MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell

Lab 5: File system, Spawn and Shell

tags: mit-6.828 os



  1. 引入一个文件系统进程(FS进程)的特殊进程,该进程提供文件操作的接口。
  2. 建立RPC机制,客户端进程向FS进程发送请求,FS进程真正执行文件操作,并将数据返回给客户端进程。
  3. 更高级的抽象,引入文件描述符。通过文件描述符这一层抽象就可以将控制台,pipe,普通文件,统统按照文件来对待。(文件描述符和pipe实现原理)
  4. 支持从磁盘加载程序并运行。

File system preliminaries


On-Disk File System Structure

JOS的文件系统不使用inodes,所有文件的元数据都被存储在directory entry中。

Sectors and Blocks

大部分磁盘都是以Sector为粒度进行读写,JOS中Sectors为512字节。文件系统以block为单位分配和使用磁盘。注意区别,sector size是磁盘的属性,block size是操作系统使用磁盘的粒度。JOS的文件系统的block size被定为4096字节。


文件系统使用一些特殊的block保存文件系统属性元数据,比如block size, disk size, 根目录位置等。这些特殊的block叫做superblocks。
我们的文件系统使用一个superblock,位于磁盘的block 1。block 0被用来保存boot loader和分区表。很多文件系统维护多个superblock,这样当一个损坏时,依然可以正常运行。
磁盘结构如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第1张图片

struct Super {
    uint32_t s_magic;       // Magic number: FS_MAGIC
    uint32_t s_nblocks;     // Total number of blocks on disk
    struct File s_root;     // Root directory node

File Meta-data

我们的文件系统使用struct File结构描述文件,该结构包含文件名,大小,类型,保存文件内容的block号。struct File结构的f_direct数组保存前NDIRECT(10)个block号,这样对于10*4096=40KB的文件不需要额外的空间来记录内容block号。对于更大的文件我们分配一个额外的block来保存4096/4=1024 block号。所以我们的文件系统允许文件最多拥有1034个block。File结构如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第2张图片

struct File {
    char f_name[MAXNAMELEN];    // filename
    off_t f_size;           // file size in bytes
    uint32_t f_type;        // file type
    // Block pointers.
    // A block is allocated iff its value is != 0.
    uint32_t f_direct[NDIRECT]; // direct blocks
    uint32_t f_indirect;        // indirect block
    // Pad out to 256 bytes; must do arithmetic in case we're compiling
    // fsformat on a 64-bit machine.
    uint8_t f_pad[256 - MAXNAMELEN - 8 - 4*NDIRECT - 4];
} __attribute__((packed));  // required only on some 64-bit machines

Directories versus Regular Files


The File System

Disk Access


Exercise 1


    if (type == ENV_TYPE_FS) {
        e->env_tf.tf_eflags |= FL_IOPL_MASK;

The Block Cache

我们的文件系统最大支持3GB,文件系统进程保留从0x10000000 (DISKMAP)到0xD0000000 (DISKMAP+DISKMAX)固定3GB的内存空间作为磁盘的缓存。比如block 0被映射到虚拟地址0x10000000,block 1被映射到虚拟地址0x10001000以此类推。

Exercise 2


bc_pgfault(struct UTrapframe *utf)
    void *addr = (void *) utf->utf_fault_va;
    uint32_t blockno = ((uint32_t)addr - DISKMAP) / BLKSIZE;
    int r;

    // Check that the fault was within the block cache region
    if (addr < (void*)DISKMAP || addr >= (void*)(DISKMAP + DISKSIZE))
        panic("page fault in FS: eip %08x, va %08x, err %04x",
              utf->utf_eip, addr, utf->utf_err);

    // Sanity check the block number.
    if (super && blockno >= super->s_nblocks)
        panic("reading non-existent block %08x\n", blockno);

