Win-win Study NO.1 SMART目标设置方法

HI,guys,Let us start  win-win study which means not only learn useful knowledge about work but also practice English .

Today I want to share you the SMART theory.

SMART goals was first introduced in 1954 by Peter  Drucker in his book The Practice of Management. It is  part of the strategy management by objectives or MBO. In MBO, the goal of the company or organization is agreed upon by everyone in it. This way, everything done by the company and by its employees is directed toward one goal. With the help of SMART goals, everyone in the company knows their company's goal and is aware of their roles in achieving it. Many experts say that this strategy is effective in keeping employees motivated because they know exactly what they are working  toward.

There are 3 parts sharing with you,

1  .Why we learn?

It is important to set business goals,Business owners should set goals,that are specific and can be achieved. They should also set goals that will be beneficial, not just for the company, but also for the employees.

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Win-win Study NO.1 SMART目标设置方法_第2张图片
2 .  SMART概念

加粗的词是我认为比较重要的关键词,加深对方法的理解,看起来感觉会比中文理解得好,百度了一下SMART,百科里面说的Relevant,指绩效指标是与工作的其它目标是相关联的;绩效指标是与本职工作相关联的。但是这里面说的,是不仅是自己的工作领域,而是整个公司相关的经济领域,也就是需要我们看到公司的 big picture和自己工作的相关性,认可公司的愿景和战略匹配以更好的自我驱动,而不是纯干,埋干,尽管目标设置得很科学了。


Specific goals let you and your team know exactly what you need to do so that you don’t waste any time and effort. Specific goals are clear and focused.


A measurable goal involves smaller goals. You should be able to measure your progress towards achieving the ultimate goal through these smaller goals.


Achievable goals are those that are realistic. These are also goals that you know you can make come true. Achievable goals will not only keep you motivated but also keep you going in the right direction.


When setting goals, you should consider what is happening not just in the industry, but also in the whole  economy. You must research on what is happening in your industry and how events that happen impact the economy.


A great goal is something that can be achieved over a reasonable length of time. Setting a *time frame for smaller goals will further help you see how near you are toward achieving your goal.

3 . Words and Sentence  词汇量 我都是摘录比较有用的短语分享出来,平时可以多用起来~

WIN-WIN situation (名词,双赢)


toward achieving(状语,实现目标)

measure/track  your progress(动词短语,评估你的进度)

keep you motivated (动词短语,使你有动力,赶紧,激情)

This means that it should be..

As soon as you 只要,一旦, You should always review your notes as soon as you possibly can.  尽可能的 ,So as soon as you gather some information, act on it! 只要一旦

look at the big picture.看到业务大图

be effective in

With the help of XXX

be ware of 意识到  He needs to learn more because he is aware of how little he knows about so many things.

Win-win Study NO.1 SMART目标设置方法_第3张图片
SEE YOU ,让我们一起win-win study!  

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