本文是对 MagicalRecord github上的翻译
注意: MagicalRecord 在 ARC 下运作,Core Data 是 ORM 方案,据说带来的麻烦比好处多,且 Core Data 建立的表没有主键,但对于数据库没有性能要求,进行简单的数据操作完全够用,能简化无数的代码量.
In software engineering, the active record pattern is a design pattern found in software that stores its data in relational databases. It was named by Martin Fowler in his book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. The interface to such an object would include functions such as Insert, Update, and Delete, plus properties that correspond more-or-less directly to the columns in the underlying database table.
在软件工程中,对象与数据库中的记录实时映射是一种设计模式,在处理关系型数据库的的软件中多有出现.这种设计模式被记录在 Martin Fowler 的中.被操作对象的接口应该包含增删改查的方法,基本属性不多不少的刚好与数据库中的一条记录相对应.
Active record is an approach to accessing data in a database. A database table or view is wrapped into a class; thus an object instance is tied to a single row in the table. After creation of an object, a new row is added to the table upon save. Any object loaded gets its information from the database; when an object is updated, the corresponding row in the table is also updated. The wrapper class implements accessor methods or properties for each column in the table or view.
Wikipedia 维基百科
MagicalRecord was inspired by the ease of Ruby on Rails' Active Record fetching. The goals of this code are:
• Clean up my Core Data related code
• Allow for clear, simple, one-line fetches
• Still allow the modification of the NSFetchRequest when request optimizations are needed
MagicalRecord 灵感来自于简洁的Ruby语言中 Rails' Active Record 查询方式. MagicalRecord 这个开源库的核心思想是:
清除 Core Data 相关的代码
Installing MagicalRecord 安装
- Installation
Using CocoaPods
One of the easiest ways to integrate MagicalRecord in your project is to use CocoaPods:
Add the following line to your Podfile:
a. Plain
pod "MagicalRecord"
b. With CocoaLumberjack as Logger
pod "MagicalRecord/CocoaLumberjack"
In your project directory, run pod update
You should now be able to add #importto any of your target's source files and begin using MagicalRecord!
pod "MagicalRecord"
pod "MagicalRecord/CocoaLumberjack"
你现在应该可以添加#import < MagicalRecord / MagicalRecord.h >到任何源文件并开始使用MagicalRecord !
**Shorthand Category Methods **速记分类方法
By default, all of the category methods that MagicalRecord provides are prefixed with MR_. This is inline with Apple's recommendation not to create unadorned category methods to avoid naming clashes.
If you like, you can include the following headers to use shorter, non-prefixed category methods:
默认情况下,所有的MR_ MagicalRecord提供的类方法是以MR_为前缀。这是(内联与)根据苹果的建议而不是创建不加装饰的分类方法来避免命名冲突。
If you're using Swift, you'll need to add these imports to your target's Objective-C bridging header.
Once you've included the headers, you should call the +[MagicalRecord enableShorthandMethods] class method before you setup/use MagicalRecord:
如果你使用Swift、你需要添加这些入口到你的目标的objective - c桥接头文件。
一旦你包括标题,在你设置/使用MagicalRecord:之前你应该唤起+[MagicalRecord enableShorthandMethods]类方法
- (void)theMethodWhereYouSetupMagicalRecord
[MagicalRecord enableShorthandMethods];
// Setup MagicalRecord as per usual 设置MagicalRecord按往常一样
**Please note that we do not offer support for this feature**. If it doesn't work, [please file an issue](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/issues/new) and we'll fix it when we can.
- [Getting Started](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Getting-Started.md)
>To get started, import the MagicalRecord.h header file in your project's pch file. This will allow a global include of all the required headers.