    // Allocate a page in the disk map region, read the contents
    // of the block from the disk into that page.
    // Hint: first round addr to page boundary. fs/ide.c has code to read
    // the disk.
    // LAB 5: you code here:
    addr = ROUNDDOWN(addr, PGSIZE);
    sys_page_alloc(0, addr, PTE_W|PTE_U|PTE_P);
    if ((r = ide_read(blockno * BLKSECTS, addr, BLKSECTS)) < 0)
        panic("ide_read: %e", r);

    // Clear the dirty bit for the disk block page since we just read the
    // block from disk
    if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, 0, addr, uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_SYSCALL)) < 0)
        panic("in bc_pgfault, sys_page_map: %e", r);

    // Check that the block we read was allocated. (exercise for
    // the reader: why do we do this *after* reading the block
    // in?)
    if (bitmap && block_is_free(blockno))
        panic("reading free block %08x\n", blockno);


flush_block(void *addr)
    uint32_t blockno = ((uint32_t)addr - DISKMAP) / BLKSIZE;
    int r;
    if (addr < (void*)DISKMAP || addr >= (void*)(DISKMAP + DISKSIZE))
        panic("flush_block of bad va %08x", addr);

    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    addr = ROUNDDOWN(addr, PGSIZE);
    if (!va_is_mapped(addr) || !va_is_dirty(addr)) {        //如果addr还没有映射过或者该页载入到内存后还没有被写过,不用做任何事
    if ((r = ide_write(blockno * BLKSECTS, addr, BLKSECTS)) < 0) {      //写回到磁盘
        panic("in flush_block, ide_write(): %e", r);
    if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, 0, addr, uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_SYSCALL)) < 0)  //清空PTE_D位
        panic("in bc_pgfault, sys_page_map: %e", r);

fs/fs.c中的fs_init()将会初始化super和bitmap全局指针变量。至此对于文件系统进程只要访问虚拟内存[DISKMAP, DISKMAP+DISKMAX]范围中的地址addr,就会访问到磁盘((uint32_t)addr - DISKMAP) / BLKSIZE block中的数据。如果block数据还没复制到内存物理页,bc_pgfault()缺页处理函数会将数据从磁盘拷贝到某个物理页,并且将addr映射到该物理页。这样FS进程只需要访问虚拟地址空间[DISKMAP, DISKMAP+DISKMAX]就能访问磁盘了。
MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第3张图片

The Block Bitmap

fs_init()中已经初始化了bitmap,我们能通过bitmap访问磁盘的block 1,也就是位数组,每一位代表一个block,1表示该block未被使用,0表示已被使用。我们实现一系列管理函数来管理这个位数组。

Exercise 3


    // The bitmap consists of one or more blocks.  A single bitmap block
    // contains the in-use bits for BLKBITSIZE blocks.  There are
    // super->s_nblocks blocks in the disk altogether.

    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    uint32_t bmpblock_start = 2;
    for (uint32_t blockno = 0; blockno < super->s_nblocks; blockno++) {
        if (block_is_free(blockno)) {                   //搜索free的block
            bitmap[blockno / 32] &= ~(1 << (blockno % 32));     //标记为已使用
            flush_block(diskaddr(bmpblock_start + (blockno / 32) / NINDIRECT)); //将刚刚修改的bitmap block写到磁盘中
            return blockno;
    return -E_NO_DISK;

File Operations


  1. file_block_walk(struct File *f, uint32_t filebno, uint32_t **ppdiskbno, bool alloc):查找f指向文件结构的第filebno个block的存储地址,保存到ppdiskbno中。如果f->f_indirect还没有分配,且alloc为真,那么将分配要给新的block作为该文件的f->f_indirect。类比页表管理的pgdir_walk()。
  2. file_get_block(struct File *f, uint32_t filebno, char **blk):该函数查找文件第filebno个block对应的虚拟地址addr,将其保存到blk地址处。
  3. walk_path(const char *path, struct File **pdir, struct File **pf, char *lastelem):解析路径path,填充pdir和pf地址处的File结构。比如/aa/bb/cc.c那么pdir指向代表bb目录的File结构,pf指向代表cc.c文件的File结构。又比如/aa/bb/cc.c,但是cc.c此时还不存在,那么pdir依旧指向代表bb目录的File结构,但是pf地址处应该为0,lastelem指向的字符串应该是cc.c。
  4. dir_lookup(struct File *dir, const char *name, struct File **file):该函数查找dir指向的文件内容,寻找File.name为name的File结构,并保存到file地址处。
  5. dir_alloc_file(struct File *dir, struct File **file):在dir目录文件的内容中寻找一个未被使用的File结构,将其地址保存到file的地址处。


