
精彩現場點擊收看 6ixwire's Carmen Fantasy 卡门幻想曲


關於它們的歷史,可追溯到三千多年前,來自世界弓弦樂器發祥地-波斯(Persia)的兩種樂器經絲綢之路,輾轉傳入歐洲和亞洲,分別成為今天西方音樂文化領銜樂器的小提琴,和中國傳統音樂代表樂器的胡琴。千年之後,小提琴與二胡籍由美國6炫組合(6ixwire Project)再次相遇,糅合實力派大家的精粹,一場絢麗的東西方音樂與文化對話即從這六根絲弦開始。



關於美國6炫組合(About 6ixwire Project)



2015年6ixwire在美國巡演,並曾應前國務卿基辛格先生之邀為美國美中友好協會慶祝中美建交35周年大慶的開幕式作為特約嘉賓表演。2014年3月,特拉華州藝術部特別授予6ixwire新作品首演音樂會「6IX and six」並為此創作新作品的國際知名作曲家敖昌群,珍妮佛M.巴克,克裡斯汀庫斯特,保羅・理查茲等提供了資助。





6ixwire Projectis the top duet all around the world injazz pop music, which is second to none.The members arefrequently featured on CCTV, China's leading TV station, performing live concerts for more than one billion TV viewers worldwide..

Among the orchestras that 6ixwire Project members have solo performed within recent seasons are the Detroit Symphony; the Czech Philharmonic, the Gothenburg Symphony-National Orchestra of Sweden, the Estonia National Symphony, the Mexico State Symphony, the Kansas City Symphony, the Memphis Symphony, the Alabama Symphony, Aspen Music Festival orchestras, the Knoxville Symphony among others.

In 2010, 6ixwire Project successfully premiered “Sleep now, O Earth”, the theme song composed by founding member Xiang Gao for the U.S. celebration concert of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.

In May of 2011, 6ixwire Project was the feature ensemble for the Washington National Opera hosted under the patronage of world famous opera sensation Placido Domingo and Zhang Yesui, Chinese ambassador to the U.S.

In February of 2012, 6xiwre Project performed a U.S. and China jazz tour as well as a multimedia theatrical concert entitled “Encounters” to transport the audience to the Qing Dynasty(1644-1912) promoting cultural understanding and exchange.

In spring of 2013, 6ixwire premiered six pieces composed by internationally acclaimed composers in the U.S. as well as releasing its first U.S. album “the 6ixth sense”.


高翔Xiang Gao

高翔是在美國第一個被授予終身冠名教授的中國演奏家(University of Delaware Endowed Trustees Distinguished Professor)。

作為當今美國最繁忙的中國青年小提琴獨奏家及爵士演唱及演奏家,他曾被美國華盛頓郵報譽為「無與倫比的音樂家」,也是第一位被美國兩位總統福特先生及克林頓先生親自接見的中國小提琴家。世界著名指揮大師尼米亞威(Neeme Jarvi)先生曾稱贊他「是可以與Joshua Bell, Gil Shaham,郎朗等相媲美的世界一流獨奏家!」。 高翔也是一名美國知名的大型演出策劃人、製作人,從事影視及戲劇音樂、百老匯風格音樂劇、爵士流行音樂的創作及表演。


擅長演奏不同音樂風格的高翔2007年被美國斯特拉迪瓦裡協會邀請做為協會的名琴演奏家,全球演奏價值數百萬美金的斯特拉迪瓦裡等在克立蒙那製作的名琴。舞臺之外,高翔還活躍於社會各界,以出眾的組織和活動能力,被評為美國密西根大學「卓越校友」及「雷諾思客座教授」。 多年來, 他還身兼特拉華大學「名家音樂季」的音樂總監,一直為推崇全球華人藝術家及推廣中國語言,歷史和文化做積極努力。

Xiang Gao is recognized as one of the world's most successful performing artists of his generation from the People's Republic of China. His musical integrity and virtuoso technique have gained accolades from audiences and reviewers around the world. In October of 2014, Xiang was granted the Delaware Governor’s Award for his contribution in the Arts. In addition to being a performer and composer, Xiang is also a professional producer in performing art in the U.S.