If you're using CocoaPods or MagicalRecord.framework, your import should look like:
// Objective-C
// Swift
import MagicalRecord
Otherwise, if you've added MagicalRecord's source files directly to your Objective-C project, your import should be:
否则,如果你已经直接地添加MagicalRecord的源文件到你的 objective - c项目中,你的导入应该是:
#import "MagicalRecord.h"
Next, somewhere in your app delegate, in either the - applicationDidFinishLaunching: withOptions: method, or -awakeFromNib, use one of the following setup calls with the MagicalRecord class:
接下来,在您的应用程序委托的一些地方,无论是- applicationDidFinishLaunching:withOptions:方法,或-awakefromnib,使用以下设置的一个调用MagicalRecord类:
- (void)setupCoreDataStack;
- (void)setupAutoMigratingCoreDataStack;
- (void)setupCoreDataStackWithInMemoryStore;
- (void)setupCoreDataStackWithStoreNamed:(NSString *)storeName;
- (void)setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed:(NSString *)storeName;
- (void)setupCoreDataStackWithStoreAtURL:(NSURL *)storeURL;
- (void)setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreAtURL:(NSURL *)storeURL;
Each call instantiates one of each piece of the Core Data stack, and provides getter and setter methods for these instances. These well known instances to MagicalRecord, and are recognized as "defaults".
When using the default SQLite data store with the DEBUG flag set, changing your model without creating a new model version will cause MagicalRecord to delete the old store and create a new one automatically. This can be a huge time saver — no more needing to uninstall and reinstall your app every time you make a change your data model! Please be sure not to ship your app with DEBUG enabled: Deleting your app's data without telling the user about it is really bad form!
Before your app exits, you should call +cleanUp class method:
在程序退出之前,你应该调用+ cleanUp清理类方法:
[MagicalRecord cleanUp];
This tidies up after MagicalRecord, tearing down our custom error handling and setting all of the Core Data stack created by MagicalRecord to nil.
>**iCloud-enabled Persistent Stores iCloud功能的持久存储**
To take advantage of Apple's iCloud Core Data syncing, use one of the following setup methods in place of the standard methods listed in the previous section:
利用苹果的iCloud核心数据同步,使用以下设置方法之一 代替 在前一节中列出的标准方法:
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
localStoreNamed:(NSString *)localStore;
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
contentNameKey:(NSString *)contentNameKey
localStoreNamed:(NSString *)localStoreName
cloudStorePathComponent:(NSString *)pathSubcomponent;
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
contentNameKey:(NSString *)contentNameKey
localStoreNamed:(NSString *)localStoreName
cloudStorePathComponent:(NSString *)pathSubcomponent
completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
localStoreAtURL:(NSURL *)storeURL;
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
contentNameKey:(NSString *)contentNameKey
localStoreAtURL:(NSURL *)storeURL
cloudStorePathComponent:(NSString *)pathSubcomponent;
>+ (void)setupCoreDataStackWithiCloudContainer:(NSString *)containerID
contentNameKey:(NSString *)contentNameKey
localStoreAtURL:(NSURL *)storeURL
cloudStorePathComponent:(NSString *)pathSubcomponent
completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
>For further details, please refer to [Apple's "iCloud Programming Guide for Core Data"](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/UsingCoreDataWithiCloudPG/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013491).
If you are managing multiple iCloud-enabled stores, we recommended that you use one of the longer setup methods that allows you to specify your own contentNameKey. The shorter setup methods automatically generate theNSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey based on your app's bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier):
- [Working with Managed Object Contexts](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Working-with-Managed-Object-Contexts.md)
>**Working with Managed Object Contexts 工作与管理对象上下文**
>**Creating New Contexts 创建新环境**
A variety of simple class methods are provided to help you create new contexts:
- **+[NSManagedObjectContext MR_newContext]**: Sets the default context as it's parent context. Has a concurrency type of NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType.
- **+[NSManagedObjectContext MR_newMainQueueContext]**: Has a concurrency type of NSMainQueueConcurrencyType.
- **+[NSManagedObjectContext MR_newPrivateQueueContext]**: Has a concurrency type of NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType.
一种并发NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType 类型。
- **+[NSManagedObjectContext MR_newContextWithParent:…]**: Allows you to specify the parent context that will be set. Has a concurrency type of NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType.
- **+[NSManagedObjectContext MR_newContextWithStoreCoordinator:…]**: Allows you to specify the persistent store coordinator for the new context. Has a concurrency type of NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType.
>**The Default Context 默认的上下文**
When working with Core Data, you will regularly deal with two main objects: NSManagedObject and NSManagedObjectContext.
使用Core Data时,您将定期处理两个主要对象:NSManagedObject NSManagedObjectContext。
MagicalRecord provides a simple class method to retrieve a default NSManagedObjectContext that can be used throughout your app. This context operates on the main thread, and is great for simple, single-threaded apps.
