【口语】CET Spoken English Test(第一天熟悉一下流程)

Part 1


Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test. We wish you both good luck today. Now let's begin with self-introduction.


Cadidate A, would you please start?[20s]

Candidate A:

All right. My name is Wu Ruijia. I think I am a friendly and nice person. I have many friends and I would reach out my hands anytime they need me. I love reading and painting very much. I also enjoy doing exercise. Reading and painting help to strengthen my mind. Doing exercise helps to build up my strength.

Thank you. Candidate B, now it's your turn. [20s]

Candidate B:

Well, my name is Wu Ruijia. I am not s talkative person, but if I talk, I talk sense. I think I have some talent for math and physics. I have a dream to become a scientist or researcher in a high tech lab. In my spare time, I love listening to music and playing the piano.

#问答# 在此部分中,两位考生需要分别回答考官一个问题,时间为30s。作答时,考生简单说明自己的观点即可,但条理要清晰,注意控制表达时间。这部分主要用来热身,使考生进入应考状态。

Now Candidate A: Where do you usually have your meals? How do you like the food there?

Candidate A:

I often have my meals in the school canteen, because it is more convenient and cheaper. But actually, I don't really like the food there. Most of the time the dishes are much too salty and the quality of the food is not good enough. You know that, I once had a dish-fried fresh corn with strawberry. We all called it dark cooking.

Now Candidate B: Which do you prefer, Chinese dishes or Western dishes? Why?

Candidate B: I love Western dishes, because I think Western dishes are much healthier and more tasty than Chinese dishes. Chinese cooking needs too much oil and most vegatables are fried in hot oil so that the nutrition is largely destoryed. What's more, Western cooking doesn't produce lots of smoke.

Part 2


Now let's move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is "Food Safety". Each of you will see a card with instructions for your presentation. You'll have one minutes to prepare, and each of you will have one and a half minutes to give your presentation. Now look at your card.


[1 minute later] Now Candidate A, please begin.

Candidate A:

The importance of  food safety is an undisputed fact, because no one can live without eating. It can affect everyone in the society. I bet no one can forget the shock the poisonous Sanlu milk powder brought to the public. Food is supposed to provide nutritional support for the body, but if the food becomes unsafe, it may cause infections or diseases such as diarrhea([,daɪə'riə] 痢疾), meningitis([,menɪn'dʒaɪtɪs]脑膜炎), etc. These diseases can make people very sick or even be life-threatening. And some of these infections make it difficult for our body to absorb the nutrients they need to get healthy. Unsafe foods can also lead to malnutrition directly, because they lack nutrients and we cannot get enough from them of what we need for a healthy body. Therefore, food safety is a serious issure that no one can go without.

[1.5 minute later]Candidate B, now it's your turn.

Candidate B:

Food safety has always been a severe issue in our country. The most common problem in food safety is the lack of knowledge about contamination and hygiene standards. According to the latest news report, almost half of the food-processing plants fails to meet internationally accepted standards. In some cases, laboratory test foound abnormal levels of pesticides(['pestɪsaɪdz]), antibiotics, heavy metals, bacteria or viruses that could put consumers at risk. Another severe problem is illeagal food additives. In order to gain huge profits, some factories put diseases-causing additives into the food to make it seem to be more delicious or nutritious. All in all, problems in food safety in China have been so serious that there is so much for us and the government to do.

Examiner: Right. Now that we've talked briefly about food safety, I'd like you to develop this topic further and have a discussion for about three minutes. During the discussion you may ague and ask each other questions. Our discussion is about how to ensure food safety. Remember, this is a pair activity and you need to interact with each other. So don't keep talking without giving the other a chance. Now let's begin.


Candidate A:

To ensure food safety, I think the government plays the most impotant role. The government should enact more laws and regulations to manage and monitor the production process and the market.

Candidate B:

The government has made very specific laws and regulations on food production and sale. I think the problem lies in government officials, especially those in the supervision office who do not fulfill their duty very well.

Candidate A:

The supervision office is a part of the government, isn't it?

Candidate B:

Yes, it is. But the problem is that some of the staff are quite incompetent. They are not strictly supervising the production and the selling so that foods of poor quality come out to the market.

Candidate A:

Besides supervision, I think the government should also be in charge of educating the customers not to buy those foods that are too cheap.

Candidate B:

Do you think people would buy cheap foods if they can afford those of better quality? If the living condition of these low-income people couldn't be improved, cheap fake foods would aways have their market.

Candidate A:

True. So there is still too much to do for the government.

Examiner: All right, that's the end of the discussion.

Part 3

Examiner: Now I'd like to ask you just one last question on the topic of "Food Safety". Why do some people choose to eat vegetarian food only?

Candidate A:

Some people become vegetarians for the sake of health. In order to keep it fit, lose weight or protect their internal organs, like the liver, they may choose to eat only vegetables. But I don't think too strict diet is totally healthy. Our body needs nutrition from both fat and dietary fiber. Balance is more important.

Candidate B:

I know a cook in a chip shop. He claims that he becomes a vegetarian just because he loves animals. I do think this is a very sound reason. Suppose there are less and less people who eat beef, there would be less and less cattles being killed, and there would be less and less farms which raise cattle in large numbers, and there would be fewer cattle eating the grass, and there would be a greener world left for humans.

Examiner: OK, that's the end of the test. Thank you.

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