Steal Like An Artist




什么是创造力 creativity

作者的观点其实没有什么新鲜的,涉及到creativity理论中的几个说法:任何创新都是基于历史的,延续或颠覆,没有百分百的“原创”;限制(constraints)激发创新,没有限制就没有创新;创新不是异想天开“灵光乍现”,需要大量的重复性练习(meaningful repetition)夯实基本技能。我研究生的论文正是关于creativity的,所以还记得当时读过的各派理论核心观点。作者没有企图谈太多理论,完全是从“实践得真知”的角度切入。

Nothing is original.

Creativity is substraction.

Nothing is more paralyzing than the idea of limitless possibilites.

The way to get over creative block is to simply place some constraints on yourself.



Embrace influence.

Artists steal.

Steal from only where that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. (by Jim Jarmusch)

Seeing yourself as part of a creative lineage.

Copy what you love... copy many... Examine where you fall short and that's where you amplify and transform.

Steal also the thinking behind the style.

You don't want to look like your heros, you want to see like your heros.

Creativity研究中有不少是关于insanity, personality, etc. 就是解读大众常有的一个疑问:天才艺术家是不是都有点精神病?就像我们的固有印象中,创意领域的从业者是不是都外表清奇行为古怪很多同性恋?答案是:不能一概而论,并没有证实两者的正相关性。尤其不要误导年轻人:你如果看起来普通正常,不喜欢奇装异服在身上打洞抽烟喝酒熬夜什么的,就根本没希望成为一名优秀的创意工作者。本书作者强烈推荐健康的生活方式,稳定的工作环境——你不需要看起来很酷("Be boring. (It's the only way to get work done.)"),踏踏实实过正常人的生活才有助于你的创作。我认为这一点涉及个人的生活方式选择,作者的观点未必是唯一的真理,不过至少我很感激他提出这一点,因为我就曾经因为觉得自己既不疯癫也不富挺想好好过日子所以根本没希望踏入艺术圈或者成为一名优秀的设计师。作者显然是相信“平平淡淡才是真”“勤奋就有回报”的一派。

Neil Young sang, "It's better to burn out than to fade away." I say it's better to burn slow and see your children.

Take care of yourself. Live a good, regular life.

Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work. (by Gustave Flawbert)

Learn about money as soon as you can.


A day job gives you money, a connection to the world, and a routine.

Establishing and keeping a routine can be even more important than having a lot of time.

The trick is to find a day job that pays decently, doesn't make you vomit, and leaves you with enough energy to make things in your spare time.


书中的大部分内容适用于任何心藏小梦想的人——你的心愿清单上有没有“写一本书”“自编自导自演一部电影”“出版自己的画册”“学一门乐器”……?你知否迟迟没有行动或者半途而废以至于越来越觉得遥不可及?列新年愿望的之前可以拿起这本书自我鞭策一下。它其实可以作为一本面向大众的productivity书籍,让我想起另一本小书:The War of Art



You're only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with.

Stand next to the talent.

If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.


Don't wait until you know who you are to get started.

Make things. Know thyself.

Fake it 'til you make it.

Start doing the work you want to be doing.

Do the work every day, no matter what.

Don't make excuses for not working-- make things with the time, space, and materials you have, right now.

Don't worry about a grand scheme or unified vision of your work. Don't worry about unity-- what unifies your work is the fact that you made it. One day, you'll look back and it will all make sense.



承接上一条。我一直羡慕我的一些工程师朋友,他们学得专钻得精,有一个领域的核心技能,很清楚自己在做什么,人生的道路似乎比我清晰多了。所以我饱受身份焦虑:究竟我身上的标签是什么?我学的东西范,对很多事情都感兴趣,我究竟该选哪一个深扎进去呢?其实这些无意义的寻觅和焦虑的时间,不如多做几个side projects,把感兴趣的事都试一试或者融合在一起。现在也有越来越多反思的声音支持多面手的人才,例如这个TED Talk,还有这篇文章。

Don't throw any of yourself away.

If you have two or three real passions, don't feel like you have to pick and choose between them. Don't discard.

Take time to mess around.


Make friends. Ignore enemies.

So get comfortable with being misunderstood, disparaged, or ignored-- the trick is to be too busy doing your work to care.

There is a kind of fallout that happens when you leave college... Never again in your life will you have such a captive audience. Soon after, you learn that most of the world doesn't necessarily care about what you think. It sounds harsh, but it's true... This is actually a good thing, because you want attention only after you're doing really good work. There's no pressure when you're unknown. You can do what you want. Experiment. Do things just for the fun of it. You'll never get that freedom back once people start paying attention, and especially not once they start paying you money. Enjoy your obscurity while it lasts. Use it.


Step away from the screen.

Engage more senses.

Setup two workstations: one analog, one digital.

Carry a book, a pen, and a notepad. Enjoy solitude & temporary captivity.

Leave home. Your brains gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to make it uncomfortable.

Get a calendar. Fill the boxes. Don't break the chain.

Keep a daily logbook of daily events.

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