show dbs 相当于 show databases
show collections 相当于 show tables
use 用法相同
但是,admin中设置的user为超级管理员,可以查看其他的数据库(必须在use admin 数据库后,登录,可以查看其他数据库的数据。直接use test数据库,用超级管理员是无法登录的)
1 可以设置超级管理员(对所有的数据库都有权限):
>show dbs ##看到有如下数据 admin (empty) comment 0.203125GB dbtest (empty) foo 0.203125GB local (empty) test 0.203125GB >use admin switched to db admin > db.addUser('admin','12345678') ##添加用户 Mon Nov 5 23:40:00 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /data/db/admin.ns, filling with zeroes... { "user" : "admin", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "89e41c6c28d88d42c21fe501d82969ea", "_id" : ObjectId("5097ddd00342c63efff3fbfb") } ##之后运行 >showdbs Mon Nov 5 23:45:13 uncaught exception: listDatabases failed:{ "errmsg" : "need to login", "ok" : 0 } ##提示需要登录 添加--auth 启动 ./mongod -auth ./mongo >use admin switched to db admin > db.auth('admin','12345678') ##用添加的账户密码查看 Mon Nov 5 23:49:32 [conn56] authenticate db: admin { authenticate: 1, nonce: "304f5242601fafa4", user: "admin", key: "58260df384b1146466efca5c90a5ff05" } 1 #1 说明登录成功 > show dbs admin 0.203125GB comment 0.203125GB dbtest (empty) foo 0.203125GB local (empty) test 0.203125GB > use admin switched to db admin > show collections; system.indexes system.users > db.system.users.find() ##查找数据 { "_id" : ObjectId("5097ddd00342c63efff3fbfb"), "user" : "admin", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "89e41c6c28d88d42c21fe501d82969ea" }
2 对某个数据库设置用户权限:
###设置了用户和密码以后只能用用户名和密码登录 [root@melon bin]# ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.2.1 connecting to: test > use admin switched to db admin > db.auth('admin','12345678') 1 ##使用新的数据库 >use melon ##没有会自动建立 > use melon switched to db melon > db.addUser('melon','melon') ##添加新用户和密码 { "user" : "melon", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "88e56de28b76bea44329bb61b0832e2f", "_id" : ObjectId("5097e906931f14f0bedfde75") } > show collections system.indexes system.users >exit ##重新用melon登录 [root@melon bin]# ./mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.2.1 connecting to: test > use melon switched to db melon > show collections Tue Nov 6 00:29:48 uncaught exception: error: { "$err" : "unauthorized db:melon ns:melon.system.namespaces lock type:0 client:", "code" : 10057 } ##发现无法访问 > db.auth('admin','12345678') Error: { errmsg: "auth fails", ok: 0.0 } 0 ##超级用户访问也不成 > db.auth('melon','melon') 1 ##单独设置的用户访问成功 > show collections system.indexes system.users ##使用超级用户访问 melon > use admin switched to db admin > db.auth('admin','12345678') 1 > use melon switched to db melon > show collections system.indexes system.users ##必须先用admin数据库登录,登录成功以后才可以访问melon
<?php ##1 使用超级用户连接mongodb /*mongodb连接*/ $m = new Mongo("mongodb://admin:12345678@"); /*选择melon数据库*/ $db = $m->melon; /*集合*/ $collection = melonco; /*选择数据库里面的集合,相当于表*/ $collection = $db->$collection; $array = array('name'=>'melon','age'=>'24','sex'=>'Male','birth'=>array('year'=>'1988','month'=>'07','day'=>'13')); $collection->insert($array); $cursor = $collection->find(); foreach ($cursor as $id => $value) { echo "$id: "; var_dump($value); echo "<br>"; } ###2 使用数据库用户 /*mongodb连接*/ $m = new Mongo(""); /*选择comment*/ $db = $m->melon; /*连接数据库*/ $db->authenticate("melon", "melon"); /*选择t数据库里面集合,相当于表*/ $collection = $db->melonco; $array = array('name'=>'melon_son','age'=>'0','sex'=>'Male','birth'=>array('year'=>'201X','month'=>'07','day'=>'13')); $collection->insert($array); $cursor = $collection->find(); foreach ($cursor as $id => $value) { echo "$id: "; var_dump($value); echo "<br>"; }