  1. file_create(const char *path, struct File **pf):创建path,如果创建成功pf指向新创建的File指针。
  2. file_open(const char *path, struct File **pf):寻找path对应的File结构地址,保存到pf地址处。
  3. file_read(struct File *f, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset):从文件f中的offset字节处读取count字节到buf处。
  4. file_write(struct File *f, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset):将buf处的count字节写到文件f的offset开始的位置。

Exercise 4


static int
file_block_walk(struct File *f, uint32_t filebno, uint32_t **ppdiskbno, bool alloc)
    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    int bn;
    uint32_t *indirects;
    if (filebno >= NDIRECT + NINDIRECT)
        return -E_INVAL;

    if (filebno < NDIRECT) {
        *ppdiskbno = &(f->f_direct[filebno]);
    } else {
        if (f->f_indirect) {
            indirects = diskaddr(f->f_indirect);
            *ppdiskbno = &(indirects[filebno - NDIRECT]);
        } else {
            if (!alloc)
                return -E_NOT_FOUND;
            if ((bn = alloc_block()) < 0)
                return bn;
            f->f_indirect = bn;
            indirects = diskaddr(bn);
            *ppdiskbno = &(indirects[filebno - NDIRECT]);

    return 0;


file_get_block(struct File *f, uint32_t filebno, char **blk)
       // LAB 5: Your code here.
        int r;
        uint32_t *pdiskbno;
        if ((r = file_block_walk(f, filebno, &pdiskbno, true)) < 0) {
            return r;

        int bn;
        if (*pdiskbno == 0) {           //此时*pdiskbno保存着文件f第filebno块block的索引
            if ((bn = alloc_block()) < 0) {
                return bn;
            *pdiskbno = bn;
        *blk = diskaddr(*pdiskbno);
        return 0;


包括后面的Exercise 10都遇到相同的问题。
写完Exercise4后执行make grade,无法通过测试,提示"file_get_block returned wrong data"。在实验目录下搜索该字符串,发现是在fs/test.c文件中,

    if ((r = file_open("/newmotd", &f)) < 0)
        panic("file_open /newmotd: %e", r);
    if ((r = file_get_block(f, 0, &blk)) < 0)
        panic("file_get_block: %e", r);
    if (strcmp(blk, msg) != 0)
        panic("file_get_block returned wrong data");

也就是说只有当blk和msg指向的字符串不一样时才会报这个错,msg定义在fs/test.c中static char *msg = "This is the NEW message of the day!\n\n"。blk指向/newmotd文件的开头。/newmotd文件在fs/newmotd中,打开后发现内容也是"This is the NEW message of the day!"。照理来说应该没有问题啊。但是通过xxd fs/newmotd指令查看文件二进制发现如下:

1. 00000000: 5468 6973 2069 7320 7468 6520 4e45 5720  This is the NEW
2. 00000010: 6d65 7373 6167 6520 6f66 2074 6865 2064  message of the d
3. 00000020: 6179 210d 0a0d 0a                        ay!....

