpeg类型的库
12: --with-png-dir:png类型的库
13: --with-zlib:互联网上通用压缩库,先压缩再传送,减少带宽
14: --with-libxml-dir=/usr:xml库文件的路径
15: --enable-xml:支持xml功能
16: --enable-sockets:php支持套接字功能
17: --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs:基于apxs实现让php编译成apache模块
18: --with-mcrypt:支持额外的加密库
19: --with-config-file-path=/etc:php配置文件放置路径
20: --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d :php配置文件的分段文件放置路径
21: --with-bz2 :压缩库
22: --enable-maintainer-zts:当apache使用worker或event这两个MPM,编译时使用该选项
23: ###我在执行./configure时候,出现了错误,提示我没有安装libmcrypt库文件,可以有两种解决方式:1、去掉该模块 2、下载依赖于该库文件的软件包,mhash*.rpm libmcrypt-*.rpm
24: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#make
25: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#make install
2 编辑配置文件
1: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#cp php.ini-production /etc/php.ini
2: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#vim /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
1: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#cd /data/apache/htdocs/ #####进入apache页面目录下,把默认页面修改为php页面文件
2: [root@localhost htdocs]#mv index.html index.php
3: [root@localhost htdocs]#vim index.php
4:It works! my test page
5:6: phpinfo();7: ?>8: 保存退出9: #####发起php页面测试10: #####生成的测试页面内容对我们还是会有帮助,可以留意一下里面的内容浏览器测试效果:
1: [root@localhost php-5.6.10]#vim /data/apache/htdocs/index.php2:3:It works! my test page
4:5: $conn=mysql_connect('localhost','root','');6: if ($conn)7: echo "Success...
";8: else9: echo "Failure...
";10:11: ?>12: 保存退出四、编译安装xcache,为php提速
1 安装xcache-3.2.0
1: [root@localhost ~]# tar xf xcache-3.2.0.tar.gz2: [root@localhost ~]# cd xcache-3.2.0 ###xcache是php的扩展,要使用php命令加载此扩展3: [root@localhost xcache-3.2.0 ]# /datal/php/bin/phpize ####phpize命令作用是要准备一个php扩展准备编译,所以扩展要先执行编译4: [[email protected] ]#./configure--enable-xcache--with-php-config=/data/php/bin/php-config5: #######php-config表示能够获取php的配置信息以及编译时的选项信息;6: ######由于不在默认路径下,xcache要获取php安装时所启用的功能,否则xcache会找不到php的路径7: [root@localhost xcache-3.2.0 ]#make8: [root@localhost xcache-3.2.0 ]#make install9: 安装结束时,会出现类似如下行:10: Installing shared extensions: / 11: #####安装共享扩展模块路径,先把这个路径复制下来,等一下复制到xcache的配置文件中2 编辑php.ini,整合php和xcache
1: [root@localhost xcache]# mkdir /etc/php.d2: [root@localhost xcache]# cp xcache.ini /etc/php.d ###将xcache提供的样例配置导入php.ini3: [root@localhost xcache]#vim /etc/php.d/xcache.ini重启httpd服务,查看phpinfo()信息:
1: cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php2: 修改如下内容:3: /** WordPress数据库的名称 */4: define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');5:6: /** MySQL数据库用户名 */7: define('DB_USER', 'wordpress');8:9: /** MySQL数据库密码 */10: define('DB_PASSWORD', 'wordpress');11:12: /** MySQL主机 */13: define('DB_HOST', 'IP:3306');14:15: /** 创建数据表时默认的文字编码 */16: define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');17:18: /** 数据库整理类型。如不确定请勿更改 */19: define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');添加apache虚拟主机:1: vim /etc/httpd/httpd.conf2:3: ServerAdmin [email protected]4: DocumentRoot /data/apache/htdocs5: ServerName fei1103396:重启服务访问看看,http://localhost/wordpress
如报错,查看日志:tail -f /data/apache/logs/error_log
1: vim /etc/httpd/httpd.conf2:3:4: Options FollowSymLinks5: AllowOverride None6: # Order deny,allow7: # Deny from all8:接下来,就可以使用您设置的用户名密码配置您的站点了。