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The dancers 歌剧院的幽灵
'Quic! Quick! Close the door! It's him!'
| 'Quic! kwɪk! kloʊs ðə dɔr! ɪts hɪm!'
Annie Sorelli ran into the dressing-room, her face white.
|ˈæni Sorelli ræn ˈɪntu ðə ˈdrɛsɪŋ-rum, hɜr feɪs waɪt.
One of the girls ran and closed the door, and then they all turned to Annie Sorelli.
|wʌn ʌv ðə gɜrlz ræn ænd kloʊzd ðə dɔr, ænd ðɛn ðeɪ ɔl tɜrnd tu ˈæni Sorelli.
'Who? Where? What's the matter?' they cried.
|hu? wɛr? wʌts ðə ˈmætər?' ðeɪ kraɪd.
'It's the ghost' Annie said. 'In the passage. I saw him. He came through the wall in front of me! And... and I saw his face!'
|ɪts ðə goʊst ˈæni sɛd. ɪn ðə [ˈpæsəʤ]. aɪ sɔ hɪm. hi keɪm θru ðə wɔl ɪn frʌnt ʌvmi1 ænd... ænd aɪ sɔ hɪz feɪs!'
Most of the girls were afraid, but one of them, a tall girl with black hair, laughed.
| moʊst ʌv ðə gɜrlz wɜr əˈfreɪd, bʌt wʌn ʌv ðɛm, ətɔl gɜrl [wɪð]blæk hɛr, læft.
'Pooh!' she said.'Everybody says they see the Opera ghost, but there isn't really a ghost. You saw a shadow on the wall.' But she did not open the door, or look into the passage.
| pu!' ʃi sɛd.ˈɛvriˌbɑdi [sɛz]ðeɪ si ði ˈɑprəgoʊst, bʌt ðɛr [ˈɪzənt][ˈrɪli]ə goʊst. ju sɔ əˈʃæˌdoʊ [ɑn] ðə wɔl.' bʌt ʃi dɪd nɑt ˈoʊpən ðədɔr, [ɔr]lʊk ˈɪntu ðə [ˈpæsəʤ].
'lots of people see him,' a second girl said. 'Joseph Buquet saw him two days ago. Don't you remember?'
|lɑts ʌv ˈpipəl si hɪm,' ə ˈsɛkənd gɜrl sɛd. [ˈʤoʊsəf]Buquet sɔ hɪm tu deɪz əˈgoʊ. [doʊnt] jurɪˈmɛmbər?'
Then all the girls began to talk at once.
|ðɛn ɔl ðə gɜrlz bɪˈgæn tu tɔk æt wʌns.
'Joseph says the ghost is tall and he wears a black evening coat.'
| [ˈʤoʊsəf][sɛz]ðə goʊst ɪz tɔl ænd hi wɛrz ə blækˈivnɪŋ koʊt.'
'He has the head of a dead man, with a yellow face and on nose...'
|hi hæz ðə hɛd ʌv ə dɛd mən, [wɪð]ə ˈjɛloʊ feɪsænd [ɑn] noʊz...'
'...And on eyes-only black holes!'
| '...ænd [ɑn] aɪz-ˈoʊnli blæk hoʊlz!'
Then little Meg Giry spoke for the first time. 'Don't talk about him. He doesn't like it. My mother told me.
|'ðɛn ˈlɪtəl mɛg Giry spoʊk fɔr ðə fɜrst taɪm. [doʊnt] tɔkəˈbaʊt hɪm. hi [ˈdʌzənt]laɪk ɪt. maɪ ˈmʌðər toʊld mi.'
'Your mother?' the girl with black hair said. 'What does your mother know about the ghost?'
| [jʊər] ˈmʌðər?' ðə gɜrl [wɪð]blæk hɛr sɛd. wʌt dʌz[jʊər]ˈmʌðər noʊ əˈbaʊt ðə goʊst?'
'She says that Joseph Buquet is a fool. The ghost doesn't like people talking about him, and one day Joseph Buquet is going to be sorry, very sorry.'
| ʃi [sɛz]ðæt [ˈʤoʊsəf] Buquet ɪz ə ful. ðə goʊst [ˈdʌzənt]laɪk ˈpipəl ˈtɔkɪŋ əˈbaʊt hɪm, ænd wʌn deɪ [ˈʤoʊsəf]Buquet ɪz [ˈgoʊɪŋ]tu bi ˈsɑri, ˈvɛri ˈsɑri.'
'But what does your mother know? Tell us, tell us!' all the girls cried.
|bʌt wʌt dʌz [jʊər] ˈmʌðər noʊ? tɛl ʌs, tɛl ʌs!' ɔl ðəgɜrlz kraɪd.
’Oh dear!' said Meg. 'But please don't say a word to anyone. You know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House. Well, Box 5 is the ghost's box! He watches the operas from that box, and sometimes he leaves flowers for my mother!'
|oʊ dɪr!' sɛd mɛg. bʌt pliz [doʊnt] seɪ ə wɜrd tu[ˈɛniˌwʌn]. ju noʊ maɪ ˈmʌðər ɪz ðə ˈdɔrˌkipər fɔrsʌm ʌv ðə [ˈbɑksəz]ɪn ði ˈɑprə[haʊs]. wɛl, bɑks 5 ɪz ðə goʊsts bɑks! hi [ˈwɑʧəz]ðiˈɑprəz [frʌm]ðæt bɑks, ænd [səmˈtaɪmz]hi livzˈflaʊərz fɔr maɪ ˈmʌðər!'