最后的两个换行符是0d0a 0d0a,也就是\r\n\r\n。但是msg中末尾却是\n\n。\r\n应该是windows上的换行符,不知道为什么fs/newmotd中的换行符居然是windows上的换行符。找到问题了所在,我们用vim打开fs/newmotd,然后使用命令set ff=unix,保存退出。现在再用xxd fs/newmotd指令查看文件二进制发现,换行符已经变成了\n(0x0a)。这样就可以通过该实验了。在Exercise 10中同样需要将fs文件夹下的lorem,script,testshell.sh文件中的换行符转成UNIX下的。

The file system interface


      Regular env           FS env
   +---------------+   +---------------+
   |      read     |   |   file_read   |
   |   (lib/fd.c)  |   |   (fs/fs.c)   |
   |       v       |   |       |       | RPC mechanism
   |  devfile_read |   |  serve_read   |
   |  (lib/file.c) |   |  (fs/serv.c)  |
   |       |       |   |       ^       |
   |       v       |   |       |       |
   |     fsipc     |   |     serve     |
   |  (lib/file.c) |   |  (fs/serv.c)  |
   |       |       |   |       ^       |
   |       v       |   |       |       |
   |   ipc_send    |   |   ipc_recv    |
   |       |       |   |       ^       |
   +-------|-------+   +-------|-------+
           |                   |

相关数据结构之间的关系可用下图来表示:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第4张图片

Exercise 5


serve_read(envid_t envid, union Fsipc *ipc)
    struct Fsreq_read *req = &ipc->read;
    struct Fsret_read *ret = &ipc->readRet;

    if (debug)
        cprintf("serve_read %08x %08x %08x\n", envid, req->req_fileid, req->req_n);

    // Lab 5: Your code here:
    struct OpenFile *o;
    int r;
    r = openfile_lookup(envid, req->req_fileid, &o);
    if (r < 0)      //通过fileid找到Openfile结构
        return r;
    if ((r = file_read(o->o_file, ret->ret_buf, req->req_n, o->o_fd->fd_offset)) < 0)   //调用fs.c中函数进行真正的读操作
        return r;
    o->o_fd->fd_offset += r;
    return r;

Exercise 6


serve_write(envid_t envid, struct Fsreq_write *req)
    if (debug)
        cprintf("serve_write %08x %08x %08x\n", envid, req->req_fileid, req->req_n);

    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    struct OpenFile *o;
    int r;
    if ((r = openfile_lookup(envid, req->req_fileid, &o)) < 0) {
        return r;
    int total = 0;
    while (1) {
        r = file_write(o->o_file, req->req_buf, req->req_n, o->o_fd->fd_offset);
        if (r < 0) return r;
        total += r;
        o->o_fd->fd_offset += r;
        if (req->req_n <= total)
    return total;


static ssize_t
devfile_write(struct Fd *fd, const void *buf, size_t n)
    // Make an FSREQ_WRITE request to the file system server.  Be
    // careful: fsipcbuf.write.req_buf is only so large, but
    // remember that write is always allowed to write *fewer*
    // bytes than requested.
    // LAB 5: Your code here
    int r;
    fsipcbuf.write.req_fileid = fd->;
    fsipcbuf.write.req_n = n;
    memmove(fsipcbuf.write.req_buf, buf, n);
    return fsipc(FSREQ_WRITE, NULL);


以打开一个文件为例,看下整体过程,read(), write()类似。open()在linux中也要实现定义在头文件中,原型如下:

int open(const char *pathname, int flags);


open(const char *path, int mode)
    // Find an unused file descriptor page using fd_alloc.
    // Then send a file-open request to the file server.
    // Include 'path' and 'omode' in request,
    // and map the returned file descriptor page
    // at the appropriate fd address.
    // FSREQ_OPEN returns 0 on success, < 0 on failure.
    // (fd_alloc does not allocate a page, it just returns an
    // unused fd address. Do you need to allocate a page?)
    // Return the file descriptor index.
    // If any step after fd_alloc fails, use fd_close to free the
    // file descriptor.
    int r;
    struct Fd *fd;
    if (strlen(path) >= MAXPATHLEN)         //文件名不能超过指定长度
        return -E_BAD_PATH;
    if ((r = fd_alloc(&fd)) < 0)            //搜索当前进程未被分配的文件描述符
        return r;
    strcpy(, path); = mode;
    if ((r = fsipc(FSREQ_OPEN, fd)) < 0) {  //通过fsipc()向FS进程发起RPC调用
        fd_close(fd, 0);
        return r;
    return fd2num(fd);

