Life at age of 30

Life at age of 30

Goodafternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

WhenI was a little girl, I wondered that I could wear high-heeled shoes and make up beautifully as those shine girls. When I was a teenager, I wondered that Icould become a billionaire as Bill Gates. Now I am an adult, I wondered that Icould be a teacher and a chef at the age of 30.

Teacher, who is selfless, teaches and inspires students to be a educated man. I want to be a teacher with three reasons. First, it is a staple job for me. Though I was not dreaming about being a billionaire, I still need earn enough money to makea living. Secondly, I have a great zest of education and children. If I got along with students, I would keep a young heart, which promotes me to be positive to difficulties. Thirdly, I would have two long vacations when I were a teacher, providing me with enough time to learn cook meals.

Besidesbeing a teacher, I am also interested in cooking, for I like delicious food. Atage of 30, I will have my family. If I were a excellent chef, I could cook meals for my household. Our family members gather together and eat food cooked by me. What a happy moment it will be.

I want to be a teacher, for I would like to be a filial daughter. I could earn money and repay the nurture of my parents. I want to be a chef, for I would like to be a qualified wife and mom. I could cook delicious meals for them. If I achieve two goals at the age of 30, I could dare that I live a happy life.Therefore, I think a happy life is equivalence of a staple job and a warm family. My dear friends, what is your own definition of a happy life, and whodo you want to be at age of 30?

Finally, I want to share a paragraph from Scriptures with you. What has come into being him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. I wish all of you could findthe answers that who you want to be at age of 30 due to the direction of light.Thank you.

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