《Her》观后之国际小讨论 LivAway Movie Talks

编辑整理:Vincent  听写:JY, Bingo, Vincent  翻译:Vincent

周末组织的一场观影活动 LivAway Movie Talks,现场一共26人。一半是土生土长的中国人,另一半有美国、俄罗斯、英国、加拿大的各种老外。


《Her》观后之国际小讨论 LivAway Movie Talks_第1张图片
IMDB 8.0/10 Douban 8.3/10


关于电影 About the Movie

Mr. D:  Thanks for choosing this movie. There are hundreds of movies in my list. But I don’t have time to see. This movie was shot in Shanghai and Los Angeles. I have been in Los Angeles in 16 years and have living in Shanghai 11 years now. These cities are special cities to me. You can see it, you know in LuJiaZui, the bridge right. I do walk in Shanghai or take subway or taxi, bus. This movie, the director is Spike Jonz actually, he's the ex boyfriend of Sophia Coppola, who is the daughter of Francis Coppola, right? Their relationship ended before this film. I’m just wondering when I was watching this film how much that break up is in this film.

This movie is very famous because of the story. The director who is also the writer of this story, he won the Oscar for this film in 2014. So when I came here, my mental preparation was actually, I'm going to see a movie that story driven. The same time you see in this film, an actor only an actor can drive the movie. Joaquin Phoenix, the main actor, he was born in Puerto Rico, but actually in an American family.

The cost of this movie is 25 million dollar. It’s not a big box office, a studio of film. They made 50 million dollar from this story. That means double. Profit wise it's not a Block Buster, but spent 25 million, got 25 million right? North American market, they made 25 million and oversea market they made another 25 million. So basically, to me, this movie is important, one reason is the story ,beautiful story, right, very original.

Second is acting of this actor. Actually, this year he won the best actor of Cannes Film Festival, but not for this movie. I like him for the movie Gladiator. He is also a side actor of Russell Crowe.

This film is actually a beautiful experience, not watching along but watching with so many people, beautiful movie to be chose. Artificial intelligence, I don’t know much about this actually. In 2013, when the movie was made, AI is not very big. But today, huge we know that in shanghai everywhere this industry is like blossom right? From the movie point of view that's what I want to share.

Mr. D:首先感谢选择了这部电影。这是我几百部要看的电影之一,但我一直没时间。电影是在上海和洛杉矶拍摄的。我在洛杉矶住了16年,在上海已经住了11年了。这两个城市对我来说很特别。这部电影里你可以看到陆家嘴的人行天桥和很多上海的场景

电影的导演是Spike Jonz,不是非常有名。他是Sofia Coppola的前男友。而Sofia Coppola是Francis Coppola(教父)的女儿。他们是在电影拍摄前分手的。看电影的时候我就在想,这里面到底有多少导演自己分手的投射

这部电影是因为它的故事出名。导演也是编剧,他获得了2014年的奥斯卡奖。所以我来这里的时候,心理准备是看一部故事性很强的电影。整部电影是由一个主演,就一个主演,男主角Joaquin Phoenix撑起来的。他出生于波多黎各的一个美国家庭。难以置信,就靠一个主演。




Vincent (The host): A friend of mine watched this film 3 years ago in Taiwan and he wrote 4 sentences as comments afterward. I found it very interesting so I'd like everyone here to discuss these 4 topics.

Does human being defines humanity, or humanity creates human?

Is physical body the necessary project of mind, or is it primitive liability?

Is love something over rational mind, or social accepted popular insane?

Is exclusivity the nature of love, or an obstacle you can’t walk around?

Vincent (主持人): 我一个朋友三年前在台湾看了这部电影。之后他写下了四句评语。我觉得这四句评语非常有意思,想在这里和大家讨论逐个一下。他说:





是人定义人性,还是人性造就人?Does human being defines humanity, or humanity creates human?

Zack:  I wrote those comment three or five years ago. Actually, there is a German philosopher. His name is Kant. He said humans are like crooked timber, a curving wood. So we can achieve nothing perfectly straight. Basically, it means humans are so complicated and sometimes we just fighting aginst ourselves. Any good idea if it comes into reality, it’ll always be twisted. If we can imagine a better humanity than us, we are able to be programmed, what will be a better humanity in us? So I think humanity is not just a concept that we own it,  it will become way beyond than ourselves.

