Creating a LiveCD image with livecd-tools
For SL6 use the livecd-tools provided in the sl-addons repo. To install livecd-tools run as root
yum --enablerepo=sl-addons install livecd-tools
For SL7 download the livecd-tools from
for SL 7.2 and later
yum install livecd-tools-21.4-5.el7.x86_64.rpm python-imgcreate-21.4-5.el7.x86_64.rpm
for SL 7.0, 7.1
yum install livecd-tools-20.5-4.el7.x86_64.rpm python-imgcreate-20.5-4.el7.x86_64.rpm
The LiveCD creation is based on kickstart configuration files. You can find the files which were used to create SL6 LiveCDs under /usr/share/livecd-tools or you can download the latest files with svn. The following command will download the kickstart configuration from trunk into a folder called livecd-config-SLx
svn co livecd-config-SL6 # SL6 ks files
svn co livecd-config-SL7 # SL7 ks files
The following main kickstart files are available for SL6
sl67-livecd-gnome.ks kickstart file used for 32-bit SL67 LiveCD with gnome desktop
sl67-livecd64-gnome.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL67 LiveCD with gnome desktop
sl67-livedvd.ks kickstart file used for 32-bit SL67 LiveDVD
sl67-livedvd64.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL67 LiveDVD
sl67-mini_livecd-icewm.ks kickstart file used for 32-bit SL67 LiveMiniCD with icewm desktop
sl67-mini_livecd64-icewm.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL67 LiveMiniCD with icewm desktop
sl67-livecd-gnome-NONPAE.ks kickstart file used for 32-bit SL67 LiveCD with gnome desktop running on non-pae capable hardware
The above kickstart files can include the following files
sl67-live-base.ks The base for all kickstart files
sl67-extra-software.ks Install extra software which is not part of standard SL6
sl67-config-icewm.ks Customize icewm
sl67-doc.ks Creates a short documentation in /usr/share/HTML/index.html
sl67-live-NONPAE.ks Include to build LiveCD running on non-pae capable hardware
The following main kickstart files are available for SL7
sl-71-livecd.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL71 LiveCD
sl-71-livedvd-gnome.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL71 LiveDVD with gnome desktop
sl-71-livedvd-kde.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL71 LiveDVD with kde desktop
sl-71-livedvd-extra.ks kickstart file used for 64-bit SL71 LiveDVD with gnome desktop and extra packages from EPEL
Modify the kickstart files to fit your needs. For more information about kickstart configuration files see for example
To rebuild the SL67 LiveCD, SL67 LiveDVD, and SL67 LiveMiniCD run as root
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-livecd-gnome.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveCD-i386
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-livecd64-gnome.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveCD-x86_64
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-livedvd.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveDVD-i386
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-livedvd64.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveDVD-x86_64
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-mini_livecd-icewm.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveMiniCD-i386
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/usr/share/livecd-tools/sl67-mini_livecd64-icewm.ks --fslabel=SL67-LiveMiniCD-x86_64
Or just use your own kickstart file
LANG=C livecd-creator --config=sl6-myconfig.ks --fslabel=My-LiveCD
livecd-creator as some more options. See livecd-creator help:
livecd-creator -h
For more information see also
- How to create a Fedora LiveCD:
- Creating a CentOS LiveCD image:
- Build a Fedora Live CD (IBM Doc):
Test the ISO image
You can burn your ISO image to a CD or DVD ROM to test it. However, it is much easier to test it with qemu or vmplayer
Get qemu from rpmforge (
How to run qemu (see man qemu):
qemu -m 1024 -cdrom SL6-LiveCD.iso
qemu -m 1024 -full-screen -cdrom SL6-LiveCD.iso
Escape full screen in qemu with ALT+CTRL+f
Or alternatively you can use VMware Player.