With his strong interest in theater and Asian traditional music, Xiang has solo performed in the Nederlander Theatre on Broadway. He created the acclaimed Butterfly Lovers Multimedia Violin Concerto, which was recently awarded a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts. An orchestral debut with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra took place in 2007. Xiang is also the creator and producer of the "iMusic" productions, which successfully humanizes classical music in multimedia concerts that brings the audience of all ages and performers together with delightful artistic elements and special effects. His current projects include producing and directing “Encounters- the Qing and the West” – a theatrical concert he created to transport the audience on a musical journey of interactions between the Chinese Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) and the West promoting cultural exchange and understanding.Hismusical theatre production “Campus Chatter” was justopen in April of 2015.

Xiangis the founding director of China Music Foundation and the University of Delaware's Master Players Concert Series. As the first Chinese concert artist to be named an endowed professorship in the U.S. - Trustees Distinguished Professor of Music at the University of Delaware, Xiang is also the ZiJiang Professor of Music at the East China Normal University in Shanghai. In 2007, the Stradivari Society in Chicago selectedhimto be a recipient of world famous Stradivarius violins for his international solo concerts. Xiang has been honored to work with many talented young musicians in the past 15 years who have inspired him.

楊悅 Cathy Yang



Cathy Yang is an internationally acclaimed erhu virtuoso. She is also a guzheng (Chinese zither) soloist and a former professor of music at the China Contemporary Cultural Academy. As an international concert soloist based in the U.S., she has performed as a soloist at Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center among other major concert halls in the U.S.. Besides her frequent concert appearances in China, in 2005, Cathy appeared as an Erhu and Guzheng soloist in Nike Morris's Wheel of Life in Johannesburg, South Africa and the West End's Peacock Theater in London. The Chinese Government has chosen Cathy many times as a Chinese cultural ambassador to perform in Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich, Los Angeles and other cities.

In May 2008, while visiting the U.S., Cathy performed as a soloist before thousands of New York Met fans. The successful performance made her the first traditional Chinese musician appearing at the Shea Stadium. She was also a featured soloist during the 2008 Spoleto Music Festival (Charleston, South Carolina). Among the prestigious awards she has received in China are top prizes at the Long Yin Instrumental Competition, the Tian Hua erhu competition, the Chinese Ministry of Culture Annual Music Competition, and the Chinese National Cultural Foundation award.

鄭慧 Cheng Wai

鄭慧 鋼琴博士


Meier、Lawrence Smith、黃大德、葉詠詩、鄭小瑛、麥家樂、胡詠言、閻惠昌等。


Pianist Dr. Cheng Wai

Cheng Wai awarded Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 2009, is a renowned pianist in Hong Kong. She obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. She later obtained her master’s degree and artist diploma at Yale University and received her doctoral degree from New York State University at Stony Brook.

She is an active pianist with footsteps in Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center in USA, National Centre for Performing Arts, Beijing Concert Hall, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre etc. The conductors with whom she has collaborated include Gustave Meier, Lawrence Smith, Samuel Wong, Yip Wing-sie, Zheng Xiao Ying, Mak Ka-lok, Hu Yong Yan, Yan Hui Chang etc.

She is now the chairlady of the Central Conservatory of Music (HK) Foundation, and currently teaching at HKAPA, HKBU and CUHK, and has also frequently adjudicated in numerous local and international competitions.