Zack: 这些评论是我3、5年前写的。有一个德国的哲学家,康德,他说:”人性这跟曲木,绝造不出什么笔直的东西。”意思是,人类实在太复杂了,我们常常跟自己过不去。好的想法一触碰现实,通常会被扭曲。如果我们可以设计一种更好的人性,我们可以编程、可以构建的话,更好的人性会是什么?所以我觉得人性不再只是一个被我们占有的概念,它可以大大超越我们自身。

Charles: That's obvious a terminology issue. What's humanity? Are we talking about the human society or humanity how it defines and qualifies what is human being? When talk about artificial intelligence, if deep learning machine is about taking all these previous incidents and data about human beings, how they interact. get the patterns and behaviors how we generify as human. Maybe people like Adolf Hitler he is a flawed human in many way. But it's awesome you come to the issues of man how do we define human being.  Also for artificial intelligence to create a better human, I do see that we can. But I don't see necessarily a fundamental break point from repot. We human beings are always involved in human society, but I do see an acceleration of this evolution of humanity. Very deep question. That's my 2 cents.

Charles: 这是一个名词解释问题。什么是人性?我们讨论的是人类社会,还是“是否能称之为人”的人性。说起人工智能,如果深度学习机器可以提取历史上所有的事件,学习人类是如何互动的数据,这些行为模式的话,我们可能可以把人类这个概念广泛化。但是像阿道夫希特勒这样的人类,在各方面都有各种缺点。你们谈到的这个话题很赞,如何定义人。如何用人工智能来创造一个更好的人类,我觉得是可行的。但目前我还没有看到有任何颠覆性的报道。人类都是陷在人类社会里的,但我确实看到人类演化的加速。很有深度的问题,这是我的抛砖。

Bingo: We just mentioned that if we can program a better human being, I think this is the interesting point here. Because it's complex, it's difficult. There is a goal, we want to be a better human in a better world, then work hard. If we haven't experienced something really suffering, then we don't know what's happening. So I think this is point.

Bingo: 构建出一个更好的人,这很有意思。这很复杂、很困难。我们有一个目标,希望能成为更好的人,生活在更好的世界。我们为此努力。但是如果我们没有真正痛苦过,我们就并不了解真实世界。

肉体是精神必要的投射,还是原始的累赘? Is physical body the necessary project of mind, or is it primitive liability?

Vincent: We can see that Samantha used the Isabella to make physical contact with the actor. Physical contact is the only thing that Samantha can not do in a relationship. Falling love with Samantha, Theodore, the main actor, was asked a question: are you in a serious relationship. He hesitated actually. He actually thought about it.

Vincent: 电影里我们看到Samantha用Isabella的身体来和男主产生身体的接触。身体接触是Samantha在一段感情中唯一不能做的事情。所以和Samantha相爱的Theodore男主被问到一个问题:你是在一段真实的恋爱关系中吗?他犹豫了,他真的考虑了一下这个问题。

Zack:  Sometimes we wondering the question like if we don’t have the body, the fresh and the blood. When we feel happy or joy, it gives me more joy and happy. It's also a limitation. Like the story line in the movie. Samantha can talk to others, hundreds of them at the same time. The body is our limitation. Woody Allen said a very interesting thing, the greatest regret I have in my life is that I couldn’t be somebody else. It means even I like myself, but I’m just one person. So many things out there waiting us to experience, but this is our physical limitation. Regarding as love, if we don't have our body, love will be any better? purer? I don't know. It's just way beyond our imagination.

Zack: 我们时常会想,如果没有了肉体会发生什么?当我们体验到快乐时,肉体可以给我们更大的愉悦。但同时它也是一个限制。就像电影里,Samantha就可以同时和几百个人聊天。人类就不行。肉体是我们人类的限制。Woody Allen曾说过一句很有意思的话,我人生中最大的遗憾,是我不能变成其他人。即使我很喜欢我自己,但我始终只是一个人。外面的世界有太多的东西等着我们去体验,但我们的肉体给了我们这么多限制。再来说到爱情,如果我们没有肉体,爱情会变得更美好吗?更纯洁吗?我不知道,这已大大超出想象了。

Vincent: Zack raised a really good question. Beyond our body, will this love thing become better or worse? There is an interesting scientific fact that human orgasm can actually make you love your partner more. Because something creating in your brain during the orgasm can fake the feelings about the way you think about your partner. So how do you know your love on someone is not faked by your brain? Can taking out the physical joy of the brain can actually make love purer? Anyone has any thoughts about this?

