《Who Moved My Cheese》读书感想集(二)

《Who Moved My Cheese》读书感想集(二)_第1张图片


Life is a maze rather then a straight corridor where we can roam easily in,everyone of us should have to find an exit.We may lost in confusion sometimes and seeked in a blind alley.

But if we persist the original will,there'll be an opening door for our own finally.Maybe the door is not the one we ever want to,but it will be  a salutary door.


No one could fail to notice how stupid and ridiculous were the littlepeople's first response to the loss of cheese. How come the smarter littlepeople can't see things as clearly as the mice with rodent brains. If I were them would I make a wise and quick decision as the mice did? Perhaps not.

From very beginning the littlepeople regarded themselves as the most intelligent creatures in the world so they took their success of finding cheese as granted and believed they deserved them forever. It was arrogance that blinded their mind. When change finally comes the only thing they do is complaining. I'm afraid I'm no better than them.


Hem and Haw regarded the Cheese they found at Cheese Station C as their cheese. After a while, their confidence grew into arrogance of success and they became so comfortable that they didn’t even notice what was happening. Hem and Haw took it for granted that their Cheese would be there, consequently, they could not accept the fact that the cheese was no longer at Cheese Station C.

In comparison, Sniff and Scurry would inspect the area to see if there had been any changes from the day before, so they weren’t surprised when they discovered there was no cheese at Cheese Station C. As a result, Sniff and Scurry were quickly off in search of New Cheese without wasting time on analyzing who moved the cheese.

In fact, just like Hem or Haw, most of us can not deal with the sudden changes well, because we don’t want to step out of the comfort zone we have created. However, we can not always stay in the same place, because we need to develop ourselves in different ways at different stage of our life and the environment we live is changing every day whether we like it or not. Maybe, we should learn from Sniff and Scurry and stop complaining the changes. Most of time, it is a better way to move on for us and find another Cheese.


In the Part III, two little people satisfied with the place they're living and were immersed in happiness that cheese bought. After a while, Hem's and Haw's confidence grew into arrogance of success. Soon they became so comfortable and they didn't  even notice what was happening.

Until one unusual morning, they found no cheese at Station C. The mice and little people presented different response.

For two little mice, they weren't surprised and knew instinctively what to do. At some level, the mice did not clever enough to over analyze things, which lead to a situation that the problem and the answer were both simple. Therefore, they looked out into the maze to find New Cheese.

For two little people, with the disappearance of cheese, Hem lost control of their emotions at first and kept hollering ‘Who Moved my cheese’ and Haw instinctively felt a desire to turn everything out and chose to get away.

However, finding cheese wasn’t easy ,and it meant a great deal more to the little people than just solving the problem of food. Finally, after a period of moral suffering, they decide to figure this problem out, stop analyzing the situation and turn to finding new cheese.


Eventually the four characters found the fomer cheese wasn't there any longer and they have different reactions to the unexpected change.

The two mice were not surprised, because  they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller and they were prepared for its final disappearance. They didn't waste time over analysing the situation but just take action to start off and work together, searching for new cheese.

When it comes to the two little people, things were different. They were shocked because they had taken it for granted that the cheese was theirs, which they had took great pains to get. They yelled"Who moved my cheese? It's unfair!…" Their brains were complicated and so they felt extremely painful.

As a result, it took them a long time to believe the cheese had really gone.How could this have happened? No one had warned them. They thought it was not the way things were supposed to be. They wanted to hold on to it and now the cheese was't there and they didn't know what to do.

What should I do if such a thing happened to me? As for me, my job is my cheese. I think I should learn from the two mice——Sniff and Scurry, who decided to run through the maze in search of another new cheese when they found the situation had changed. In face of change, it is wise to  meet the challenge and get starting to find new cheese. There is always another way God takes care of us.


In our modern life, we should adapt to this constantly changing age, or we will fall behind. We must learn everything which can improve ourselves no matter what time, that is, never too old to learn.

We also should ready to encounter some changes which may give us a "surprise", which can help us deal with the changes  better.

After all, Changes are everywhere. If we want to get something we need, we should prepare ourselves and can not be negligent.


Many people don't want to change their life . Life can be simple also can be complex . It's depend on how to choose your own life . Life seems like "maze", we are all of us inside the maze and look for "cheese " - cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,  whether it's a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like jogging or golf. So many people just want to how to get it and keep it,  they don't want anybody touch it.  If we lost it or someone remove it , it can be confused.  Don't know how to find right direction and follow.

If we can't change everything.  Might be we can change ourselves attitude and accept that change.  Finally you realized everything will getting better than before.


This part began with a gathering in which several former classmates talked about the changes in their lives and the ways to deal with them. Then One of the classmates called Michael who used to be afraid of change told the story that had altered his way of looking at change. In this story there were four characters, two mice and two Littlepeople. They had different personalities, and they all found their own kind of cheese in their own ways and enjoyed it.

As we all know, life turned out more differently than we thought it would when we were young. In our life, there are always many unexpected changes happening to us. As master Wugui said in KUNG FU PANDA, one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. If we allow our minds to settle just like the water under the draggon scroll, the answer will be clear. I think keeping inner peace in our mind when facing changes can help a lot. I haven't read who moved my cheese before. Now I'm looking forward to reading the next part. I hope things quickly improved for me---at work and in my life.


How to better adapt the changing life and seek a good way to handle them was discussed by a group of former classmates,at once leading to a story called “Who Moved My Cheese”.In this story,there were two mice possessing only simple rodent brains and two littlepeople having very complicated brains with many beliefs,the simple and the complex generated not only the defferent ways of finding cheese but also the defferent lifestyles.


Last class I just thought “The story after story” mean that author depicted the humanity society behavior through carton story. Today after I read “A gathering Chicago”, I found another meaning that author leads to the story of “who moved my cheeses” through the story “A gathering Chicago”.Let reader know this story in the book had been spread and used  in the society. It is not only a story written in the book. Of course, if you just simply think it is a story,you cloudn’t understand why so many people were benefitting from it.


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