【汉化】YEP.87 – Map Select Skill

YEP.87 – Map Select Skill


This plugin produces a window similar to that of the Select Item Window, but instead, it displays a list of skills from a designated actor and the skill type selected. When a skill is selected, it set the choosen variable’s value to become that of the picked skill’s ID.


Plugin Commands

Use the following plugin commands to utilize the Map Select Skill plugin.

— Plugin Commands —

MapSelectSkill v a s

– This will open up the Map Select Skill window. Replace ‘v’ with the ID of the variable you wish to set to the selected skill. Replace ‘a’ with the ID of the actor whose skill list you want to see. ‘s’ is optional, but if used, it will display the skills from skill type ‘s’ only. Replace ‘s’ with the skill type’s ID number.


MapSelectSkillColumns x

– Sets the number of columns for the Map Select Skill Window to x.


MapSelectSkillRows x

– Sets the number of rows for the Map Select Skill Window to x.


MapSelectSkillWidth x

– Sets the width for the Map Select Skill Window to x. If 0 is used, then the window width will be the screen width.


MapSelectSkillX left
MapSelectSkillX center
MapSelectSkillX right

– Sets the Map Select Skill Window to be aligned to the left side of the screen, center of the screen, or right side of the screen.


MapSelectSkillY top
MapSelectSkillY middle
MapSelectSkillY bottom

– Sets the Map Select Skill Window to be aligned to the top of the screen, middle of the screen, or bottom of the screen.



– This will cause all of the skills listed to become selectable regardless of whether or not the actor is able to use them at the time.



– This will cause all of the skills listed to be enabled or disabled based on whether or not the actor is able to use the skill at the time.



– Show the cost of the skills in the Map Select Skill Window.



– Hide the cost of the skills in the Map Select Skill Window.


Happy RPG Making!

你可能感兴趣的:(【汉化】YEP.87 – Map Select Skill)