Vincent: Zack提出了一个很好的问题。超越肉体的束缚之后,爱情会变得更美更纯吗?一个很有意思的科学事实:人类的性高潮可以让你更爱伴侣。性高潮时,大脑中分泌的物质可以制造你对伴侣爱的”错觉”。所以你怎么知道你的爱不是大脑在忽悠你?把生理上的愉悦抽走后,爱情会变得更纯洁吗?大家有什么看法?

Don: According to a scientific research, if you have good food, you have 80 points that kind of pleasure you can measure your body. If you have sex, you have 100  points of the pleasure. When you gamble, if you are addicted to it, you can have 500 points pleasure. Because the brain will release chemicals that make u feel really happy. So I guess people can even get more pleasure without physical contact. Just the brain will give you enough chemicals that you can feel happy and better life everyone.

Don: 根据科学研究,如果说好吃的食物可以让你有80点的愉悦,性高潮可以带给你100点愉悦的话,赌徒在赌博时获得的愉悦就是500点。大脑会分泌出让你非常快乐的化学物质。所以我觉得:人类在没有生理接触后甚至可以获得更大的愉悦。大脑会给你足够多的化学物质让你更快乐。

Frank: Last few month, I watched a documentary it's called rabbit hole or something? It's about string theory. Actually the neurosciences research shows that actually our brain doesn't create consciousness. The consciousness is out there, remove part of the brain, there is still conscious. If love is out there, we have brain to love someone, we see love. Probably whatever you see right now, maybe you heard the theory that the brain... there is a scientific experiment, you put a brain into a tank, and you simulate all the images all the reactions to call, that might just happen, you just never know.

Frank: 过去的几个月里我在看一部纪录片《What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole》,是关于弦理论的。神经科学的研究显示,我们的大脑并没有在制造意识。意识游离于大脑之外,但它仍然是意识。如果爱情就在那里,我们有大脑去爱别人,我们就看到了爱情。有一个科学实验,如果把大脑放在一个缸里,模拟所有的画面和行为,这些画面可能就像真的发生了,你不知道它们其实并没有。

Vincent: That 's very interesting point that your consciousness actually exists apart from the brain, is that something like a soul?

Frank: Yeah, they could be called soul.

Vincent: 很有意思,意识存在再大脑之外,那是不是就是灵魂?


Vincent: Frank also gave an interesting point that there is a famous science paradox that Descartes created. If you put your brain into some tank, and connect it with any simulators to simulate anything around you, you can not tell you are just a brain, or you actually experiencing the real life. It's just like if I scratch myself, my brain tells me I did that. But what if your brain is just in a tank right now, someone is stimulating the feel you just scratched yourself? You can not tell the difference.

Vincent: Frank也提出了一个有意思的点。笛卡尔有一个著名的科学悖论叫缸中大脑。把一个大脑放在缸中,给予各种刺激,你是无法分辨你是真实地在经历这些事情,还是只是大脑的感觉。就像我现在正在抓自己,也是我的大脑告诉我:我在抓自己。但是如果我的大脑此时正在一个缸里,有一种力量正给大脑刺激,模拟这种在抓自己的感觉,你是无法区分的。

Bingo: We can think this is another world, maybe it's heaven. I just have a soul here, I don't need a body. In this world, we need a body to project, I think it will be more interesting, you can experiencing so many things, and being complex, this is life I think.

Bingo: 关于肉体,我们可以想象在另一个世界,可能就是天堂。在那里我有一个灵魂,并不需要肉体。而在这里,我需要一个肉体来投射。我觉得这样可能更有意思,因为你能体验到更多,更复杂。这就是生活。

Frank: I want to say that the creature in the deep ocean, actually has a brain initially. When it's attached to a rock, it eats its brain. The brain connects all the body part to move around  and it consumes 20% of the energy per day. It just eats its own brain, but it still lives. Another thing is the jelly fish, they are immortal. They don't die. They have life cycle. They grow out and at the certain time they produce the first original form of its life circle, and then repeat the circle. So it actually doesn't die.


爱情是超越理性的存在,还是被普遍认可的疯癫?Is love something over rational mind, or social accepted popular insane?

