Day 34 November 20, 2017 DD 20(68-71)

Review 65-67

DD 68:

M: Stop it!(=don't do that= cut it out)

Stop what?

You are talking about me on Morse code. You know what, jokes on you, because I know Morse code.

C: You are(=yer) talking about('bout) me in Morse code. But you know what? Joke's on you.

DD 69:

M: America electric power is currently below its 50 ... average of $40.28 and below its 200% average of $38.53.

C: American Electric Power is currently below its 50-day moving average of $40.28 and below its 200()-day moving average of $38.53.

DD 70:

M: People born on February 29th on some previous leap year, also known as leapings. They finally get to celebrite their real birthday.

C: Corrrrrect!

DD 71:

M: You can essentially opt out the new policy by manually deleting google web history or by simply not signing to sites like G-mial when searching on google.

C: You can essentially opt out of the new policy by manually deleting your google web history or by simply not signing in to sites like Gmail when searching on Google.

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