import hashlib
a = "a test string"
print 'md5:', hashlib.md5(a).hexdigest()
#!/usr/bin/env python
shelve python 的一个建议数据库
import shelve
key = '0101'
def save(db):
db[key] = 'my name is aircoder!'
print ' I has save a data in python small db!'
def load(db):
value = db[key]
print 'value is:',value
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = shelve.open('db');
kind = raw_input('Enter your want:')
if kind == 'save':
elif kind == 'load':
print 'you are gum!'
import shelve
d = shelve.open(filename) # open -- file may get suffix added by low-level
# library
d[key] = data # store data at key (overwrites old data if
# using an existing key)
data = d[key] # retrieve a COPY of data at key (raise KeyError if no
# such key)
del d[key] # delete data stored at key (raises KeyError
# if no such key)
flag = d.has_key(key) # true if the key exists
klist = d.keys() # a list of all existing keys (slow!)
# as d was opened WITHOUT writeback=True, beware:
d['xx'] = range(4) # this works as expected, but...
d['xx'].append(5) # *this doesn't!* -- d['xx'] is STILL range(4)!
# having opened d without writeback=True, you need to code carefully:
temp = d['xx'] # extracts the copy
temp.append(5) # mutates the copy
d['xx'] = temp # stores the copy right back, to persist it
# or, d=shelve.open(filename,writeback=True) would let you just code
# d['xx'].append(5) and have it work as expected, BUT it would also
# consume more memory and make the d.close() operation slower.