Zack: More or less, rationality is a useful tool for self defense. It tells you don't put your hands in the fire, don't jump out of the window. Rationality is what keeps us alive basically. When we are talking about love, it's all about sacrificing, do something crazy to hurt yourself. So I think more or less love is some kind of self-destruction. That's why it's so amazing. There is a line in a love movie, it says the best way to die is die for love. I think it tells all the nature about love. About rationality, even when you believe this certain destination waiting outside for you, whatever you do, it doesn't matter, there is a destination. It won't change anything. but when you decide to cross the road, you will have to look to your left and right, it's time rationality works, so basically it's self defense. And love is kind of destruction.

Zack: 理性或多或少是自我保护的工具。理性告诉你不要把手伸进火里,不要跳窗。是理性让我们依然活着。但说起爱情,它就是牺牲,它就是做一些疯狂事情来伤害你自己。所以我觉得或多或少,爱情是一种自我毁灭,就是如此神奇。一部爱情电影中有这样一句台词:最好的死亡是为爱而亡。我觉得它揭示了爱情的本质。说到理性,即便你相信:有一个终点在前方等着你,无论做什么都无关紧要(因为终点在那里,所以什么也改变不了),但当你要过马路的时候,你还是一定要望左望右,理性在这时就开始工作了。所以理性是自我保护。但爱情是自我毁灭

Frank: I think love is universal. It doesn't matter your age, your race, your skin color, even your species. Even different species they can make friend, they can love each other. You can feel the pet's love. The love and the rationality, I  don't think they are black or white, or 1 or zero. I can be rational and at the same time I can fall in love. Whether I'm being rational or being emotional, that actually depends on the circumstances,  the context of the environment. Zack pointed out that rational is about defense and survive, well it is. In some situations it is, but in some other  situations probably rationality can kill you. It really depends on how involved you are in. But I want to say that I can survive both of them.

Frank: 我觉得爱情是超越一切的,无论年龄、种族、皮肤的颜色,甚至物种。不同物种间也可以成为朋友,互相爱慕。你可以感受到宠物的爱。我觉得理性与爱情并不是非黑即白的。我可以在保持理性的同时陷入爱河。我是理性的还是感性的,这实际上是看当时的环境。Zack说理性是自我保护与生存,确实。一些场合下理性确实是这样,但是也有一些场合理性可能杀死你。这取决于你陷得多深。但我要说我在两种情况下都能生存。

Vincent: It reminds that one of my friend once asked me something, in her opinion she thinks the government creates something called love to make the people happy so that they can rule you easily. If you think deeply back to the ancient times, when “love” the concept does not exist, start to think about this, I thought that might be a possibility. But on a second thought, I don't think that's the truth. What's you guys opinion about it?


Frank: I know that they create the family concept. You have one male and one female to have a child. It actually very easily for the government, the ruler to control the society. But love I think it doesn't matter it's one man or one woman. That's what I said, love is universal, it doesn't matter it's one person or 2 persons.


Charles: Here's a very cynical way of .... you know the government doesn't create it, but biology it did create it. It's actually very beneficial for continuation of human beings and any species. To have chemical attributes to your brain, so that you don't hit it and quit it all the time. So you guys should stay, the mother and child.. help raise the baby, so it doesn't die off. Playing with the father time helps the kid grows up, playing with the mother and father helps the child to develop, killing a dear and eating it, a lot of people farming together, that requires lots of stability, that requires people in this kind of stable relationship. So maybe the government didn't create it, but I think biology certainly did. And it is from the chemical point of view.

Charles: Vincent你朋友的想法非常愤世嫉俗。政府并没有创造这个概念,但我知道是生物学创造了这个概念。这对人类及其他物种的持续生存是有利的。你的大脑分泌出某些化学物质,让你不会一直“打一枪换一个地方”。你需要长住下来,维系母子关系,帮助母亲抚养小孩,提高小孩的存活率。与父母一起玩能帮助小孩成长。狩猎、共同种植庄稼,这需要一大群人长期保持稳定的关系。所以可能政府并没有创造这个概念,但我觉得生物学肯定创造了这个概念。这是从化学角度的分析。

Frank: There are animals that they actually don't have a concept of mother and father, like tigers, they raise up other's kid like their own. They take care other young adults by turn. They don't have property, they won't say this is my house or yours. So it really depends on the society you grow up. Talking about ant, they have their own support of the species, it doesn't mean we have to have one father and mother to sustain the population. Let's say ants, the population really depends on your productivity.

