Stata Blogs - Econometrics By Simulation

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Stata Blogs - Econometrics By Simulation_第1张图片

Source: Stata Blogs - Econometrics By Simulation



  • commenting
  • wildcards
  • forvalues
  • foreach
  • macros 1
  • macros 2
  • capture
  • predict
  • return
  • logical operators
  • If statements and relational operators
  • 7 ways to Speed up your do files
  • Formatting Guide

Random Variables

  • A note on generating random numbers
  • Generating 'random' variables drawn from any distribution
  • Drawing jointly distributed non-normal random variables
  • Generate rank correlated variables
  • Draw Multinomial Random Variables


  • Matrix operations in Mata
  • Mata speed gains over Stata
  • Write your own System OLS in Mata
  • Mata: program your own IV Estimator

Maximum Likelihood (write your own commands)

  • Quantile regression
  • 3 ways to write a probit command
  • Linear models with heteroskedastic errors
  • ML and initial values


  • all missing in SPSS to Stata missing
  • capture_retry
  • Remove a subset from a global - Stata
  • Recursive programming in Stata
  • Inverting a Binomial Distribution in Stata - harder than it sounds

Simulation Tools

  • bootstrapped draws - merge method
    - bootstrapped draws - expand method
  • asim command
  • msimulate command


  • Return Text
  • Stata Syntax Command's Syntax

Data Management

Data Organization

  • Three ways to Create Unique Identifiers
  • Use Expand to Manually Reshape Data
  • Pre and Post Test Data Merge/Append
  • Moving Averages & Data Cleaning

Data Imputation

  • Hot Decking!

Data Powertools-?Increasing your workload Efficiency

  • Easy recode all missing SPSS or SAS into Stata
  • Turn factor variables into a list of dummy variables
  • 3 Ways of Loading SPSS (sav) files into Stata
  • Stata Fuzzy match command
  • Search all of the data in a directory for a variable



  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Independence and Bayes Rule
  • Jensen's inequality
  • The Delta Method
  • Law of Iterative Expectations/Law of Total Expectations
  • t-tests and F-tests and rejection rates
  • A note on correlated variables
  • Write your own bootstrap command
  • Survival Rates and Negative Binomial
  • The Problem with Probabilities I - how many rolls does it take to get a 1?
  • The Problem with Probabilities II - Monte Hall's Problem
  • The Problem with Probabilities III - Settlers of Catan - probability of bandit attack
  • The Delta method to estimate standard errors from a non-linear transformation

Classical Problems-

  • OLS w Correlation between x and u
  • The problem of near multicollinearity
  • The randomly walking currency market
  • Selection and Bias
  • Linear models with heteroskedastic errors
  • Calculating Mutually Exclusive Fixed Effects
  • Test Rejection Power for Failure of Normality Assumption
  • Modeling Heteroskedasticity
  • Measurement Error
  • Model Selection Tests
  • Efficiency of LAD vs OLS
  • Checking for differences in estimates by group
  • Chamberlain Mundlak Device and the CLuster Robust Hausman Test
  • Endogenous Binary Regressors
  • Regression with Endogenous Explanatory Variables
  • Potential IV Challenges even with RCTs

System Ordinary Least Squares

  • Write your own System OLS in Mata
  • Seemingly Unrelated Regression - with Correlated Errors
  • R-squared
  • Multivariate Least Squares - Multi-Step Estimator and Correlated Explanatory Variables

Unobserved Effect Models

  • Unobserved fixed effects model
  • Unobserved effects model - extensions
  • A brief look at fe vs re
  • Robust Hausman Test
  • Robust Hausman Test Fail?
  • Interpreting the Control Function Coefficient

Correlated Random Coefficients

  • Average Treatement Effects and Correlated Random Coefficients
  • Random Coefficients with IFGLS and MLE

Random Coefficients

  • HLM comparison with OLS - 2 levels, random coefficient on constant
  • Hierarchical linear modelling
  • Choosing an appropriate level of analysis


Instrumental Variables

  • Many Forms of Instrumental Variables
  • The Weak Instrument Problem
  • Testing the Rank Condition of IV Estimators
  • 2SQreg IVqreg Cfqreg - zombies

Censored Regression

  • Dependent variable is bottom coded?
  • Asymmetric Error with Right and Left Sensoring
  • Tobit Normality Assumption Fail - Tobit Still Works

Quantile Regression

  • Program your own quantile regression v1 - Maximum Likelihood?
  • Quantile Regression Fail
  • Oh wait! Quantile regression wins!
  • 2SQreg IVqreg Cfqreg - zombies
  • Quantile Regression (qreg) is invariant to non-decreasing transformations

Random Coefficients

  • Estimating Random Coefficients on X?(using xtmixed)
  • Estimating Random Coefficients on X?(using NormalReg -preferred)
  • Estimating Random Coefficients in a panel data

Binary Response Models

  • Reverse Engineering a Probit
  • Average Partial Effects
  • Probit vs Logit
  • Simulating Multinomial logit in Stata

Non-linear least squares

  • Non-Linear Least Squares (M-estimation)
  • R vs Stata Non-linear least squares!
  • Power Analysis with Non-Linear Least Squares: A Simulation Approach

Simultaneous Equations

  • Demand Simulation and Estimation


  • Write your own estimator and bootstrap the standard errors
  • Write your own bootstrap command
  • Stata - Write your own "fast" bootstrap
  • Bootstrapping Percentile Count Vs. Standard Error Approximation

Regression Discontinuity (RDD)

  • Sharp Regression Discontinuity Example and Limitations
  • Non-Parametric Regression Discontinuity

Non-random Selection

  • Inverse Probability?Weighting?to Correct for Sample Selection/Missing Data
    My Own Tools (No Theory Backing Them)
  • Breaking down R2 by variable
  • Sticky Probit - clustered bootstrapped standard errors
  • Non-Parametric PDF Fit Test
  • Test of PDF Fit - Does not work

Power Analysis

  • Power Analysis with Non-Linear Least Squares: A Simulation Approach

Micro Simulations:

  • Selection Bias in the use of Fertilizer
  • Estimating Supply
  • Demand Simulation and Estimation
  • Estimating demand (AIDS model)
  • Misspecified Cobb Douglas Demand Model
  • Production Possibility Frontier: Simulation & Estimation
  • Commodity Demand Estimation - Fish Demand

Logistic Regression

  • Logistic or Logit or doesn't matter
  • Simulating Multinomial Logit

Path Analysis

  • Path Analysis

Miscellaneous Topics

Special Topics

  • Value-added modelling iPad example
  • Estimating VAMs Value Added Methods (models)
  • Social network analysis simulation - contagious depression
  • 2012 Election! Simulation and predictions. Obama wins 91% of simulated outcomes

Dynamic Simulations:

  • Spatial malaria epidemiology infection model
  • Zombie Invasion - spatial multi-agent system simulation
  • Werewolf attack - spatial multi-agent system basic artificial intelligence

Exporting Results for Publication

  • Creating Professional Tables Using Estpost
  • Professional Post Estimation Tables Using Estout


Classical Methods

  • Cronbach's alpha
  • The True Test Score World
  • Relating Classics Test Theory Parameters to IRT Parameters
  • Strictly Parallel Tests Classical Test Theory Results

R & Stata Bridge

Commands in Stata and R

  • 7 commands in R & Stata
  • R vs Stata Non-linear least squares!?
  • Nested functions in R and Stata
  • Stata is to Accounting as R is to Tetris


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