Day 10 笃学奖-Topic 3-The myth of cyber-security

Day 8:单词作业


 N-VAR  If you describe a belief or explanation as a myth, you mean that many people believe it but it is actually untrue. 谬见 derailed by

V-ERG (使)(火车)出轨;(使)脱轨 If a train is derailed or if it derails, it comes off the track on which it is running.

Several people were injured today when a train was derailed.

2.computerised extortion

N-UNCOUNT Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats. 勒索

3. see computers baked into everthing


4.MRI scanners


5.prosthetics insulin pumps.

Nthe branch of surgery concerned with prosthesis 修复学

6.insulin pumps.



[基医] 起搏器 N-COUNT A pacemaker is a device that is placed inside someone's body in order to help their heart beat in the right way. 心脏起搏器

8. more technical wizardry

N-UNCOUNT You can refer to a very clever achievement or piece of work as wizardry, especially when you do not understand how it is done. 非凡成就; 杰作

9. heightened vigilance

N 警戒;警惕性

10. a kind of cultivated paranoia

ADJ If you describe someone as cultivated, you mean they are well educated and have good manners. 有教养的[正式]

N-UNCOUNT If you say that someone suffers from paranoia, you think that they are too suspicious and afraid of other people. 多疑; 恐惧

11.of all stripes


12. a counsel of despair

N-UNCOUNT Counsel is advice. 劝告[正式]


n. 加密;加密术

14. internet-connected gizmos

N-COUNT A gizmo is a device or small machine that performs a particular task, usually in a new and efficient way. People often use gizmo to refer to a device or machine when they do not know what it is really called. 新玩意儿; 小物件[非正式][usu with supp]

15. a compromised device  损坏设备




N-COUNT On a computer or network of computers, a router is a piece of equipment which allows access to other computers or networks, for example the Internet. 路由器


N a computer program designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system, such as a virus 恶意软件


V-T If you disclaim knowledge of something or disclaim responsibility for something, you say that you did not know about it or are not responsible for it. 否认[正式]

20. but this point will soon be moot.

ADJ If a subject or question is moot, it has no practical importance. 无实际意义的

21.butt up against existing law


22.excoriated the industry's lax attitude

V-T To excoriate a person or organization means to criticize them severely, usually in public. (公开)指责[正式]

ADJ If you say that a person's behaviour or a system is lax, you mean they are not careful or strict about maintaining high standards. 松懈的; 不严格的


V-I If people are clamouring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. 强烈要求[英国英语][journalism]


N-COUNT A fatality is a death caused by an accident or by violence. (事故或暴力导致的) 死亡[正式]

25.prodding it to slove the problem.

V-T If you prod someone into doing something, you remind or persuade them to do it. 敦促


N-UNCOUNT  If you achieve something without recourse to a particular course of action, you succeed without carrying out that action. To have recourse to a particular course of action means to have to do that action in order to achieve something. 依靠[正式],这里可以翻译成追索权。

Day 9 逻辑导图+神句翻译

一. 逻辑导图思路:发现问题→解决问题→给出对未来的一个预测


Day 10 笃学奖-Topic 3-The myth of cyber-security_第1张图片


Day 10 笃学奖-Topic 3-The myth of cyber-security_第2张图片

二. 神句翻译

1.It is tempting to believe that the security problem can be solved with yet more technical wizardry and a call for heightened vigilance.





2. That requires a kind of cultivated paranoia which does not come naturally to non-tech firms.



Cultivated paranoia字面意思指培养偏执,Cultivate培养,指有意识的形成某一特点,paranoia偏执,联系后面一句,提到所有的公司都应该积极主动检查漏洞,在问题发生之前及时修补,就好似平时我们说的偏执强迫症,可能明明门窗都关好了,但是出门前还得再三检查一下,由于出错的代价巨大,对于IT方面的漏洞就应该重视到近乎偏执,但是非技术公司一般都没有这样的传统习惯。

3.Such weaknesses are compounded by the history of the internet, in which security was an afterthought.




4. Computer security is best served by encryption that is strong for everyone.



Be best served by 是一个非常常见的词组,表示最有利的是….Eg. Rather than support America, European “allies” increasingly see the irnational interests best served by distancing themselves from the US as much as possible./  This suggests that small, open economies may be best served by fixed exchange rates.

5.A firm that takes reasonable steps to make things safe, but which is compromised nevertheless, will have recourse to an insurance payout that will stop it from going bankrupt.




an insurance payout 保险赔偿金

6. But setting minimum standards still gets you only so far.



Get you far:表示作用巨大,而 get you only so far 则表示作用有限

Eg. But hard work will only get you so far, the rest is genetic, according to an expert.

Clear and powerful writing is a rare skill in business, and it will get you far.


7.Silicon valley’s fruitful  “go fast and break things” style of innovation is possible only if firms have relative free rein to put out new products while they still need perfecting.



Put out=launch也是高频词。发布新产品:launch/put out a new product


Take security serious enough 足够重视安全问题

take sth seriously, pay attention to, attach importance to都是“重视”的意思。大家可以继续举一反三,因为重视二字实在太太常见了。

Take advantage of 利用

Point of illicit entry 非法入侵点

create incentives for safer behavior 为安全行为创造激励因素  创建鼓励安全行为的激励方案incentive 高频词

Refrain from doing sth 阻止做某事 克制做…

Spark calls for 为...发动呼吁 激发对….的呼声

Hamper the ability of 阻碍...的能力 削弱…的能力

Oblige sb to do sth: 强制某人去做

Disclaim liability for: 否认对...的责任 豁免…的责任

Draw comparisons to: 与...作对比

Lax attitude: 松懈的态度

Come down hard with: 开始对...严格,严厉 严厉惩罚

Day 10 总结反思

   In my previous opinion, cyber-security is a problem that relates to goverments and big companies but  now I realize that in the near future it will spread to almost every corner of our life with the emergence of "Internet of things". Thus, cyber-security is getting increasingly essential for everyone and we have to take it seriouly. 

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