System badge images representing Live Photo content
返回一直用来标示 这张图片是Live的图片
+ (UIImage *)livePhotoBadgeImageWithOptions:(PHLivePhotoBadgeOptions)badgeOptions;@property (readwrite, nonatomic, weak, nullable) iddelegate;
Live photo displayed in the receiver. 图片
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, strong, nullable) PHLivePhoto *livePhoto;
Indicates whether the audio of the Live Photo is muted.
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, assign, getter=isMuted) BOOL muted;
Gesture used to trigger playback. By default, added to the receiver. Can be moved to a different view.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) UIGestureRecognizer *playbackGestureRecognizer;
The following methods allow the client to manually trigger playback. If the live photo is changed during playback, it will be immediately interrupted.允许客户端手动触发播放。如果生活照片是改变在回放期间,它将立即打断了。
- (void)startPlaybackWithStyle:(PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle)playbackStyle;
- (void)stopPlayback;
- (void)livePhotoView:(PHLivePhotoView *)livePhotoView willBeginPlaybackWithStyle:(PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle)playbackStyle; // 开始播放
- (void)livePhotoView:(PHLivePhotoView *)livePhotoView didEndPlaybackWithStyle:(PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle)playbackStyle;//结束播放