Volley源码分析(二)- Request

上一篇Volley源码分析(一)- 初始化说到初始化后返回了RequestQueue实例。然后通过add方法添加Request。再详细分析add方法前,我们先来看下Request这个类。

 * Base class for all network requests.
 * @param  The type of parsed response this request expects.
public abstract class Request implements Comparable> 


     * Subclasses must implement this to parse the raw network response
     * and return an appropriate response type. This method will be
     * called from a worker thread.  The response will not be delivered
     * if you return null.
     * @param response Response from the network
     * @return The parsed response, or null in the case of an error
    abstract protected Response parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response);



     * Adds a Request to the dispatch queue.
     * @param request The request to service
     * @return The passed-in request
    public  Request add(Request request) {
        // Tag the request as belonging to this queue and add it to the set of current requests.
        synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {

        // Process requests in the order they are added.

        // If the request is uncacheable, skip the cache queue and go straight to the network.
        if (!request.shouldCache()) {
            return request;

        // Insert request into stage if there's already a request with the same cache key in flight.
        synchronized (mWaitingRequests) {
            String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey();
            if (mWaitingRequests.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
                // There is already a request in flight. Queue up.
                Queue> stagedRequests = mWaitingRequests.get(cacheKey);
                if (stagedRequests == null) {
                    stagedRequests = new LinkedList>();
                mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, stagedRequests);
                if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
                    VolleyLog.v("Request for cacheKey=%s is in flight, putting on hold.", cacheKey);
            } else {
                // Insert 'null' queue for this cacheKey, indicating there is now a request in
                // flight.
                mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, null);
            return request;


    // Process requests in the order they are added.


     * Our comparator sorts from high to low priority, and secondarily by
     * sequence number to provide FIFO ordering.
    public int compareTo(Request other) 


看接下来的synchronized (mWaitingRequests)部分。先看下mWaitingRequests的定义。

     * Staging area for requests that already have a duplicate request in flight.
  • containsKey(cacheKey) indicates that there is a request in flight for the given cache * key.
  • *
  • get(cacheKey) returns waiting requests for the given cache key. The in flight request * is not contained in that list. Is null if no requests are staged.
  • *
*/ private final Map>> mWaitingRequests = new HashMap>>();


     * Called from {@link Request#finish(String)}, indicating that processing of the given request
     * has finished.

Releases waiting requests for request.getCacheKey() if * request.shouldCache().

*/ void finish(Request request) { // Remove from the set of requests currently being processed. synchronized (mCurrentRequests) { mCurrentRequests.remove(request); } synchronized (mFinishedListeners) { for (RequestFinishedListener listener : mFinishedListeners) { listener.onRequestFinished(request); } } if (request.shouldCache()) { synchronized (mWaitingRequests) { String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey(); Queue> waitingRequests = mWaitingRequests.remove(cacheKey); if (waitingRequests != null) { if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) { VolleyLog.v("Releasing %d waiting requests for cacheKey=%s.", waitingRequests.size(), cacheKey); } // Process all queued up requests. They won't be considered as in flight, but // that's not a problem as the cache has been primed by 'request'. mCacheQueue.addAll(waitingRequests); } } } }



1、Volley源码分析(一)- 初始化

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