Frank: 有一些动物没有父亲母亲的概念。比如老虎,它们像抚养自己的小孩那样抚养别家的,轮流照顾其他的后代。所以这真的取决于你生活的社会。就像蚂蚁,它们有自己物种的生存形式,并不需要一父一母来维持人口数量。蚂蚁的人口数量只取决于它们的生产能力。

Charles: Those society they are still working together, they are still have interpersonal relationship with others. It also help forge chemical releases in your brain. And in the end, the end result is that because of working together, it helps them overall survive and propagate.

Charles: 但是这些社会,他们还是在共同工作,还是有”人际关系”。大脑还是在释放着化学物质。到最后,他们还是在一起工作。这有利于它们的生存和繁殖。

Bingo: I think love is just some hormone, if I'm in love I don't think too much, I just take from it. Actually I don't know how it works, it's just something from heart.

Bingo: 我觉得爱情就是荷尔蒙。如果我坠入爱河,我不会考虑这么多。我会享受它。我不知道它是怎么工作的,它只是我心里的一样东西。

Michael: I don't think there is much rationality with love. I think a lot of people try to rationalize that, oh I do this because bla bla. It's just bullshit. When you go back to the age of 20, you did that because I wanted to do, because you feel you loved someone. But if you look from the future, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't have to. I'm not saying there is no rationality, I'm saying there is no much rationality.


Mr. D: I do not have the background of everybody here, I lived in Shanghai for 10 years now. And I think in China there is no such thing as love. The women in this country, they have to give up the men they like because they tell the girls that they can't marry this guy, a single woman in this country will not revolt against her family. Nobody will go against their parents, that's my observation. Maybe 99.99%, I have not seen a single example. In Shanghai, the Shanghai one child is the slave of their parents. The parents they use their one child as their weapon. Boys family and girls family are different, I haven't seen even one example in mainland China that love's existence in this country. This is my observation.

Mr. D: 我没有在座各位的背景。我在上海生活了10年,我认为在中国不存在爱情这样东西。这个国家的女人们不得不放弃她们喜欢的男人。因为她们被告知不能嫁给这个人,这个国家的单身女人不会忤逆自己的父母。没有人会忤逆自己的父母,这是我的观察。可能这个比例达到了99.99%,我没有看到一个反例。在上海,孩子就是父母的奴役。父母把孩子当成他们的武器。可能男生与女生的家庭不一样,但我从来没有在中国大陆见过一个反例。这是我的观察。

Vincent: OK, anyone from Shanghai who wants to say something about this?

Vincent: 好的。有上海的朋友想说点什么吗?

Bingo: I want to say something. Talking about this, I'm not Shanghainese, I'm from Hu Bei province. I'm not a single child from my family, I have a younger bother. Actually I never followed my parents idea, no matter it's about my major or my work. Maybe you just talked with some people locally in Shanghai or in other city. But especially girls like us, from places outside of Shanghai, we are not taking words from what our parents like, what they tell us.


Charles: You basically said you are better than other Shanghai girl, that's what I heard.

Charles: 你就是想说你比其他上海女生都要好。

Mr. D: Can I answer back?

Mr. D: 我可以回应一下吗?

Vincent: Sure, please.


Mr. D: She's from Hu Bei, I'm sure that not every women from Hu Bei is like that right? Different. I met the girl from Hu Bei November on the dance floor, I was dating her for 3 months. One day on the bed, at night, very late, I saw a message pops out from her phone. It was in Chinese, I don't know how to read the message. For some reason, I sent that message to friend of mine and translate them what's the mean of this message. I got translation that she was dating me to learn english. I was so shocked. I was a new foreigner, this girl was dating me just to learn english. And she was from Hu Bei. Next day I invited her for dinner, and then broke up with her and say goodbye to her. She told me later that she will never marry me because I'm a foreigner, and Hu Bei girls do not marry foreigners. That is my experiences.