static int
fsipc(unsigned type, void *dstva)       //type, fsipcbuf是发送给fs进程的数据。dstava和fsipc()的返回值是从fs进程接收的值
    static envid_t fsenv;
    if (fsenv == 0)
        fsenv = ipc_find_env(ENV_TYPE_FS);
    static_assert(sizeof(fsipcbuf) == PGSIZE);

    ipc_send(fsenv, type, &fsipcbuf, PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U);  //向FS进程发送数据
    return ipc_recv(NULL, dstva, NULL);         //接收FS进程发送回来的数据


fd_alloc(struct Fd **fd_store)
    int i;
    struct Fd *fd;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXFD; i++) {   //从当前最小的未分配描述符开始
        fd = INDEX2FD(i);
        if ((uvpd[PDX(fd)] & PTE_P) == 0 || (uvpt[PGNUM(fd)] & PTE_P) == 0) {
            *fd_store = fd;
            return 0;
    *fd_store = 0;
    return -E_MAX_OPEN;

MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第5张图片



serve_open(envid_t envid, struct Fsreq_open *req,
     void **pg_store, int *perm_store)
    char path[MAXPATHLEN];
    struct File *f;
    int fileid;
    int r;
    struct OpenFile *o;
    if (debug)
        cprintf("serve_open %08x %s 0x%x\n", envid, req->req_path, req->req_omode);
    // Copy in the path, making sure it's null-terminated
    memmove(path, req->req_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    path[MAXPATHLEN-1] = 0;
    // Find an open file ID
    if ((r = openfile_alloc(&o)) < 0) {                 //从opentab数组中分配一个OpenFile结构
        if (debug)
            cprintf("openfile_alloc failed: %e", r);
        return r;
    fileid = r;
    // Open the file
    if (req->req_omode & O_CREAT) {
        if ((r = file_create(path, &f)) < 0) {          //根据path分配一个File结构
            if (!(req->req_omode & O_EXCL) && r == -E_FILE_EXISTS)
                goto try_open;
            if (debug)
                cprintf("file_create failed: %e", r);
            return r;
    } else {
        if ((r = file_open(path, &f)) < 0) {
            if (debug)
                cprintf("file_open failed: %e", r);
            return r;
    // Truncate
    if (req->req_omode & O_TRUNC) {
        if ((r = file_set_size(f, 0)) < 0) {
            if (debug)
                cprintf("file_set_size failed: %e", r);
            return r;
    if ((r = file_open(path, &f)) < 0) {
        if (debug)
            cprintf("file_open failed: %e", r);
        return r;
    // Save the file pointer
    o->o_file = f;                                      //保存File结构到OpenFile结构
    // Fill out the Fd structure
    o->o_fd-> = o->o_fileid;
    o->o_fd->fd_omode = req->req_omode & O_ACCMODE;
    o->o_fd->fd_dev_id = devfile.dev_id;
    o->o_mode = req->req_omode;
    if (debug)
        cprintf("sending success, page %08x\n", (uintptr_t) o->o_fd);
    // Share the FD page with the caller by setting *pg_store,
    // store its permission in *perm_store
    *pg_store = o->o_fd;
    *perm_store = PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W|PTE_SHARE;
    return 0;


Spawning Processes

spawn(const char *prog, const char **argv)做如下一系列动作:

  1. 从文件系统打开prog程序文件
  2. 调用系统调用sys_exofork()创建一个新的Env结构
  3. 调用系统调用sys_env_set_trapframe(),设置新的Env结构的Trapframe字段(该字段包含寄存器信息)。
  4. 根据ELF文件中program herder,将用户程序以Segment读入内存,并映射到指定的线性地址处。
  5. 调用系统调用sys_env_set_status()设置新的Env结构状态为ENV_RUNNABLE。