To access the default context, call: 访问默认上下文,使用:
NSManagedObjectContext *defaultContext = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext];
This context will be used throughout MagicalRecord in any method that uses a context, but does not provde a specific managed object context parameter.
If you need to create a new managed object context for use in non-main threads, use the following method:
NSManagedObjectContext *myNewContext = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_newContext];
This will create a new managed object context which has the same object model and persistent store as the default context, but is safe for use on another thread. It automatically sets the default context as it's parent context.
If you'd like to make your myNewContext instance the default for all fetch requests, use the following class method:
[NSManagedObjectContext MR_setDefaultContext:myNewContext];
**NOTE**: It is highly recommended that the default context is created and set on the main thread using a managed object context with a concurrency type of NSMainQueueConcurrencyType.
>**Performing Work on Background Threads 在后台线程执行工作**
MagicalRecord provides methods to set up and work with contexts for use in background threads. The background saving operations are inspired by the UIView animation block methods, with a few minor differences:
• The block in which you make changes to your entities will never be executed on the main thread.
• A single NSManagedObjectContext is provided for you within these blocks.
For example, if we have Person entity, and we need to set the firstName and lastName fields, this is how you would use MagicalRecord to setup a background context for your use:
>Person *person = ...;
>[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext)>{
>Person *localPerson = [person MR_inContext:localContext];
>localPerson.firstName = @"John";
> localPerson.lastName = @"Appleseed";
In this method, the specified block provides you with the proper context in which to perform your operations, you don't need to worry about setting up the context so that it tells the Default Context that it's done, and should update because changes were performed on another thread.
To perform an action after this save block is completed, you can fill in a completion block:
>Person *person = ...;
>[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext)>{
>Person *localPerson = [person MR_inContext:localContext];
>localPerson.firstName = @"John";
>localPerson.lastName = @"Appleseed";
>} completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
>self.everyoneInTheDepartment = [Person findAll];
This completion block is called on the main thread (queue), so this is also safe for triggering UI updates.
- [Creating Entities](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Creating-Entities.md)
>**Creating Entities 创建实体**
To create and insert a new instance of an Entity in the default context, you can use:
Person *myPerson = [Person MR_createEntity];```
To create and insert an entity into specific context:
Person *myPerson = [Person MR_createEntityInContext:otherContext];```
- [Deleting Entities](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Deleting-Entities.md)
>**Deleting Entities 删除实体**
To delete a single entity in the default context:
[myPerson MR_deleteEntity];```
To delete the entity from a specific context:
[myPerson MR_deleteEntityInContext:otherContext];```
To truncate all entities from the default context:
[Person MR_truncateAll];```
To truncate all entities in a specific context:
[Person MR_truncateAllInContext:otherContext];```
- [Fetching Entities](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Fetching-Entities.md)
>###**Fetching Entities 获取实体**
>**Basic Finding 基本的发现**
Most methods in MagicalRecord return an NSArray of results.
大多数方法MagicalRecord NSArray返回的结果。
As an example, if you have an entity named *Person* related to a *Department* entity (as seen in many of [Apple's Core Data examples](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdBasics.html#/apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001650-TP1)), you can retrieve all of the *Person* entities from your persistent store using the following method:
NSArray *people = [Person MR_findAll];```
To return the same entities sorted by a specific attribute:
NSArray *peopleSorted = [Person MR_findAllSortedBy:@"LastName"
To return the entities sorted by multiple attributes:
NSArray *peopleSorted = [Person MR_findAllSortedBy:@"LastName,FirstName"
To return the results sorted by multiple attributes with different values. If you don't provide a value for any attribute, it will default to whatever you've set in your model:
NSArray *peopleSorted = [Person MR_findAllSortedBy:@"LastName:NO,FirstName"
// OR
NSArray *peopleSorted = [Person MR_findAllSortedBy:@"LastName,FirstName:YES"
If you have a unique way of retrieving a single object from your data store (such as an identifier attribute), you can use the following method:
Person *person = [Person MR_findFirstByAttribute:@"FirstName"
>**Advanced Finding 先进的发现**
If you want to be more specific with your search, you can use a predicate:
NSPredicate *peopleFilter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Department IN %@", @[dept1, dept2]];
NSArray *people = [Person MR_findAllWithPredicate:peopleFilter];```
Returning an NSFetchRequest 返回一个NSFetchRequest
NSPredicate *peopleFilter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Department IN %@", departments];
NSFetchRequest *people = [Person MR_requestAllWithPredicate:peopleFilter];```
For each of these single line calls, an NSFetchRequest and NSSortDescriptors for any sorting criteria are created.
