Everything I Never Told You CH9


1. A few months earlier, a different illicit romance had been brewing.

brew有沏茶,煮咖啡,酿酒等意思,在这里有start, on the  way, 的意思,但brew明显比start,develop这些词生动,有一种慢慢开始,并慢慢弥漫开来的感觉。

The financial crisis was brewing in the country.

2. ...her mind shied from the thought...

shy这个词我一直习惯用它的形容词,在这里是动词 (shy from) avoid doing or becoming involved in (something) due to nervousness or a lack of confidence(由于紧张或缺乏信心而)回避, 避开:

The young man always shied from what he really thought in the meetings before, but now he has changed a lot.

3. But she had crossed a line, and both of them knew it.

cross a boundary/line: to go beyond accepted limits or standards of behavior 做出出格的事情

4. She tucked a stray lock of hair behind Lydia’s ear. 把一绺乱发掖到耳后

a lock of hair,一绺头发,tuck, stray,


学习跟开车有关的表达,超级实用 (哈哈,我至今仍然是个无法独立上路的菜鸟司机,想想当年开朋友的手档车的时候,这些话是多么多么的熟悉)

1. Think of the gas pedal and the clutch as partners,” he said. “When one goes up, the other goes down.” Under Jack’s direction, Lydia let the clutch out slowly and tapped the gas with her toe, and the VW crept forward across the empty parking lot of the roller rink on Route 17. ”

开手挡的车,最关键的是油离配合,think of the gas pedal and the clutch as partners,进一步解释油离配合是,离合器和油门的搭合是一上一下。后面是Lydia的具体操作,let the clutch out slowly慢慢抬起离合,踩下刹车,creep forward也很生动

2. Then the engine stalled, slamming her shoulders into the seat back.

stall 这个词有摊位,一般是固位在某一个位置,车熄火的时候就是在一个地方动不了了,所以stall有“使突然熄火”的意思,If a vehiclestallsor if you accidentallystallit, the engine stops suddenly.

后面的slamming her shoulder into the seat back的感觉很熟悉,以前偶尔开朋友的手档车为喝多了的小伙伴当代驾,经常在红灯变绿灯时候熄火,最多糟糕的时候红灯变绿灯,绿灯又变红灯,我还没有成功过过路,后面的车都疯狂的按喇叭。所以那时候手档车对我来说简直就是灾难。

3. Nice and slow. Clutch in, gas out. 好,慢慢来,踩离合,松油。

4. She turned the key and restarted the car and stalled again, almost at once.

5. Lydia sank the clutch to the floor and started the engine again and reached for the gearshift.

这里用了sink the clutch,用一种注定要失败的感觉。学习一连串的开始动作,从踩离合,打火,到挂档

6. When she tried to let out the clutch, her foot slipped off the pedal. The car bucked and died.

熄火除了stall, 还有lie; let out the clutch松开离合,

buck这个词好生动,make sudden jerky movements,颠一下,还可以用jolt, 这一章同样的表达还有一句

...the whole car jolted and fell silent.

7. Soon she would glide down the highway, shifting into third, then fourth, speeding off somewhere all on her own.



通过Lydia对Jack讲的只言片语,我们可以感受到Lydia在父母的掌控下并不快乐,不开心,妈妈要她好学习,爸爸让她好好社交。还有一月就16岁的时候,Jack开始教Lydia开车,Lydiai学习开车重要的原因是“逃离”,可以去任何自己想去的地方。即使Nath离开家上大学了,她也不会困在父母的怀抱里。她不喜欢这个被困的家,甚至不喜欢自己家的那辆车,压抑,没有生机,连开个车父母都要讲条件。Lydia内心生出了反抗的因子:从那个向警车吐烟的小动作可以看出来。As they turned onto Route 17, she blew a long column of smoke out toward the police car.

Lydia不知道Jack的心思,不知道Jack多想透过Lydia向Nath传达一个信息:他不是个bad guy。可是Lydia不知道,她只知道自那个春天,她是唯一进入Jack车里的姑娘。Nath当然也不知道,他只知道,那个坏Jack在打Lydia的坏主意。Lydia只知道Nath对此事不满,知道Nath绝对不会相信Jack。于是误会越来越深,结越打越深。

此时的Lydia沉浸在跟Jack学开车的美好期待中,希望很快拿到permit,希望自己可以尽快独立上路。这里似有一种隐喻,用开车来隐喻Lydia想掌控自己人生,而不是受制于父母。Soon she wouldglide down the highway,shifting into third, then fourth,speeding offsomewhere all on her own. 其中all on her own是这句的重点。


James在女儿生日的前一天,送给Lydia一条漂亮的项链,是Lydia 梦寐以求的。就是这样一条小小的项链,James都要把自己的人生观强压给Lydia, 这个项链成了一个无时不刻的提醒,提醒她父亲对她的期望。如果不是妈妈日复一日得做功课,不许她出去跟其它姑娘玩耍,只让她在家做功课,也许她根本不会有社交的问题。现在除了母亲对她的期待,父亲对的她的期待又成了一道套在她身上的枷锁。双重枷锁,越来越重。




...juniors grinned at them through the windshield and pulled his eyes into slits with his fingers. The others laughed, and Lydia scrunched down in her seat.


Everything I Never Told You CH9_第1张图片

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