笃学奖-Topic 1-B18030-甘比精读

Day1 单词作业

1. cable

▲ [C or U] a set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc.

    The road has been dug up in order to lay cables.

    overhead power cables

2. almond 

▲ an oval nut with a hard shell which can be eaten, or the tree that it grows on

    ground/ toasted almonds

3. sprinkler

▲ a piece of equipment for putting water onto fires in a lot of small drops to put them out

▲ a device with a lot of small holes which you put on the end of a hose in order to water plants, grass, etc.

4. premise

▲ An idea or theory on which a statement or action is based

5. scepticism

▲ The disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge.

6. fertile

▲ describes land that can produce a large number of good quality crops

7. nudge

▲ [T] to push something or someone gently, especially to push someone with your elbow(= the middle part of your arm where it bends)to attract their attention

    The children were giggling and nudging each other.

▲ [I+ adverb or prepositionT]to move slowly and almost reach a higher point or level

    Oil prices continue to nudge higher.

8. beef up 

▲ to make something stronger or more important

    We need to find some new players to beef up the team.

    The company has plans to beef up its production.

9. unprecedented

▲ never having happened or existed in the past

    This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.

10. executive 

▲ [N] (INFORMAL exec)someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into action

    She is now a senior executive, having worked her way up through the company.

[N] the executive

the part of a government that is responsible for making certain that laws and decisions are put into action

▲ [N] a group of people who run a business or an organisation

    The executive of the health workers' union accepted the proposed pay increase on behalf of their members. 

▲ [adj] relating to making decisions and managing businesses, or suitable for people with important jobs in business

    His executive skills will be very useful to the company.

11. whinge

▲ [INFORMAL] to complain, especially about something which does not seem important

12. propel

▲ to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force

    a rocket propelled through space

▲ propel sb into/to/towards sth

to cause someone to do an activity or be in a situation

    The film propelled him to international stardom.

13. lure

▲ [C usually singular] the quality or power that something or someone has that makes them attractive. 物体本身具有的某种性质使得它具有吸引力

    the lure of fame/power/money

▲ [C] an artificial insect or other small animal which is put on the end of a fishing line to attract fish

14. entice

▲ To persuade by offering something pleasant.

    The adverts entice the customer into buying things they don't really want.

15. virtuous

▲ having good moral qualities and behaviour

    He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people.

▲ [disapproving] describes a person who thinks himself or herself morally better than other people

    I'm convinced he only does that charity work so he can feel virtuous.

16. prophecy

▲ [C] a statement that says what is going to happen in the future, especially one which is based on what you believe about a particular matter rather than existing facts

    The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.

▲ [U] [FORMAL] the ability to say what is going to happen in the future

17. crank out

▲ To produce something with no special care or effort.

18. wingspan


19. bloat 

▲ to swell up, or to make someone or something swollen

    If I eat it, my stomach bloats up.

20. drone

▲ [S] a low continuous noise which does not change its note

    the drone of an engine

21. presumably

▲ used to say what you think is the likely situation

    They can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment.

22. trigger

▲ [C]a part of a gun which causes the gun to fire when pressed

    It's not clear who actually pulled the trigger.

23. adjacent

=ad(near)+jacent(to lie)=毗邻的

24. chip away


25. predatory


▲ A predatory animal kills and eats other animals

    The owl is a predatory bird which kills its prey with its claws

▲ [mainly disapproving] A predatory person or organisation tries to get something that belongs to someone else

    The company spent much effort in avoiding takeover bids from predatory competitors.

▲ [disapproving] describes someone who expresses sexual interest in a very obvious way

    I hate going to bars on my own because men look at you in such a predatory way.

Day2 逻辑导图+神句翻译

1. The former bookseller accounts for more than half of every new dollar spent on line in U.S.



Account for 真是描述比例的高频词组,eg. The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue.

2. Since the beginning of 2015, its share price has jumped by 173%, seven times quicker than in the two previous years.(and 12 times faster than the S&P 500 Index)



表示上升的动词大家可以好好总结积累,除了jump(更动感更有力),还有climb, increase, go up, rise等等,下降又有哪些呢?希望大家遇到这些常用词(不是所有单词哦,取舍,恩,取舍~~)的时候多多扩散,举一反三。

3. With a market capitalization of some 400bn, it is the fifth most valuable firm in the world.



Kiss原则:keep it simple, stupid. 后面的most valuable firm就是在讲其市值排名,所以翻译时候不要太拘泥于原文形式哦, “得意忘形”。

4. Never before has a company been worth so much for so long while making so little money: 92% of its value is due to profits expected after 2020.