每个一行调用,一个NSFetchRequest NSSortDescriptors创建的任何分类标准。
>**Customizing the Request 自定义请求**
>NSPredicate *peopleFilter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Department IN %@", departments];
>NSFetchRequest *peopleRequest = [Person MR_requestAllWithPredicate:peopleFilter];
>[peopleRequest setReturnsDistinctResults:NO];
>[peopleRequest setReturnPropertiesNamed:@[@"FirstName", @"LastName"]];
>NSArray *people = [Person MR_executeFetchRequest:peopleRequest];```
>**Find the number of entities 找到实体的数量**
You can also perform a count of all entities of a specific type in your persistent store:
NSNumber *count = [Person MR_numberOfEntities];```
Or, if you're looking for a count of entities based on a predicate or some filter:
NSNumber *count = [Person MR_numberOfEntitiesWithPredicate:...];```
There are also complementary methods which return NSUInteger rather than NSNumber instances:
- (NSUInteger) MR_countOfEntities;
- (NSUInteger) MR_countOfEntitiesWithContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
- (NSUInteger) MR_countOfEntitiesWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)searchFilter;
- (NSUInteger) MR_countOfEntitiesWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)searchFilter
inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
>**Aggregate Operations 聚合操作**
>NSNumber *totalCalories = [CTFoodDiaryEntry MR_aggregateOperation:@"sum:"
>NSNumber *mostCalories = [CTFoodDiaryEntry MR_aggregateOperation:@"max:"
>NSArray *caloriesByMonth = [CTFoodDiaryEntry MR_aggregateOperation:@"sum:"
>**Finding entities in a specific context 发现实体在一个特定的上下文**
All find, fetch, and request methods have an inContext: method parameter that allows you to specify which managed object context you'd like to query:
>NSArray *peopleFromAnotherContext = [Person MR_findAllInContext:someOtherContext];
>Person *personFromContext = [Person MR_findFirstByAttribute:@"lastName"
>NSUInteger count = [Person MR_numberOfEntitiesWithContext:someOtherContext];
- Saving Entities
Saving Entities 保存实体
When should I save? 当我要保存吗?
In general, your app should save to it's persistent store(s) when data changes. Some applications choose to save on application termination, however this shouldn't be necessary in most circumstances — in fact, if you're only saving when your app terminates, you're risking data loss! What happens if your app crashes? The user will lose all the changes they've made — that's a terrible experience, and easily avoided.
If you find that saving is taking a long time, there are a couple of things you should consider doing:
1 . Save in a background thread: MagicalRecord provides a simple, clean API for making changes to your entities and subsequently saving them in a background thread — for example:
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
>// Do your work to be saved here, against the `localContext` instance
> // Everything you do in this block will occur on a background thread
>} completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
[application endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
2 . Break the task down into smaller saves: tasks like importing large amounts of data should always be broken down into smaller chunks. There's no one-size-fits all rule for how much data you should be saving in one go, so you'll need to measure your application's performance using a tool like Apple's Instruments and tune appropriately.
Handling Long-running Saves 处理长期保存
On iOS 在iOS
When an application terminates on iOS, it is given a small window of opportunity to tidy up and save any data to disk. If you know that a save operation is likely to take a while, the best approach is to request an extension to your application's expiration, like so:
UIApplication *application = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
__block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[application endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
>// Do your work to be saved here
} completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
[application endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
Be sure to carefully [read the documentation for beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler
](https://developer.apple.com/library/iOS/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIApplication_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIApplication/beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:), as inappropriately or unnecessarily extending your application's lifetime may earn your app a rejection from the App Store.
