
Neighbors秦小怡1668358 do you know your neighbors and I’m sorry it’s been very nice so family who is my neighbors because they move to new Besty Siri not so long and because of the snow very busy at my work and learning I have no chance to talk with my neighbor so nobody we will we will make a comment in one way when we encounter on the roads but I have no time to to make friend wisdom and to do like a neighbors yes I like them because they are brave plate in the air he almost often are young person with Stan  three what do you how often do you see your neighbors every day I’m in a be days when I go all out for my work I for an eye cats go out I will made that I will meet some of my neighbors and I will make her say hello to him to them and they will smile give me a smile I am Taco Bell something five do you meet your neighbors when do you need me to your name neighbors I Yuri I will meet my neighbors after in in the morning or in in the evening
