【译】操作员管理 Consul 数据中心新 Hashicorp 学习指南


Hashicorp 学习平台的创建是为了帮助您和您的团队学习 Hashicorp 工具, 您可以在 learn.hashicorp.com访问它。最新发布的培训内容侧重于对运营商的教育, 并已分为两个轨道:第一天:部署第一个数据中心 系列和 第二天:高级操作 系列。


第一天:部署第一个数据中心系列旨在帮助操作员设置一个健康的数据中心,它提供了有关设置可投入使用的数据中心的建议, 包括服务器大小、网络配置和体系结构设计。在数据中心的初始安装之后, 您还将了解如何保护代理并设置备份过程。

第二天:高级操作 系列包括用于维护正常数据中心的高级主题。此跟踪中的主题包括如何安全地添加或清除服务器、中断恢复、自动驾驶仪和 DNS 缓存。


这个平台是自学性的, 所以你可以按照自己的节奏和时间表学习。课程从初级入门开始, 假设只对 DevOps 概念和我们的产品了解有限的的用户。然后, 课程进入中级和高级科目。

我们的平台可以在台式机、平板电脑或移动设备上使用, 以便您可以在主计算机上通过动手实验时, 从任何设备中学习或使用第二个屏幕作为辅助学习工具。

Azure Demo

除了 Hashicorp Learning 上的新内容外, 我们最近还与 Microsoft 一起在第9频道发布了一段短片. 在视频中, 我们演示了如何在 Kubernetes 集群中使用 Consul 连接来保护应用程序的安全。

【原文】New HashiCorp Learn Guides for Operators Managing Consul Datacenters


The Hashicorp Learn platform was created to help you and your teams learn the HashiCorp tools, you can access it at learn.hashicorp.com. This latest release of training content is focused on education for operators and has been placed in two tracks; Day 1: Deploying Your First Datacenter learning path and Day 2: Advanced Operations track.

Learn Content Overview

The Day 1: Deploying Your First Datacenter learning path was designed to help operators set-up a healthy datacenter. The path topics have recommendations for setting up a production ready datacenter including server sizing, networking configuration, and architecture design. After the initial installation of the datacenter, you will also learn how to secure the agents and setup a backup procedure.

Day 2: Advanced Operations track includes advanced topics for maintaining a healthy datacenter. The topics in this track include how to safely add or remover servers, outage recovery, autopilot, and DNS caching.

Learn Platform Features

The platform is self-guided, so you can follow along at your own pace and your own schedule. The courses start with beginner introductions, assuming only minimal familiarity with DevOps concepts and our products in particular. The courses then progress into intermediate and advanced topics.

We've designed this platform for desktop, tablet, or mobile so you can learn from any device or use a second screen as an auxiliary learning tool while you work through hands-on labs on your primary machine.

Azure Demo

In addition to new content on HashiCorp Learn, we have recently published a short video on Channel 9 with Microsoft. In the video we demonstrate how to secure applications using Consul Connect in a Kubernetes cluster.

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