>**On OS X 在OS X**
On OS X Mavericks (10.9) and later, App Nap can cause your application to act as though it is effectively terminated when it is in the background. If you know that a save operation is likely to take a while, the best approach is to disable automatic and sudden termination temporarily (assuming that your app supports these features):
在OS X小牛(10.9)和后,应用午睡会使您的应用程序充当虽然有效地终止时的背景。如果你知道一个保存操作可能需要一段时间,最好的方法是暂时禁用自动和突然终止(假设您的应用程序支持这些特性):
>NSProcessInfo *processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
>[processInfo disableSuddenTermination];
>[processInfo disableAutomaticTermination:@"Application is currently saving to persistent store"];
>[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
>// Do your work to be saved here
>} completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
[processInfo enableSuddenTermination];
[processInfo enableAutomaticTermination:@"Application has finished saving to the persistent store"];
As with the iOS approach, be sure to read the documentation on NSProcessInfo before implementing this approach in your app.
Changes to saving in MagicalRecord 2.3.0 变化在MagicalRecord tripwire储蓄
Context For Current Thread Deprecation 当前线程上下文弃用
In earlier releases of MagicalRecord, we provided methods to retrieve the managed object context for the thread that the method was called on. Unfortunately, it's not possible to return the context for the currently executing thread in a reliable manner anymore. Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) makes no guarantees that a queue will be executed on a single thread, and our approach was based upon the older NSThread API while CoreData has transitioned to use GCD. For more details, please see Saul's post "Why contextForCurrentThread Doesn't Work in MagicalRecord".
MagicalRecord的早期版本中,我们提供了方法来检索管理对象上下文的线程的方法被称为。不幸的是,它是不可能返回当前执行的线程的上下文以可靠的方式了。中央调度(GCD)毫无保证队列将单个线程上执行,和我们的方法是基于老NSThread API虽然CoreData转换到使用肾小球囊性肾病。有关详细信息,请参阅扫罗的文章“为什么MagicalRecord contextForCurrentThread行不通”。
In MagicalRecord 2.3.0, we continue to use +MR_contextForCurrentThread internally in a few places to maintain compatibility with older releases. These methods are deprecated, and you will be warned if you use them.
在MagicalRecord tripwire,我们继续使用+ MR_contextForCurrentThread内部在一些地方保持兼容老版本。这些方法被弃用,你会警告说如果你使用它们。
In particular, do not use +MR_contextForCurrentThread from within any of the +[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:…] methods — the returned context may not be correct!
特别是,不使用+从内部MR_contextForCurrentThread任何+[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:…]方法——返回上下文可能不是正确的!
If you'd like to begin preparing for the change now, please use the method variants that accept a "context" parameter, and use the context that's passed to you in the +[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:…] method block. Instead of:
如果你想开始准备改变现在,请使用方法的变体,接受“上下文”参数,并使用上下文传递给你的+(MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:…)方法。而不是:
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
NSManagedObject *inserted = [SingleEntityWithNoRelationships MR_createEntity];
// …
You should now use:
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
NSManagedObject *inserted = [SingleEntityWithNoRelationships MR_createEntityInContext:localContext];
// …
When MagicalRecord 3.0 is released, the context for current thread methods will be removed entirely. The methods that do not accept a "context" parameter will move to using the default context of the default stack — please see the MagicalRecord 3.0 release notes for more details.
MagicalRecord 3.0发布时,当前线程的上下文方法完全将被删除。方法,不接受“上下文”参数将使用默认上下文默认的堆栈-请参阅MagicalRecord 3.0发行说明了解更多细节。
Changes to saving in MagicalRecord 2.2.0 改变在MagicalRecord 2.2.0储蓄
In MagicalRecord 2.2, the APIs for saving were revised to behave more consistently, and also to follow naming patterns present in Core Data. Extensive work has gone into adding automated tests that ensure the save methods (both new and deprecated) continue to work as expected through future updates.
在MagicalRecord 2.2中,储蓄的api是修改后的表现更加一致,并遵循命名模式出现在核心数据。广泛的工作已经进入添加自动化测试,确保保存方法(新和弃用)继续工作如预期在未来的更新。
MR_save has been temporarily restored to it's original state of running synchronously on the current thread, and saving to the persistent store. However, the MR_save method is marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next major release of MagicalRecord (version 3.0). You should use MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait if you want the same behaviour in future versions of the library.
