VIII. A Narrow Escape


terrier:  ['tɛrɪɚ]n. 一种活泼的小狗 Irish terrier爱尔兰犬

garbage can:n. 垃圾桶,垃圾箱

grove:[C] a piece of land with trees growing on it 小树林 [+ of]

celery: ['sɛləri]n. [园艺] 芹菜


curb: n. [C ]the raised edge of a road, between where people can walk and cars can drive 路缘

hoist:v. [T ]〔尤指用绳子〕吊起,升起,提起

duck:[I always + adv/prep] to move somewhere very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or to get away from someone [+ back]

pulp: n.浆状物

coffee ground:咖啡渣

give way:倒塌,坍陷

rumble:[I always + adv/prep] to move slowly along while making a series of long low sounds

pier: [pɪr]n. [C ]〔伸向海中的〕突堤码头,凸式码头

back up:倒车


slither:to slide somewhere over a surface, twisting or moving from side to side

look about:仔细察看;全面调查

brussels sprout:球芽甘蓝(菜),抱子甘蓝

gingerly: ['dʒɪndʒɚli]adv. 小心翼翼地

tuft:n. [C ]〔头发、羽毛、草等的〕一束,一簇  [+ of]

gloomy:sad because you think the situation will not improve

perish:[I] formal or literary to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way

buoy:['bʊi]n. [水运] 浮标;浮筒  channel buoy水道浮标;航道浮标

tug:n. 拖船


She and Stuart became fast friends, and as the days passed it seemed to Stuart that she grew more and more beautiful.

He peered over the side and saw that in another instant he and everything in the can would be dumped into the big truck.

The men threw the can with a loud bump into the truck, where another man grabbed it, turned it upside down, and shook everything out.

Stuart landed on his head, buried two feet deep in wet slippery garbage.

All around him was garbage, smelling strong.

Under him, over him, on all four sides of him-- garbage.

When the truck arrived at the East River, which borders New York City on the east and which is a rather dirty but useful river, the driver drove out onto the pier, backed up to a garbage scow, and dumped his load.

I get sick at my stomach.

Stuart tucked his skates into his shirt, stepped gingerly onto a tuft of lettuce, and took a firm grip on Margalo's ankles.

Mrs. Little presented her with a tiny cake, which had seeds sprinkled on top.


the cleaner’s:洗衣店

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