Mr. D: 她来自湖北,我肯定不是每个湖北人都这样对吗?人与人之间是有区别的。11月我在舞池认识一个湖北女孩,和她约会了3个月。有一天晚上,很晚,躺在床上,我看到她手机里有一条消息。中文的,我看不懂。我也不知道为什么,我把这条消息发给我了我的朋友,让他们翻译。他们翻译回来说,她跟你约会就是为了学英语。当时我就震惊了。我是个新来的外国人,这个女孩与我约会,只是为了跟我学英语。然后她也是湖北人。第二天我请她吃饭,与她分手。之后她告诉我,她绝对不会和我结婚的。因为我是个外国人,湖北人不嫁外国人。这是我的经历。

Bingo: Ok, Ok, I just want to say that poor you. Because you just met this kind of girl, there are so many different kind. Nobody is the same, I just want to say when we talk about more, you can know more about Chinese girls. Hu Bei girls or kind girls from other places. I just don't want you to have some impression that we Hu Bei girls just want to learn english from you.


Mr. D: I just share my experience, not negative experiences or positive experiences, just life experiences. I also met people from Hu Bei, wonderful people, nice people. When you are talking about love, that's what I'm ejecting in this personal experience.

Mr. D: 我只是分享我的个人经历,不是负面的也是正面的,只是生活的经历。我也遇到好很好很善良的湖北人。但当大家在讨论爱情的时候,我贡献出我的个人经历。

Charles: I actually spent most of life in States, maybe roughly half of my life. I currently working in China after college. Actually I'd like to say that there is a million love in China, some of the love we see, there is a love called limerance. It's kind of the initial feeling that chemical high of being with someone new. That lasts of couple of month, maybe a year or 2. But there is like love kind of stable love for people married for 10, 20, 30 years. Do things together in a longer term, so there is one issue coming to terminology, what exactly do we referring to love. And coming looking back to States, sure, you see all those things in the movies where people are really excited and careful of love, but sometime their parents are saying well does he have a car, a house, something something? But in time what's the end result? We see there is very high divorce rates in United State. There is people who felt in love, then felt out of love. So what is true love if it's only temporally feeling. So there is this shapes of continuing love, what exactly we mean by love and what we want to get out of it.


Mr. D: I'm thinking about Willard Marriott, who is the founder of Marriott hotel chain. He's married to his wife for 50 years now. He has so many children, 15 grand children. 13 great grand children. I was thinking, my god, how this person can live with his wife for 50 years. Is it possible in our generation? Maybe not possible. But their generation, yes, many many examples like that. So I think love back then was different, today is more materialistic, more technology, more many things. People falling love but everything has a beginning and an ending. I don't call it forever love, I think it ends at one stage. When breaking up with someone from a relationship.. has a beginning, has an ending.

Mr. D:我想到的了Willard Marriott,万豪集团的创始人。他结婚了50年,有很多孩子,15个孙子,13个重孙。我在想,救命啊,怎么会有一个人可以和他的太太一起生活了50年。我们这一代里可能有这样的人吗?不可能。但在他们那一代就有很多案例。所以我觉得当时的爱情与现在的不同。今天的爱情更加的物质主义,更有科技感。人们陷入爱中,但所有的事情都有会有一个结束。我不会称之为永恒的爱情,我认为在某一个时间它会结束。比如当你和一个人分手后。有开始,也有结尾。

Vincent: I think what Mr. D means is that love begins and ends. The topic we just discussed reminds me the famous English novel Pride and Prejudice. Every daughter in that story is just like products their mother trying to sell. That's not so far away from now in the history. So is that something happening right now only in Shanghai, or it's just something consistent in the human history.

Vincent: 我觉得Mr. D的意思是,爱情有开始,也会有结束。刚才这个话题让我想到著名的英国小说《傲慢与偏见》。书中的每个女儿就像她们母亲贩卖的商品。这个故事发生的时间离现在并不远。所以这样的情况是现在才发生在上海的呢?还是整个人类文明历史中一直存在的?

Mr. D: This example is very true. All literature in the past, Pride and Prejudice specially, it's same it's happening in Shanghai today because Shanghai mum are selling their girls actually right? It's on sale. We have to have a car, you have to have a house, you have to have cash in the bank to have the girl. It's that simple. I think UK was like that not too long ago, absolutely, UK is very similar to China in many many ways. They are not small country, they are all civilized, they rule the whole word from one point of this tiny country rule the whole world. It used to be a superpower but after the WWII they are no longer superpower and everything change.