New Methods 新方法
The following methods have been added: 添加了以下方法:
• - (void) MR_saveOnlySelfWithCompletion:(MRSaveCompletionHandler)completion;
• - (void) MR_saveToPersistentStoreWithCompletion:(MRSaveCompletionHandler)completion;
• - (void) MR_saveOnlySelfAndWait;
• - (void) MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait;
• - (void) MR_saveWithOptions:(MRSaveContextOptions)mask completion:(MRSaveCompletionHandler)completion;
• + (void) saveWithBlock:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block;
• + (void) saveWithBlock:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block completion:(MRSaveCompletionHandler)completion;
• + (void) saveWithBlockAndWait:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block;
• + (void) saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:(void (^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block completion:(MRSaveCompletionHandler)completion;
• + (void) saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlockAndWait:(void (^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block;
Deprecations 的用法
The following methods have been deprecated in favour of newer alternatives, and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0:
下列方法已被弃用的新选择,和将被删除在MagicalRecord 3.0:
• - (void) MR_save;
• - (void) MR_saveWithErrorCallback:(void(^)(NSError *error))errorCallback;
• - (void) MR_saveInBackgroundCompletion:(void (^)(void))completion;
• - (void) MR_saveInBackgroundErrorHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorCallback;
• - (void) MR_saveInBackgroundErrorHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorCallback completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
• - (void) MR_saveNestedContexts;
• - (void) MR_saveNestedContextsErrorHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorCallback;
• - (void) MR_saveNestedContextsErrorHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorCallback completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
• + (void) saveWithBlock:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block;
• + (void) saveInBackgroundWithBlock:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block;
• + (void) saveInBackgroundWithBlock:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block completion:(void(^)(void))completion;
• + (void) saveInBackgroundUsingCurrentContextWithBlock:(void (^)(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext))block completion:(void (^)(void))completion errorHandler:(void (^)(NSError *error))errorHandler;
- Importing Data
Importing Data 导入数据
We're working on updating this documentation — thanks for your patience. For the moment, please refer to Importing Data Made Easy at Cocoa Is My Girlfriend. Much of this document is based upon Saul's work in that original article.
MagicalRecord Team
MagicalRecord can help import data from standard NSObject instances such as NSArray and NSDictionary directly into your Core Data store.
MagicalRecord可以帮助导入数据从标准如NSArray和NSDictionary NSObject实例直接进入你的核心数据存储。
It's a two step process to import data from an external source into your persistent store using MagicalRecord:
- Define how the data you're importing maps to your store using your data model (it's pretty much codeless!)
定义如何将数据导入映射到你的商店使用您的数据模型(几乎无代码!) - Perform the data import
Define Your Import 定义您的进口
Data from external sources can be wildly variable in quality and structure, so we've done our best to make MagicalRecord's import processes flexible.
MagicalRecord can import data from any Key-Value Coding (KVC) compliant object. We usually find people work withNSArray and NSDictionary instances, but it works just fine with any KVC compliant NSObject subclass.
MagicalRecord makes use of the Xcode data modeling tool's "User Info" values to allow configuration of import options and mappings possible without having to edit any code.
For reference: The user info keys and values are held in an NSDictionary that is attached to every entity, attribute and relationship in your data model, and can be accessed via the userInfo method on your NSEntityDescriptioninstances.
Xcode's data modelling tools give you access to this dictionary via the Data Model Inspector's "User Info" group. When editing a data model, you can open this inspector using Xcode's menus — View > Utilities > Show Data Model Inspector, or press ⌥⌘3 on your keyboard.
By default, MagicalRecord will automatically try to match attribute and relationship names with the keys in your imported data. If an attribute or relationship name in your model matches a key in your data, you don't need to do anything — the value attached to the key will be imported automatically.
For example, if an attribute on an entity has the name 'firstName', MagicalRecord will assume the key in the data to import will also have a key of 'firstName' — if it does, your entity's firstName attribute will be set to the value of the firstName key in your data.
More often than not, the keys and structure in the data you are importing will not match your entity's attributes and relationships. In this case, you will need to tell MagicalRecord how to map your import data's keys to the correct attribute or relationship in your data model.
Each of the three key objects we deal with in Core Data — Entities, Attributes and Relationships — have options that may need to be specified via user info keys:
Importing Objects 进口物品
To import data into your store using MagicalRecord, you need to know two things:
- The format of the data you're importing, and how it
The basic idea behind MagicalRecord's importing is that you know the entity the data should be imported into, so you then write a single line of code tying this entity with the data to import. There are a couple of options to kick off the import process.