世界著名大提琴家,柴可夫斯基音樂大賽評委之一的賴琵教授,稱他為“一個擁有美妙琴音的傑出大提琴家和藝術家”。以最高榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院後,陳氏獲全額獎學金赴澳洲坎培拉音樂學院學習,師從該校校長John Painter夫婦,其後他三次獲香港賽馬會之音樂獎學金,在美國波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院跟隨Fritz Magg教授學習,在波士頓期間陳氏被著名指揮家Benjamin

Zander任命為波士頓愛樂樂團的大提琴副首席。陳屹洲於1996年起成為大提琴皇后Zara Nelsova的最後一個學生,並獲得全額獎學金在Rutgers University完成他的碩士學位及藝術家文憑。陳屹洲於2007年加入香港管弦樂團,翌年並任教於香港演藝學院。

Chan Ngat Chau

Chairman of International Tchaikovsky competition and cellist Lawrence Lesser called him “An artist and great cellist with a beautiful sound”. Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as one of the most successful students, Chan then studied at Canberra school of music with Louis Simpson in Australia. After receiving an awardforthree times from Hong Kong Jockey Club, Chansubsequently studied with Fritz Magg, at New England Conservatory in Bostonwhere he received his Bachelor Degree in Music.  While studying in Boston,Chan was invited by renowned conductor Benjamin Zander to be the AssistantPrincipal Cellist in Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.  In 1996, Chan becamethe last pupil of Zara Nelsova, “The Grande Dame of Cello”, at RutgersUniversity on full scholarship and graduated with Master Degree of Music andArtist Diploma.  Chan performed as soloist and chamber musician throughoutthe United States, Australia, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong and China.  Heperformed as soloist at HKAPA - Academy Symphony Orchestra, Hong KongSinfonietta, New Brunswick Chamber Orchestra and Rutgers University SymphonyOrchestra.  Chan also appeared at Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, BostonSymphony Hall, Jordan Hall, Harvard and Princeton University and most of theconcert theatres in New Jersey. Chan joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestrain 2007. In the following year he joined the faculty of Hong Kong Academy forPerforming Arts.












Sunshine over the Tashikuergan Dessert- Gang Chen/6ixwire arrangement

“Mihu Song” for solo erhu-Rirong Lu

Erhu:Cathy Yang

Piano:Cheng Wai

Enchanted Evening for solo violin-Tianhua Liu /Gao arrangement

Violin: Xiang Gao

Piano: Cheng Wai

6ixth Sense for piano, 6ixwire and cello-Xiang Gao/Cathy Yang

Graceful Ghost Rag-William Bolcom/6ixwire arrangement

Czardas-Monti/Gao arrangement


New Butterfly Lovers Concert- Gang Chen, Zhanhao He/Arranged by Gao

Carmen Fantasy-Sarasate/Arranged by Gao









As the premier centre for the study and advancementof music in China, the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) can be proud of itsachievements. Many graduates of the Conservatory have been transformed intorenowned musicians contributing their talent and skills on the stages in majorcities around the world. Through their efforts they promote harmony andunderstanding among audiences of all nationalities through the universallanguage of music.

The Foundation recognizes the distinction of theCCOM's teachers and students and strives to provide support and incentives topromote excellence in all aspects of music education. Apart from promotingtechnical competence on an individual basis, the Foundation will strive tosupport all aspects of the Conservatory's work in advancing its EOS OrchestraAcademy at Central Conservatory of Music. One of the visions of the CCOM is toplace its students in major symphony orchestras around the world. This requiresof CCOM's students not only exceptional technical competence but also theability to work in collaborative environments, exercising human skills incommunication and teamwork.

To achieve this vision, the CCOM will requireadditional resources to bring to the Conservatory musicians of internationalacclaim who can provide tuition and guidance, and share their wealth ofexperience. The Conservatory will also need to bring the EOS Orchestra Academyto different audiences around the world to provide its students with theexposure that is so necessary for developing their confidence and maturity. TheFoundation pledges its backing to this worthy cause.


傑出華人演奏家系列 Ⅳ


日      期:    2015年 10月18日 (星期日)

時      間:    晚上8時

地      點:    香港大會堂 劇院

演      奏:    高翔先生 楊悅女士

特邀嘉賓:   鄭慧博士

大  提 琴:    陳屹洲先生

票價: $360 $280 $190

Enchanting Series

6ixth Sense -- "6ixwire" Ensemble fromthe USA


Time:8:00 PM

Venue: Hong Kong City HallTheatre

Violin: Xiang Gao

Erhu: CathyYang

Piano: Cheng Wai

Cello: Chan Ngat Chau