Mr. D: 这个例子很好。以前的文学作品,特别是《傲慢与偏见》都有这样的描述,同样的事情也发生在上海。上海的母亲也贩卖她们的女儿不是吗?我们必须要有车有房有钱才能得到那个女孩。就是这么简单。就在不久之前英国也是这样。英国与中国有很多相似的地方。都不是小国,都是文明古国,都从一个很小的地方开始统治全世界。英国过去曾经是超级大国,但是二战后就不是了,一切都变了。

Phoebe: I think the joy of women is not gave by men, women give it to themselves. And for love I think it's from soul, my heart, for lover we should find a balance in our relationships. Not only about body, but always spirit. I think a good marriage is very expensive, the expensive is not only about the bread, they must have the value, common values, theories ,or same experience. These elements create poor luck or good luck in relationship, in family. I am single ,i don’t have a bf , but for young girls ,especially in china , in shanghai ,especially in beijing , something is changing under the table .maybe most of others could not find it ,because young girls have their new opinions, new values. We want true love , not for our parents’ suggestions ,or maybe this men can give me a car,or house, no. coz you know good girls don’t need them . because we can create, we can earn money, we we can provide by our hands, not men, why we need love, or why we need to keep relationships. coz we just want love, the true love ,not only lonely ,or other things .that ‘s my opinion.

Phoebe: 我觉得女性的快乐不是男性给予的,是女性自己给自己的。爱情是从灵魂深处来的,从内心来的,我们需要在我们的恋爱关系中找到一个平衡。不仅是肉体的,从来都是精神的。一段好的婚姻是非常昂贵的。昂贵不仅仅是因为面包,双方必须有同样的价值观和相同的经历。这些元素决定了一段关系、一个家庭里的运气。我单身,没有男友。但在中国的年轻女孩,特别是在上海北京的,改变正在发生,暗流汹涌。可能大部分人没有发现,年轻女性有了全新的价值观。我们想要真爱,不是听从父母的意见。这个男人可能可以给我房和车,但我不需要。优秀的女孩不需要这些。我们自己可以创造,我们靠自己的双手赚钱,不是靠男人。我们为什么想要爱情,想要恋爱关系,因为我们希望得到的是爱情,是真爱,不是其他的。这是我的观点。

Selina: I have some different view when watching this movie. After watching this, in my opinion it is not only about love, i felt a little upset from watching this movie ,coz i feel i can feel the feeling of the actor. I think it is about human being’s need, and you see that every one in the movie , every one was playing with their OS, everyone, and the friend, the girl, of the actor, good friend of Theodore, she was feeling happy with her OS as well, she said she made a good friend, right ? she made friend with the OS, it’s not love, but she got happiness from it. I think it is more like psychological things, along with the social process, I think people's need, it’s getting different , like people in shanghai, we are more looking for, like us, we more high-educated people , maybe look for more, more like spirit thing , the soul thing, it is more like your heart, it is more like psychological need . it is not, but like before, like in some poor countryside, poor town, we just need get married, those people, their need, everyone has need ,right ? They just want to get married, and it is kind of need, but now people, more progress, the need goes different, focus more on their soul, the spirit things. With people growing, the social progress more, we become more and more difficult to be satisfied. That’s my opinion.

Selina: 看完电影后我有一些不同的观点。我认为它不仅仅是关于爱情。看完后我有一些情绪,因为我觉得我能体会到男主的感觉。我觉得这是关于人类的需求。你看电影里每个人都在玩OS,男主的朋友,那个女孩,和她的OS相处也很开心,她说她们是好朋友。她和她的OS交了朋友,这不是爱情,她从中获得了快乐。我觉得这更像社交过程中心理层面的东。我觉得人类的需求正变得越来越多元化。像我们这样受过高等教育的人,可能在寻找更多精神层面的东西,灵魂层面的东西,更像心理层面的需求。不像在一些穷困的乡村,那里的人需要结婚,这是他们的需求。但是现在人类已经进步了,需求越来越多元,人们更注重精神层面的需求。人们在成长,社会在进步,我们变得更不容易满足。这是我的观点。

排他是爱情的本质,还是绕不开的绊脚石? Is excusivity the nature of love, or an obstacle you can’t walk around?