5. Walmart already has revenues nudging 500bn and is beefing up online.



提醒大家注意revenue和profit的区别,一个是收入一个是利润,不要混淆哈。Nudge和beef up也很形象啊,前者原意是往前挤,后者大家可以联想一下,吃下牛肉后会不会有种元气满满的赶脚?!

6. Last year cash-flow (before investment) was $16bn, more than quadruple the level five years ago.



在群里发现有同学认为quadruple是形容词,此处确实是形容词,后面the level 5 years ago是一个整体,也是quadruple形容的对象。但它也可以用作动词:例如Sales have quadrupled in the last five years. Triple和double也是同样如此。

7. If it makes as much money as investors hope, a rough calculation suggests its earnings could be worth the equivalent of 25% of the combined profits of listed Western retail and media firms.



Earnings=ProfitsEarnings per share每股收益;Export Earnings出口利润

Listed companies上市公司

8. Ground for skepticism does not come much more fertile than this: Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history to justify its valuation.



第一句确实很绕口,建议大家作为passive储备。但遇到这样的句式至少要能快速反应过来,土壤不能更肥沃,也就是到顶了,Ground衍生为根据,理由。这是一个比喻,大家想象一下土壤很肥沃,是不是有一种很有底气的赶脚呢?英文中有很多这样的比喻,需要大家结合上下文和背景知识去衍生理解。神句17也是如此。经典的I can not agree with you more.僵硬的翻译就是不能同意更多,一样是到顶了。于是正解就是:完全同意。

倒是后面的justify希望大家好好吃透它的用法,变为active vocabulary,因为它更常见/。Eg. Her success had justified the faith her teacher had put in her./ The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament./How can they justify paying such huge salaries?基本上就是“证明正确”。

9. In an era when executives routinely whinge about pressure to produce short-term results, Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon.




10. Mr. Bezos emphasizes continual investment to propel its two principal businesses.

Mr. Bezos强调要进行持续性的投资来推进它的两项主要业务的发展。




11. A third virtuous circle is starting to whirl around Alexa, the firm’s voice-activated assistant:




12. So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy.



提醒大家注意搭配:heady valuation

13. Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.



14. It has had its failures—its attempt to make a smart-phone was a debacle. But the business is starting to crank out cash.




另外,提醒大家business用作可数名词的时候,有公司,企业的意思,to have/start/run a business拥有/开办/经营企业。以后不要老company company的啦~用词多样化~~比如文中左下部分,描述良性循环的那块,吸引客户这个吸引二字,作者用了三个不同的单词:lure, entice, attract.

15. If Amazon’s approach to time-frames is unusual, so too is the sheer breadth of its activities.


此处也是提醒大家各种常见搭配:approach搭配to, breadthof activities经营范围

16. A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer, which makes Amazon’s share price seem even more bloated: stock markets typically apply a “conglomerate discount” to reflect their in- efficiencies.



17. Seen through this lens, Amazon appears pristine.



18. Consumers applaud it; it is the most well-regarded company in America, according to a Harris poll.


扩展:Most well-regarded company/ Most admired company/ Most highly-regarded company/ BestPerceived Brand

19. If it gets anywhere close to fulfilling them, it will attract the attention of regulators.




20. But as it grows, so will concerns about its power.


As…., so…随着….也就…

21. Investors value Amazon’s growth over profits; that makes predatory pricing more tempting.


Value A over B更看重A而非B;

ChooseA overB选择A而非B

笃学奖-Topic 1-B18030-甘比精读_第1张图片
Amazon's Empire

Day3 总结反思




Nida说翻译应该先考虑形式对等,形式对等行不通时再考虑功能对等。但是这个度真的好难把握啊。什么时候才算是形式对等失效呢?再则,一旦使用功能对等原则进行翻译,我很容易就会“越界”,一不小心就脱离原文,直接进行“在创作”了。Day2的翻译练习里,我很小心地、近乎是逐字地进行翻译,然鹅,有很多句子在我一开始阅读source text的时候就理解错了,翻译成中文之后更是显得莫名其妙;另一些句子意思勉强能够说通,但读起来别别扭扭,翻译的痕迹太重。



任重道远呀。今天是第三天,之后也要继续加油~( •̀ ω •́ )y 

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