To automatically create a new instance from the object, you can use the following, shorter approach:
NSDictionary *contactInfo = // Result from JSON parser or some other source
Person *importedPerson = [Person MR_importFromObject:contactInfo];
You can also use a two-stage approach:
NSDictionary *contactInfo = // Result from JSON parser or some other source
Person *person = [Person MR_createEntity]; // This doesn't have to be a new entity
[person MR_importValuesForKeysWithObject:contactInfo];
The two-stage approach can be helpful if you’re looking to update an existing object by overwriting its attributes.
+MR_importFromObject: will look for an existing object based on the configured lookup value (see the relatedByAttribute andattributeNameID). Also notice how this follows the built in paradigm of importing a list of key-value pairs in Cocoa, as well as following the safe way to import data.
+MR_importFromObject:将寻找现有对象的基础上,查找配置值(见relatedByAttribute attributeNameID)。也注意到此前范式的建立进口可可豆中的键值对列表,以及导入数据的安全方法。
The +MR_importFromObject: class method provides a wrapper around creating a new object using the previously mentioned-MR_importValuesForKeysWithObject: instance method, and returns the newly created object filled with data.
A key item of note is that both these methods are synchronous. While some imports will take longer than others, it’s still highly advisable to perform all imports in the background so as to not impact user interaction. As previously discussed, MagicalRecord provides a handy API to make using background threads more manageable:
[MagicalRecord saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *)localContext {
Person *importedPerson = [Person MR_importFromObject:personRecord inContext:localContext];
>**Importing Arrays 输入数组**
It’s common for a list of data to be served using a JSON array, or you’re importing a large list of a single type of data. The details of importing such a list are taken care of in the +MR_importFromArray: class method.
公共的数据是使用JSON数组,或者你导入一个大型的单一类型的数据列表。进口的细节中照顾这样一个列表+ MR_importFromArray:类方法。
NSArray *arrayOfPeopleData = /// result from JSON parser
NSArray *people = [Person MR_importFromArray:arrayOfPeopleData];
This method, like +MR_importFromObject: is also synchronous, so for background importing, use the previously mentioned helper method for performing blocks in the background.
这种方法,像+ MR_importFromObject:也是同步的,所以对于背景导入,使用前面提到的辅助方法用于执行块的背景。
If your import data exactly matches your Core Data model, then read no further because the aforementioned methods are all you need to import your data into your Core Data store. However, if your data, like most, has little quirks and minor deviations, then read on, as we’ll walk through some of the features of MagicalRecord that will help you handle several commonly encountered deviations.
>**Best Practice 最佳实践**
>**Handling Bad Data When Importing 处理错误数据在导入**
APIs can often return data that has inconsistent formatting or values. The best way to handle this is to use the import category methods on your entity classes. There are three provided:

Generally, if your data is bad you'll want to fix what the import did after an attempt has been made to import any values.
A common scenario is importing JSON data where numeric strings can often be misinterpreted as an actual number. If you want to ensure that a value is imported as a string, you could do the following:
>@interface MyGreatEntity
>@property(readwrite, nonatomic, copy) NSString *identifier;
>@implementation MyGreatEntity
>@dynamic identifier;
>- (void)didImport:(id)data
if (NO == [data isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
>NSDictionary *dataDictionary = (NSDictionary *)data;
>id identifierValue = dataDictionary[@"my_identifier"];
>if ([identifierValue isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
NSNumber *numberValue = (NSNumber *)identifierValue;
self.identifier = [numberValue stringValue];
>**Deleting local records on import update 删除本地导入更新记录**
Sometimes you will want to make sure that subsequent import operations not only update but also delete local records that are not included as part of the remote dataset. To do this, fetch all local records not included in this update via theirrelatedByAttribute (id in the example below) and remove them immediately before importing the new dataset.
NSArray *arrayOfPeopleData = /// result from JSON parser
NSArray *people = [Person MR_importFromArray:arrayOfPeopleData];
NSArray *idList = [arrayOfPeopleData valueForKey:@"id"];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(id IN %@)", idList];
[Person MR_deleteAllMatchingPredicate:predicate];
If you also want to make sure that related records are removed during this update, you can use similar logic as above but implement it in the willImport: method of Person
>@implementation Person
>-(void)willImport:(id)data {
NSArray *idList = [data[@"posts"] valueForKey:@"id"];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(id IN %@) AND person.id == %@", idList, self.id];
[Post MR_deleteAllMatchingPredicate:predicate];
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24252825/401092
- [Logging](https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord/blob/master/Docs/Logging.md)
>**Logging 日志记录**
MagicalRecord has logging built in to most of its interactions with Core Data. When errors occur during fetching or saving data, these errors are captured and (if you've enabled them) logged to the console.
