The reading note of The Way to Financial Freedom.3-1

The third article of the column by Mr.Li is titled by the name Three criteria to obey before you sell your time.

The article at first leads us to review the definition of F.F: When you achieved the goal of F.F, you would never been forced to sell your time just to meet the needs of life.

The F.F is not an ultimate aim but a milestone of a person 's life.  Growth is more important than F.F.

Don't sell your time after you achieve the aim of F.F.  Because  time is a scarce  and  non renewable source.  If  split everone 's  entire life time into pieces, you can find that the value of single piece of  a person's life time is differ from another.

However, we have to sell our time before we achieve F.F. Time is life. lf doing a work, you should make a sense that you are selling your life.  So how to sell your time smartly and correctly?  You must establish your baseline of time trading.

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