Vincent: Exclusivity. that’s the fun part. When Samantha , the OS said to the main character , I am dating (641) men at same time, and the main character Theodore just crushed, how can you say you still love me when you are dating 600 people at same time, they are not even man , they are just people. Exclusivity is happening here, Theodore thinks that if you love me, your love should be exclusive, so his point of view is that, you are mine or you are not mine. But Samantha just says i am yours and I am not yours.

Vincent: 排他,这是个很有意思的东西。当Samantha对男主说,我还同时还爱着641个人的时候,男主Theodore奔溃了。你怎么可以说你还爱我,同时还爱着600多个人?甚至不是男人。这里排他发生了。Theodore认为如果你爱我,你的爱应该是排他的。你要么是我的,要么不是我的。但是Samantha却说,我是你的,我又不是你的

Don: You know what you said reminds me that Samantha has no physical body, she is similar to a software. So for her, I think, her thinking is right from on her side, that she can distribute the love,  it does no harm to her, and more people get more copy. So for her point of view I think that’s definitely right. For human being it's not right because we have physical body, so at the same time, I can not be with other people.

Don: 你说的提醒我了,Samantha没有肉体,她就像个软件。所以对她来说,她的想法是对的。她可以分发她的爱,这对她没有伤害,更多的人可以得到更多的拷贝。从她的立场来说她是绝对正确的。但对人类来说,这就不正确了,因为我们有肉体,所以在同一时间,我不能和其他的人在一起。

Selina: I think it is possible we can fall in love with different people, because it happens sometimes. It happened on me ever. Because more progress as i mentioned just now, then the more human improved, the more, their heart, their mood and their mind would be enlarged, they always can love hundreds of people, maybe we just can learn, like 2-3 at that. Because we only have one body, our spirit lives in our body, we can not get out of it, but the OS can get out of it ,so they can love more things more people. I do felt that i love two guys at the same time, but at the end, I chose just gave up both of them, because I felt so tired , it’s because i only have one body, i can not betray them.

Selina: 我认为爱上不同的人是可能的,因为在我身上就发生过。就像我刚才说的,社会在进步。人类越发展,他们的心灵、情绪、意识会变得越大。我们可以同时爱上几百个人,可能我们可以学习,先从同时爱上2、3个人开始。因为我们只有一个身体,我们的精神居住在肉体中,无法逃离,但是OS可以,所以他们可以爱上更多的人。我同时爱上过两个男人,但最后我决定把他们都放弃,因为我觉得太累了。我只有一个身体,我不能背叛他们。

Bingo: Partly agree with Selina. Maybe before 5 years ago , I totally agree with the line, you are mine or you are not mine, but now maybe I more like I am yours and i am not yours. Because like Selina said, we are learning every day as well, although we are not programmed, but still we meet new people every day, we learn things every day, and our brain become stronger than before, I think now, we have much bigger mind to love more people and more things, that makes our life and world better. We can live our life better without any man or woman.

Bingo: 部分同意Selina的观点。可能在5年前,我一定会同意”你要么是我的,要么不是我的”。但现在我更倾向于”你是我的,你又不是我的。”。就像Selina说的,我们每天都在学习,虽然我们不是编程出来的,但我们仍然每天遇见新的人,学习新的东西,我们的大脑变得比以前更强。我觉得现在,我们拥有了更强大的爱更多的人的能力,这使我们的生活和世界更加美好了。而且现在,没有任何男人或女人,我们都可以生活得下去。

Selina: The less you need from others, the less you rely on others, the more, you’re not easy to get satisfied. When we were little girl, A guy just brings you a popcorn, take you to watch a movie, buy you an ice cream, you’ll fall in love, right ? After we grow up ,we are more independent. We are less satisfied, it is not easy to satisfy us again. Maybe people want more high level thing, spirit thing, to satisfied your heart. Like the guy in the movie, he doesn’t need real body , he falls in love with the OS, because it satisfied his spiritual mind.

Selina: 你对别人的需要越少、依赖越小,你越不容易满足。当你还是个小女孩的时候,有男人给你买爆米花,带你去看电影,给你买冰淇淋,你就会爱上他。我们长大之后,变得更加独立,就更不满足。现在再让我们感到满意是很难的一件事情。可能人们需要更高层次的东西,精神层面的东西来满足你的心灵。就像电影里的男主,他不需要一个真实的肉体去爱,他和他的OS相爱了,因为她满足了他的精神需要。



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