S03E01-句读《中国哲学的故事》---The Origin of the Schools

The Origin of the Schools


In the last chapter I said that Confucianism and Taoism are the two main streams of Chinese thought. 


They became so only after a long evolution, however, and from the fifth through the third centuries B.C. they were only two among many other rival schools of thought. 

这是经过长期演化的结果。从公元前五世纪到前三世纪末,儒、道两家只是许多互相竞争的学派中的两派 。

During that period the number of schools was so great that the Chinese referred to them as the "hundred schools."

在这时期中,思想流派多到如此程度,以至在中国历史上称之为 “诸子百家”。

Ssu-ma T'an and the Six Schools


Later historians have attempted to make a classification of these "hundred schools". 


The first to do so was Ssu-ma T'an (died 110 B.C.), father of Ssu-ma Ch'ien (145-ca. 86 B.C.), and the author with him of China's first great dynastic history, the Shih Chi or Historical Records. 

首先进行这种尝试的是司马谈(卒于公元前一一〇年),他是司马迁(公元前一四五至前八六?年)的父亲,父子二人著述了中国第 一部通史性质的《史记》。

dynastic history,朝代史,通史

Historical Records,史记

In the last chapter of this work Ssu-ma Ch'ien quotes an essay by his father, titled "On the Essential Ideas of the Six Schools." 



In this essay Ssu-ma T'an classifies the philosophers of the preceding several centuries into six major schools, as follows:


as follows,in the following,

The first is the Yin-Yang chia or Yin-Yang school, which is one of cosmologists. 


It derives its name from the Yin and Yang principles, which in Chinese thought are regarded as the two major principles of Chinese cosmology, Yin being the female principle, and Yang the male principle, the combination and interaction of which is believed by the Chinese to result in all universal phenomena.


The second school is the Ju chia or School of Literati. 


This school is known in Western literature as the Confucianist school, but the word ju literally means "literatus" or scholar. 


Thus the Western title is somewhat misleading, because it misses the implication that the followers of this school were scholars as well as thinkers; they, above all others, were the teachers of the ancient classics and thus the inheritors of the ancient cultural legacy. 


Confucius, to be sure, is the leading figure of this school and may rightly be considered as its founder. 

孔子无疑是这一学派的领袖人物 ,也是这一学派的创始人。

Nevertheless the term ju not only denotes "Confucian" or "Confucianist", but has a wider implication as well.


From YLYK《中国哲学的故事》专辑S03E01

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