'The ghost has a box! And leaves flowers in it!'
|ðə goʊst hæz ə bɑks! ænd livz ˈflaʊərz ɪn ɪt!'
'Oh, Meg, your mother's telling you stories! How can the ghost have a box?'
| oʊ, mɛg, [jʊər]ˈmʌðərz ˈtɛlɪŋ ju ˈstɔriz! haʊ kænðə goʊst hæv ə bɑks?'
'It's true, it's true, I tell you!' Meg said. 'Nobody buys tickets for Box 5, but the ghost always cones to it on opera nights.'
| ɪts tru, ɪts tru, aɪ tɛl ju!' mɛg sɛd. [ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi]baɪz[ˈtɪkəts]fɔr bɑks 5, bʌt ðə goʊst [ˈɔlˌweɪz]koʊnz tuɪt [ɑn] ˈɑprə naɪts.'
'So somebody does come there?'
| soʊ [ˈsʌmˌbɑdi]dʌz kʌm ðɛr?'
'Why, no!... The ghost cones, but there is nobody there.' | waɪ, noʊ!... ðə goʊst koʊnz, bʌt ðɛr ɪz [ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi]ðɛr.'
The dancers looked at Meg. 'But how does your mother know?' one of them asked.
| ðə ˈdænsərz lʊkt æt mɛg. bʌt haʊ dʌz [jʊər]ˈmʌðər noʊ?' wʌn ʌv ðɛm æskt.
'There's no man in a black evening coat, with a yellow face. That's all wrong. My mother never sees the ghost in Box 5, but she hears him! He talks to her, but there is nobody there! And he doesn't like people talking about him!'
|ðɛrz noʊ mən ɪn ə blæk ˈivnɪŋ koʊt, [wɪð] ə ˈjɛloʊfeɪs. ðæts ɔl rɔŋ. maɪ ˈmʌðər ˈnɛvər siz ðə goʊstɪn bɑks 5, bʌt ʃi hirz hɪm! hi tɔks tu hɜr, bʌt ðɛr ɪz[ˈnoʊˌbɑˌdi]ðɛr! ænd hi [ˈdʌzənt] laɪk ˈpipəl ˈtɔkɪŋəˈbaʊt hɪm!'
But that evening the dancers could not stop talking about the Opera ghost .They talked before the opera, all through the opera, and after the opera . But they talked very quietly, and they looked behind them before they spoke.
| bʌt ðæt ˈivnɪŋ ðə ˈdænsərz kʊd nɑt stɑp ˈtɔkɪŋəˈbaʊt ði ˈɑprə goʊst .ðeɪ tɔkt [bɪˈfɔr] ði ˈɑprə, ɔlθru ði ˈɑprə, ænd ˈæftər ði ˈɑprə . bʌt ðeɪ tɔktˈvɛri ˈkwaɪətli, ænd ðeɪ lʊkt bɪˈhaɪnd ðɛm [bɪˈfɔr]ðeɪ spoʊk.
When the opera finished, the girls went back to their dressing-room. Suddenly, they heard somebody in the passage, and Madame Giry, Meg's mother, ran into the room. She was a fat, motherly woman, with a red, happy face. But tonight her face was white.
| wɛn ði ˈɑprə ˈfɪnɪʃt, ðə gɜrlz wɛnt bæk tu ðɛrˈdrɛsɪŋ-rum. ˈsʌdənli, ðeɪ hɜrd [ˈsʌmˌbɑdi] ɪn ðə[ˈpæsəʤ], ænd [ˈmædəm] Giry, mɛgz ˈmʌðər, rænˈɪntu ðə rum. ʃi [wʌz] ə fæt, ˈmʌðərli ˈwʊmən, [wɪð]ə rɛd, ˈhæpi feɪs. bʌt [təˈnaɪt] hɜr feɪs [wʌz] waɪt.
'Oh girl,' she cried. 'Joseph Buquet is dead! You know he walks a long way down, on the fourth floor under the stage. The other stage workers found his dead body there an hour ago-with a rope around his neck!'
| oʊ gɜrl,' ʃi kraɪd. [ˈʤoʊsəf] Buquet ɪz dɛd! ju noʊhi wɔks ə lɔŋ weɪ daʊn, [ɑn] ðə fɔrθ flɔr ˈʌndər ðəsteɪʤ. ði ˈʌðər steɪʤ ˈwɜrkərz faʊnd hɪz dɛdˈbɑdi ðɛr ən [ˈaʊər] əˈgoʊ-[wɪð] ə roʊp əˈraʊnd hɪznɛk!'
'It's the ghost!' cried Meg Giry. 'The ghost killed him!'
|ɪts ðə goʊst!' kraɪd mɛg Giry. ðə goʊst kɪld hɪm!'
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