Topic3 Wendy - 草稿

Topic3 Wendy - 草稿_第1张图片

barn n. 谷仓

produce manure 肥料; 粪肥 dig manure into the soil 在土壤中施肥

be handsomely rewarded

pocket v.: keep or take (sth) for oneself (esp dishonestly)

             She pays 2 for them, sells them for 4 and pockets the difference.

anathema n. detested person or thing

                Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me.我对种族偏见深恶痛绝.

mourn v.  feel or show sorrow or regret for the loss of sb/sth

             We all mourn the destruction of a well-loved building.

mask   v.    conceal (sth); disguise  

                 mask one's fear by a show of confidence

havoc  n.  widespread damage; great destruction

            make havoc of sth;play/wreak havoc with sth: damage or upset sth

at first brush

insulate sb/sth from/against sth(fig) protect sb/sth from the unpleasant effects of sth

           protect sb/sth from the unpleasant effects of sth

But the more renewable generators there are, the more they drag down prices.

the world is caught in a vicious cycle

subsidies foster development of subsidies

It is a fair bet that

buck v. (US infml) resist or oppose (sb/sth)

         Don't try to buck the system. 不要反对这个制度

private investment will dry up

eat into sth: consume sth; destroy; dissolve; corrode

                    Acids eat into metal.

                    Paying for that new carpet has eaten into my savings.

double  v. (cause sth to) become twice as much or as many

                  "grid updates have doubled network costs since 2008-09"

dromedary n 单峰骆驼

price stay high; price falls; sb. slash prices

grumble ~ (at/to sb) (about/at/over sth): complain or protest in a bad-tempered way

             Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes?

"Smart grids bolstered by big data will do more to keep demand in line with supply."

bolster v.: ~ sb/sth (up)give support to sb/sth; strengthen or reinforce sth.

           bolster sb's morale/courage

           The government borrowed money to bolster up the economy.

nibble v. ~ (at sth)take tiny bites of sth; eat small amounts

crowd-sourcing(众包): the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers

lay waste : to cause very bad damage to (something)

                 The fire laid waste tothe land.



Topic3 Wendy - 草稿_第2张图片


Topic3 Wendy - 草稿_第3张图片



As alternative to fosil fuels, renewables are welcomed by greens and seen by governments as tools to combat climate change. With subisidies from governments in both developed and developing countries, the past few decades saw growth in renewables. Yet renewables only account for 7% in the world's energy, while fosil fuels take up 80%. But their subsidy-driven growth did push their price down. Yet if they continue to penetrate into the energy market, it will not only hurt traditional energy industry, but also pose difficulties for the renewable industry itself.

Except the facilities, generating wind and solar power themselves does not cost a dime. That means the more renewables created, the more they are likely to drag down energy price. This will drive some traditional energy companies out of the market and, moreover, hurt the renewable producers themselves. For if the price goes down, so will private investors' profitablity and their willingness to pour money into this industry. Yet as the industry expands, it needs more financial support. With decreasing private investment, the government will be pressured to give renewable producers more subsidies.

Another flaw for renewables is their intermittency. So it's impossible for us to totally depend on renewables; we also need traditional energy when no wind or sunshine is available.As for the customers of traditional companies, some will shift to renewables. And those who continue to use fosil fuel generated energy have to bear higher price given the decreasing demand. Moreover, in California home generators are allowed to fed excessive energy from their solar panels into the gird; the grid is complaining about the payment.

To ensure enough fossil- fuel capacity available, the government need to subsidize more to those companies. Yet some of these fuels,like brown coal,are dirty. In the long run ,we can build a smart system combined with renewables and standby fossil fuel capacity and make it a package deal. The customer pay for the service to ensure continued supply of electricity under this system. Yet today's grid system were not built for remittant solar and wind power. So investment are needed to make sure facilities including a smart grid system in place. That may arouse political issues for citizens may complain about higher prices to support these investments and possible blackouts.

The progress may be slow and renewables are not expected to power every home.

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