



















    createrepo, yum-utils, yum, rsync


    a. rsync+crontab



    cat /etc/cron.daily/syncYum.cron





rsync="rsync -avzH --delete --progress"

verlist="7 7.0.1406 7.1.1503 7.2.1511"

baselist="centosplus extras fasttrack  updates cloud"


for ver in $verlist


    for base in $baselist


        for arch in $archlist



            mkdir -pv $localpath/$ver/$base/$arch/

            $rsync $remote $localpath/$ver/$base/$arch/




    b. createrepo



    Collect the packages together in one directory. You can make as many     sub-    directories as you want, but there needs to be a top level directory     where they all live. That's where we're going to form our repository.



Once you have createrepo installed you need to run it. It only requires one argument which is the directory in which you would like to generate the repository data. So if the packages directory we made in step 1 is in /srv/my/repo then you would run:

    createrepo /srv/my/repo


  1. To make this repository known to yum you need to add a .repo file to your yum configuration. On the systems where you want to use this repo you need to make a new file in/etc/yum.repos.d/. The file can be named anything but the extension on the file has to be .repo. Let's call this one 'myrepo.repo'.

In the file you just need to include the following:

   name = This is my repo
   baseurl = url://to/get/to/srv/my/repo/

That's all you need in that file. The 'baseurl' line is the path that machine uses to get to the repository. If the machine has direct access to it or mounts it as a filesystem you can use a baseurl line like:

     baseurl = file:///srv/my/repo/

NB: there are 3 slashes (/) following the file:, not 2. That is correct.

If you access the file via an http or https server you would use something like:

     baseurl = http://servername/my/repo


Now, every time you modify, remove or add a new RPM package to /srv/my/repo you need to recreate the repository metadata. You do that by running createrepo the same way you did in step 2



    以openstack rdo为例


    yum -y install https://www.rdoproject.org/repos/rdo-release.rpm


    yum repolist