Exercise 7


static int
sys_env_set_trapframe(envid_t envid, struct Trapframe *tf)
    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    // Remember to check whether the user has supplied us with a good
    // address!
    int r;
    struct Env *e;
    if ((r = envid2env(envid, &e, 1)) < 0) {
        return r;
    tf->tf_eflags = FL_IF;
    tf->tf_eflags &= ~FL_IOPL_MASK;         //普通进程不能有IO权限
    tf->tf_cs = GD_UT | 3;
    e->env_tf = *tf;
    return 0;

Sharing library state across fork and spawn

UNIX文件描述符是一个大的概念,包含pipe,控制台I/O。在JOS中每种设备对应一个struct Dev结构,该结构包含函数指针,指向真正实现读写操作的函数。
lib/fd.c文件实现了UNIX文件描述符接口,但大部分函数都是简单对struct Dev结构指向的函数的包装。


Exercise 8


static int
duppage(envid_t envid, unsigned pn)
    int r;

    // LAB 4: Your code here.
    void *addr = (void*) (pn * PGSIZE);
    if (uvpt[pn] & PTE_SHARE) {
        sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, PTE_SYSCALL);        //对于标识为PTE_SHARE的页,拷贝映射关系,并且两个进程都有读写权限
    } else if ((uvpt[pn] & PTE_W) || (uvpt[pn] & PTE_COW)) { //对于UTOP以下的可写的或者写时拷贝的页,拷贝映射关系的同时,需要同时标记当前进程和子进程的页表项为PTE_COW
        if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, PTE_COW|PTE_U|PTE_P)) < 0)
            panic("sys_page_map:%e", r);
        if ((r = sys_page_map(0, addr, 0, addr, PTE_COW|PTE_U|PTE_P)) < 0)
            panic("sys_page_map:%e", r);
    } else {
        sys_page_map(0, addr, envid, addr, PTE_U|PTE_P);    //对于只读的页,只需要拷贝映射关系即可
    return 0;


static int
copy_shared_pages(envid_t child)
    // LAB 5: Your code here.
    uintptr_t addr;
    for (addr = 0; addr < UTOP; addr += PGSIZE) {
        if ((uvpd[PDX(addr)] & PTE_P) && (uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_P) &&
                (uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_U) && (uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_SHARE)) {
            sys_page_map(0, (void*)addr, child, (void*)addr, (uvpt[PGNUM(addr)] & PTE_SYSCALL));
    return 0;

The Shell

运行make run-icode,将会执行user/icode,user/icode又会执行inti,然后会spawn sh。然后就能运行如下指令:

    echo hello world | cat
    cat lorem |cat
    cat lorem |num
    cat lorem |num |num |num |num |num

Exercise 10


runcmd(char* s) {
            if ((fd = open(t, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
                cprintf("open %s for write: %e", t, fd);
            if (fd != 0) {
                dup(fd, 0);


  1. 构建文件系统
    1. 引入一个文件系统进程的特殊进程,该进程提供文件操作的接口。具体实现在fs/bc.c,fs/fs.c,fs/serv.c中。
    2. 建立RPC机制,客户端进程向FS进程发送请求,FS进程真正执行文件操作。客户端进程的实现在lib/file.c,lib/fd.c中。客户端进程和FS进程交互可总结为下图:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第6张图片
    3. 更高级的抽象,引入文件描述符。通过文件描述符这一层抽象就可以将控制台,pipe,普通文件,统统按照文件来对待。文件描述符和pipe的原理总结如下:MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell_第7张图片
  2. 支持从磁盘加载程序并运行。实现spawn(),该函数创建一个新的进程,并从磁盘加载程序运行,类似UNIX中的fork()后执行exec()。



你可能感兴趣的:(MIT-6.828-JOS-lab5:File system, Spawn and Shell)