Notes | D07-刻意练习-Peak: The Gold Standard(1/2)

Notes | D07-刻意练习-Peak: The Gold Standard(1/2)_第1张图片

Reading Part @ Aug. 09, 2017

Chapter 4: The Gold Standard(84-100)

  • A Highly Developed Field
  • The Challenge of the Violin
  • Good versus Better versus Best
  • The Principles of Deliberate Practice


终于,我们要揭开 “刻意练习(deliberate practice)”的神秘面纱了:

Definition & Traits

刻意练习 = 研究并借鉴行业内顶尖人物行之有效的训练方法(effective training techniques) + 优秀导师/教练的指导(require a teacher or coach) + 持续更新的心理表征(mental representation)和不断提升的技能之间的良性循环 + 有目的练习(purposeful practice)

Deliberate practice is purposeful practice that knows where it is going and how to get there.

所谓的“有目的练习” 指的是要有定义明确的特定目标(well-defined, specific goal)、专注于练习(focused)、及时有效的反馈(feedback)、勇于走出自己的舒适区(get out of one's comfort zone),当然最重要的是还要有足够的动力(motivation)。

So here we have purposeful practice in a nutshell: Get outside your comfort zone but do it in a focused way, with clear goals, a plan for reaching those goals, and a way to monitor your progress. Oh, and figure out a way to maintain your motivation.

How to Apply ?

  • 适用于:行业内已具备 “有客观的可衡量的标准” 来评判优秀者(objective criteria for superior performance);

  • 研究并借鉴行业内顶尖人物行之有效的训练方法/技巧(effective training techniques from the best performers' accomplishments),需要注意的是要避免简单的复制;

  • 找到足够优秀的导师/教练来指导练习(require a teacher or coach who is familiar with the abilities of expert performers),导师/教练要很熟悉该行业内杰出人物的能力/训练方法等,并知道如何有针对性的应用到被指导者身上;

  • 走出舒适区(comfort zone),不断尝试比现有水平略高一点的挑战/难度,付出最大限度的努力;需要注意的是要避免过度的“揠苗助长”;

  • 制定清晰可执行的总体目标(well-defined and specific goals),导师/教练再据此分解成一个个具体的小目标,阶段性的逐个实现小目标可以带来很好的正向激励作用(motivation),得以 “积跬步以至千里” ;

  • 有意识的全身心投入刻意练习(full attention and conscious actions),不是简单的执行导师/教练的指令,而是有意识的主动投入练习(be proactive);

  • 及时且有效的反馈,并根据反馈结果进行适当的调整(feedback and modification of efforts in response to that feedback);这里的反馈不单是来自外部或者导师的反馈,还包括后期慢慢培养出来的自我监测反馈能力(self-monitoring);

  • 通过刻意练习,不断更新自己的有效心理表征(effective mental representations),有助于技能的提升,形成良性循环;同时,不断改进的心理表征也有助于后期自我检测反馈能力的形成。








而读书与思考也同此理。读完一本书,如果不能 “刻意思考” 联系生活,那么我们也谈不上真正的读懂了这本书。

Words and Expressions:

Other activities, like classical music performance, mathematics, and ballet, are blessed with highly developed, broadly accepted training methods.

be blessed with something, 表示“具有...的;赋有...的”,to have a special ability, good quality etc.
例句:The city is blessed with an excellent location.
仿造句:This little boy is blessed with the ability to make his parents crazy. to have an apples-to-apples comparison, we looked at the accumulated amount of practice through age seventeen and the skill level at age eighteen.

apples-to-apples comparison, 从字面上看,拿苹果和苹果对比,不难理解为是“同类之间的对比”,be used to describe a comparison between two things that are similar in nature.

此外,还有一个类似的表达:apples-to-oranges comparison,苹果和橘子比,言外之意就是两者之间没有可比性,硬要对比的话就很荒谬了. A comparison that is unfair because the subjects cannot be evaluated according to the same criteria.

趣味延伸,apples to apples,最初指的是一种4-10人之间玩的纸牌游戏。324张“红苹果”牌上印的是名词,108张“绿苹果”牌上是形容词,具体玩法是,选出一张“绿苹果”形容词牌,看哪个人手中拿的“红苹果”名词牌,能够match到最多,谁就赢了。(有点意思哈)

Notes | D07-刻意练习-Peak: The Gold Standard(1/2)_第2张图片

The object of the game is to win the most rounds by playing a "red apple" card (324,which generally features a noun) from one's hand to best "match" that round's communal "green apple" card (108,which contains an adjective) as chosen by that round's judging player. The game is designed for four to ten players and played for 30–75 minutes.

Notes | D07-刻意练习-Peak: The Gold Standard(1/2)_第3张图片
8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric

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