跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia


跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第1张图片

M:Sorry, boys. I'm so changeable! It is a weakness with me, but to be fair to myself, it is my only weakness. You can't be allowed to continue. You just can't. I would try to convince you, but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind.抱歉,男孩们,我老是那么变化无常。这是我的缺点,可老实说是我的唯一缺点。不能允许你们继续了,不可以了。我试图劝服你,可我想说的你大概都已经想到了。

S:Probably my answer has crossed yours.或许我的回答你同样心中有数。

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第2张图片

M:Do you mind if I get that?不介意我接个电话吧?

S:Oh, no, please. You've got the rest of your life.没事,请便。尽情使用你的余生吧。

M:Hello? Yes, of course it is. What do you want? Say that again! Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will skin you.喂?废话当然是我什么事?你再说一遍,再说一遍,警告你,要是你敢骗我,我会找到你,活剥你的皮。

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第3张图片

M:Wait. Sorry... Wrong day to die.抱歉,死期未到。

S:Did you get a better offer?你有更好的邀请了?

M:You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes.会给你消息的,夏洛克。要是你真有你说的东西,我会让你发大财。要是你没有,我会把你做成鞋穿。

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第4张图片

W:What happened there?怎么回事?

S:Someone changed his mind. The question is... who?有人让他改变了主意,问题在于…是谁?

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第5张图片

S:What are you typing?你在敲什么?




S:You mean me.是写我吧


S:Well, you're typing a lot. Right, then. So, what have we got?看你敲了一大篇嘛。好吧,看看有什么新案子。

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第6张图片

Man A:My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office.我妻子好像在办公室待得太长了。


Woman A:I think my husband might be having an affair.我觉得我丈夫有外遇


Man B:She's not my realaunt, she's been replaced. I know she has. I know human ash.她不是我姑姑,她被人偷换了,我知道她被换了,我认识人的骨灰。


Man C:We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention for the recovery of these files.无论您提出何种报酬,我们都能满足,只要能找回这些文件。


Man D:We have this website, it explains the true meaning of comic books, cos people miss a lot of the themes. But then all the comic books started coming true.我们开了个网站用来解释漫画书的真正意义,因为人们忽略了其中很多主题,但随后所有的漫画开始变成现实。


S:Geek Interpreter, what's that?极客漫画通是什么?(谐音"希腊译员"原著篇目)

W:That's the title.是标题。

S:What does it need a title for?标题有什么用?

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第7张图片

S:Do people actually read your blog?真有人读你的博客?

W:Where do you think our clients come from?你觉得客户都是哪来的?

S:I have a website.我有个网站啊

W:In which you enumerate 240 different types of tobacco ash. Nobody's reading your website. Right then, dyed blonde hair, no obvious cause of death, except for these speckles, whatever they are.你在上面列举了240种不同的烟灰,谁会看你的网站啊。好吧,漂染金发,死因不明,除了这些不知什么的斑点。

S:Oh, for God's sakes!天呐,拜托


S:The Speckled Blonde?! "斑点金发女"?

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第8张图片

Children:They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. Is that cos he'd gone to heaven?爷爷死了之后,他们不让我们见他,是因为他上天堂了吗?

S:People don't really go to heaven when they die, they're taken to a special room and burned.死人其实不会上天堂的,他们被送到特定地点烧掉了。


跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第9张图片

L:There was a plane crash in Dusseldorf yesterday. Everyone dead.昨日杜塞尔多夫(德)发生一起空难,无人生还。

S:Suspected terrorist bomb. We do watch the news.怀疑恐怖分子安炸弹?我们也看到了新闻。

W:You said "boring" and turned over.你说这无聊就换台了。

L:Well, according to the flight details, this man was checked in on board. Inside his coat he's got a stub from his boarding pass, napkins from the flight, even one of those special biscuits. Here's his passport, stamped at Berlin Airport. So this man should have died in a plane crash in Germany yesterday, but instead he's in a car boot in Southwark.从航班记录来看,这人办了登机手续,大衣里还有登机牌票根,航班上的餐巾纸,还有一块特供饼干。这是他的护照,在柏林机场盖章,就是说这人本该死于昨天德国的空难,却跑到了萨瑟克区一辆车后备箱里。

W:Lucky escape.是祸躲不过。

L:Any ideas?有想法么?

S:Eight so far.OK, four ideas. Maybe two ideas.目前有八个。好吧,四种想法。就算两种吧。

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S:No, no, no, don't mention the unsolved ones.不行不行,没解决的别往上写

W:People want to know you're human.大家想看你凡人的一面。


W:Because they're interested.因为他们感兴趣。

S:No, they're not. Why are they?才怪,他们凭什么感兴趣?

W:Hmm, look at that.1,895.嗯,你看这个1895。

S:Sorry, what?抱歉什么?

W:I reset that counter last night. This blog has had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours. This is your living, Sherlock, not 240 different types of tobacco ash.我昨晚重置了计数器,过去8小时这个博客有近2000点击量。这才是你的生计来源,夏洛克,不是240种不同的烟灰。

S:243. 243种。

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S:So what's this one? Belly Button Murders?这个案子叫什么?"肚脐谋杀案"?

W:The Navel Treatment? "脐部治疗案"

L:There's a lot of press outside, guys.外面有很多记者,伙计们。

S:Well, they won't be interested in us.反正不是冲我们来的

L:Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon. A couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you two.嗯那是你成为网络红人之前了,其中有一些人特别要求拍你们的照片。

S:God's sake! J ohn.老天呐!约翰。


S:Cover your face and walk fast.遮住脸快点走

W:Still, it's good for the public image, big case like this.这有助于提升公众形象啊,毕竟是这样的大案。

S:I'm a private detective, the last thing I need is a public image.我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的莫过于公众形象。

跟着卷福学英语(三十一)A Scandal in Belgravia_第12张图片

Mysterious woman:Hello. I think it's time, don't you?喂,我觉得时候到了,你说呢?

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