
很期待的开始了我的第一次演讲,演讲前一周,脑子里都是演讲的问题,要么就是在构思稿子的思路,要么就是在练稿子。第一次演讲,总是有些与众不同些。会议前一天,找Mentor帮我看一下稿子,Mentor给了一些建议。譬如:如何让听众更加容易的GET到你的点,如何练习去把控时间。周五的晚上,又针对稿子进行了删减。下班回到家,就开始稿子的说练,一直到晚上11点。早上一起来,就又开始进行了,前后练了大约有15遍。以至于,后面有人建议说太流利了,就像在背稿子一样,总的来说还是因为,没有增加抑扬顿挫在里面。对CC1的演讲,还算满意,毕竟走出了第一步。越来越喜欢在台上的感觉了,头马真的是一个让你主动去输出的舞台,输出的过程才是收获最大的过程。感谢头马,我会一如既往,努力。下面是我的ICE breaker的演讲稿子以及别人的点评。感谢这些小伙伴,给予指点,希望CC2可以进步更多。

Thanks my name!

Hello every! i am Saya.i come from Henan province.now i work in Beijing EV.i like reading,if you also like reading, we can share together.last thursday was thanks giving day, there are many persons you want to say thanks, your parents ,your friends,your wife or your husband.today i want to say something to my name,thanks it for the next 3 point.


High above the silvery ocean, winds are gathering the storm-clouds, and between the clouds and ocean proudly wheels the Stormy Petrel, like a streak of sable lightning. Now his wing the wave caresses, now he rises like an arrow, cleaving clouds and crying fiercely, while the clouds detect a rapture in the bird's courageous crying. This is the poem written by Gorky. When I was a student in junior middle school, I learned this poem. When my teacher read this poem in a vivid voice on the stage, I had a idea that I should learn to the Stormy Petrel in the poem, to be brave enough to overcome every difficulties in my life. When I wan in senior middle school, I was impressed by a period of experience. In 2007, My mother had a traffic accident, stayed in hospital for a long time. And during this period my grandpa died of illness. I was depressed every day. The pressure in my school work was so high, I had to pay my attention to my study. So every time I wanted to give up, I would read the poetry, and it would give me the courage to walk through the dark days. So thanks for my name ,it give me the courage.


“Haiyan use your heart please“,this popular sentence had been spoken to me for many times just from the moment songxiaobao said it to all the Chinese people in Liaoning TV. When i went home from supermarket without nothing in hands,my mother asked me:”haiyan why didn’t you buy the delicious cakes you like most.” i replied :”the cakes in that supermarket is too expensive.My mother asked again:”where is your money.”Then i checked all my pocket,but couldn’t find it.I thought about 2 minutes, but still didn’t know what happened.”my dear , use your heart please.”my mother said reluctantly. In 2014,i went to Qinghai lake together with two of my best friends. We planned to ride around the lake,but it rains everyday.So we rode in rain for 3days. In the process of riding when my friends complained the weather,they would say:”haiyan use your hear please.”why ,this  riding plan was planned by all of us together, and the weather is not decided by me .when i did something ,i will do my best to finish it ,because i don’t want to give others the opportunities to say “haiyan,use your heart please “to me. Thanks for my name ,it helps me to do things better and better.


“haiyan you are so beautiful today.”the voice came from my back. Heard the compliment ,i was so happy,and turn my head back to see who was praising me immediately.

But the boy said:”i was speaking to lihaiyan. Oh my god,if there was a hole in the ground ,i would jump into it without slightest hesitation. I told myself that although i don’t have a perfect body, but i have a beautifu heart. Last week ,i eat lunch in the canteen, together with my roommate and one of the colleague come from her department. We didn’t know each other.when he knew i am hiayan,he said that:”you are so excellent,i had heard your name for several years.”suddenly i relized that ,he meat shenhaiyan.During the 26 years ,i had met wanghaiyan,liuhaiyan,huhaiyan,songhaiyan, different kinds of haiyan. I can’t help but  complete with the person who has the same name with me . so either  i was in school or i am in company ,i will do my best to study,to attend activities,to work.i believe that through my efforts, i will be the best haiyan. Thanks for my name ,it give me the energy to be better.now i have some understand about who am i ,what i want to be ,and i do not compete with other haiyan ,i just compete with myself yesterday.

All in all,thanks for my name,it give me courage to overcome difficulties,help me to do things more carefully, give me the energy to find myself