Logging is configured to output debugging messages (MagicalRecordLoggingLevelDebug) by default in debug builds, and will output error messages (MagicalRecordLoggingLevelError) in release builds.
Logging can be configured by calling [MagicalRecord setLoggingLevel:]; using one of the predefined logging levels:
日志可以通过调用配置(MagicalRecord setLoggingLevel:];使用一个预定义的日志记录级别:
• MagicalRecordLogLevelOff: Don't log anything 不要什么日志
• MagicalRecordLoggingLevelError: Log all errors 记录所有错误
• MagicalRecordLoggingLevelWarn: Log warnings and errors 日志警告和错误
• MagicalRecordLoggingLevelInfo: Log informative, warning and error messages 日志信息,警告和错误消息
• MagicalRecordLoggingLevelDebug: Log all debug, informative, warning and error messages 记录所有调试信息,警告和错误消息
• MagicalRecordLoggingLevelVerbose: Log verbose diagnostic, informative, warning and error messages 日志详细的诊断信息,警告和错误消息
The logging level defaults to MagicalRecordLoggingLevelWarn.
If it's available, MagicalRecord will direct its logs to [CocoaLumberjack](https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack). All you need to do is make sure you've imported CocoaLumberjack before you import MagicalRecord, like so:
// Objective-C
// Swift
import CocoaLumberjack
import MagicalRecord
>**Disabling Logging Completely 完全禁用日志记录**
For most people this should be unnecessary. Setting the logging level to MagicalRecordLogLevelOff will ensure that no logs are printed.
Even when using MagicalRecordLogLevelOff, a very quick check may be performed whenever a log call is made. If you absolutely need to disable the logging, you will need to define the following when compiling MagicalRecord:
Please note that this will only work if you've added MagicalRecord's source to your own project. You can also add this to the MagicalRecord project's OTHER_CFLAGS as -DMR_LOGGING_DISABLED=1.
请注意,这只会工作如果你MagicalRecord源添加到自己的项目。您还可以添加这个MagicalRecord项目的OTHER_CFLAGS -DMR_LOGGING_DISABLED = 1。
- Other Resources
Resources 资源
The following articles highlight how to install and use aspects of MagicalRecord:
How to make Programming with Core Data Pleasant 如何使编程与核心数据愉快吗
Using Core Data with MagicalRecord 与MagicalRecord使用核心数据
Super Happy Easy Fetching in Core Data 超级快乐在核心数据容易获取
Core Data and Threads, without the Headache 核心数据和线程,没有头痛
Unit Testing with Core Data 单元测试与核心数据
**Support **支持
MagicalRecord is provided as-is, free of charge. For support, you have a few choices:
- Ask your support question on Stackoverflow.com, and tag your question with MagicalRecord. The core team will be notified of your question only if you mark your question with this tag. The general Stack Overflow community is provided the opportunity to answer the question to help you faster, and to reap the reputation points. If the community is unable to answer, we'll try to step in and answer your question.
在Stackoverflow.com上问你的支持问题,并与MagicalRecord标记你的问题。核心团队将通知你的问题只有你和这个标签标记你的问题。一般的堆栈溢出社区提供机会回答问题来帮助你更快,并获得荣誉点。如果社区无法回答,我们将试图介入并回答你的问题。 - If you believe you have found a bug in MagicalRecord, please submit a support ticket on the Github Issues page for MagicalRecord. We'll get to them as soon as we can. Please do NOT ask general questions on the issue tracker. Support questions will be closed unanswered.
如果你相信你在MagicalRecord发现一个bug,请提交一个支持机票在Github MagicalRecord问题页面。我们会尽快。请不要问一般问题在问题跟踪器。支持将被关闭的问题回答。 - For more personal or immediate support, MagicalPanda is available for hire to consult on your project.
**Twitter **推特
Follow @MagicalRecord on twitter to stay up to date with the latest updates relating to MagicalRecord.
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