
S01E06 Football, Feminism and You



midget: n. 侏儒;极小者。adj. 小型的。- something (such as an animal) much smaller than usual; sometimes offensive: a very small person and especially one of unusually small size.

pipsqueak: n. 矮小的人;小人物。- one that is small or insignificant.

gimmick: n. 暗机关;骗人的玩意;花招。vt. 使暗机关;搞骗人的玩意。

e.g. The proposal to cut taxes was just an election gimmick to win votes.

       That free magazine subscription they offer is just a sales gimmick to get you to buy their product.

photogenic: suitable for being photographed especially because of visual appeal. 也就是我们说的“上相”。

e.g. She's a very photogenic child.

tryout: n. 试验;选拔赛;预赛.。- an experimental performance or demonstration: such as a: a test of the ability (as of an athlete or actor) to fill a part or meet standards. b: a performance of a play prior to its official opening to determine response and discover weaknesses.

discreetly: adv. 谨慎地;小心地;不显眼地。原型discreet - having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech; especially: capable of preserving prudent silence.

bigot: n. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者。- a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.

e.g. He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments. 

infatuate: vt. 使糊涂;使冲昏头脑;使迷恋。n. 热恋者;迷恋者。adj. 着迷的。- (be infatuated with)

e.g. She is infatuated with a handsome police chief.

inflict: vt. 造成;使遭受(损伤、痛苦等);给予(打击等)。- to give by or as if by striking; to cause (something unpleasant) to be endured. 

e.g. These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.

pep rally: [US] an event before a school sports event that is meant to get students and fans excited and to encourage the team to win; also: a similar event in which speakers try to get a group of people excited and enthusiastic about something. 赛前动员会;誓师大会等


Phrases and expressions:

1. just my luck: (humorous) something that you say when something bad happens to you. 类似我这运气!运气真背。

2. bros before hoes: the unwritten law that yourb ros (male friends) should always become before hoes (female with whom you are/hoping to have a relationship with). Most used as a trump card by your bros when they feel you are becoming whipped or that yourhoeis aslutand a bitch. 不要重色亲友。兄弟比女人重要。

3. make the right call. 做了正确的决定。to make the call = to decide

4. fill me in later: to 'fill someone in' means to inform someone about something. 等下告诉我

5. pick of the litter: the best one of a group. 最好的、出类拔萃的。

e.g. There are many good cars on the market now, but this one is clearly the pick of the litter.

6. There is nowhere to go but up. 也就是我们常说的:身处谷底,怎么走都是向上。



然后又是my favourite Jeff's time!





Enjoy the show!
