
Big international firms do not share Mr Trump’s diagnosis of America as a country that has stopped winning. For them, it has been a golden decade. Share prices are near an all-time high;……



在这个片段中 share 出现了两次,分别作动词和名词。

Big international firms do not share Mr Trump’s diagnosis…

这句话里的 share 作为动词,并不是我们熟悉的「分享」的意思,而是 To hold or have jointly with another or others 的意思,也就是「同意」。但是这里要搞清楚,share 所表示的「同意」,具体指的是「对某一种观点表示同意」,比如这个例句:

She shares my view about the election.

其实这个意义不难理解,我们回头看看 share 最最基本的含义是:A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group.

所以跟「分享」这个直接的中文含义比起来,我们要清楚 share 最基本的含义是:某个人或某个群体所共有的东西的一部分,其实更接近于「共享」的意义。


Share prices are near an all-time high…

这里的 share 就是我们熟悉的股票了,那么它和 stock 有什么区别呢?


"stock" is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any company, in general, and "shares" refers to a the ownership certificates of a particular company. So, if investors say they own stocks, they are generally referring to their overall ownership in one or more companies. Technically, if someone says that they own shares - the question then becomes - shares in what company?

从这个解释可以看出,stock 是可以指向任意一家公司的,而 share 是指向特定的公司的。如果有人说,他手里持有 stock,这就意味着他至少持有一家公司的股票,可能会有很多很多家;但是如果有人说他持有的是 share,那么他有且仅有这一家公司的股票。


Big international firms do not share Mr Trump’s diagnosis of America as a country that has stopped winning. For them, it has been a golden decade. Share prices are near an all-time high;……

