Office series 16: Writing a warning letter

Grounds for + noun

In this lesson, we heard Zach use the expression “grounds for dismissal”. If you havegrounds for something, you have a cause, reason, basis, or justification for an argument, belief, or action. Basically, it gives you a reason to do something. This is a very formal phrase that you’ll most often see in legalese (legal language).

今天的课程中,我们听到Zach用了这个短语“grounds for dismissal”。如果你have grounds for something,这个意思就是说你做出某判断、认识或者行为有足够原因、理由、基础或者合理的解释。也就是说,你做某事有理由。这是一个非常正式的短语,你一般会在法律文体中见到这种表达。

When you use it with ‘for’, you need to follow it with a noun like with “grounds for dismissal”. The noun that follows is usually has a negative context.

当你用这个短语跟for连用的时候,后面需要接名词。比如“grounds for dismissal”。通常搭配负面含义的词。

Sample sentences:

Incompetenceisjustifiedgrounds forterminationfromajob.


Thepolicehavereasonablegrounds forsuspicionthatthepersoncommittedthecrime.


Youhavenogrounds forcomplaintbecausetheytreatedyoufairly.


Myfriendclaimedincompatibilityasgrounds fordivorce.


Ifthejudgemadeamistakeinyourcase,youhavegrounds forappeal.


Common employee warning letter templates


One of the most difficult responsibilities a manager, supervisor, or boss can have is to issue a warning or to reprimand an employee.


Below are an example and template of employee warning letters. Hopefully, you won’t need them, but here are two a good examples you can follow. The first is more of a general example that requires the employee's signature, and the second is more of a detailed template.


Example 1


Employee Name

Home Address

City, Province/State, Postal or Zip Code

Dear Employee Name,


This letter will confirm our discussion today during which you were advised that your recent is not acceptable, specifically…...  You were also advised that immediate improvement is required.


We rely upon each employee to perform their jobs to the best of their ability and at a satisfactory level as well as to abide by our policies, which are designed to make our working environment a positive and productive one.


As a member of our team, when you fail to meet these expectations, it has a negative effect on the company and on your co-workers, which is not acceptable.


It is expected that you will immediately address this situation and that further discussions will not be required.  However, if there is a need to again have a discussion arising from a lack of corrective action being taken by you, the company reserves the right to impose further disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension without pay and termination of employment.


Should you require assistance or have any concerns going forward, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.  We continue to believe that you can be a valuable part of our team in the future and look forward to seeing positive actions and results from our discussion.



Signature 签名

Manager’s Name 经理名字

cc. Employee File

I understand the contents of this letter, the expectations of me from the company and that I will be subject to further disciplinary action should I fail to improve my .


_________________________________________ __________________________

Employee Signature                                                  Date

Example 2

Private and confidential


Warning letter

Dear _________,

I am writing to you about your ___________   during your employment with __________  (the employer).


On _____________,you met with .  At this meeting you were advised that your ___________ has been unsatisfactory, and that immediate improvement is required. In particular you were advised that ______________ .


In the meeting you were asked if you had anything you wished to say or to respond to the situation, and you _____________.


After considering the situation, it is expected that your ____________ improves and specifically that you ____________.


This is your ________ warning letter. Your employment may be terminated if your __________ does not improve by _______.


I propose that we meet again on ___________ to review your progress. Please let me know if this time is convenient to you. If you wish to respond to this formal warning letter please do so by contacting me at ___________(phone number) or by replying in writing.


Yours sincerely,


你可能感兴趣的:(Office series 16: Writing a warning letter)