精通Office 365 云计算管理 Exchange Online 篇

第 1 章 开始使用 Office 365

1.1 域名管理

注册世纪互联 office 365 时会得到一个初始的Office 365的域名: XXX.partner.onmschina.cn

管理员登录 office 365 portal : 左侧“导航栏”--“安装”--"域" -- “添加域”:



精通office365 Exchange online 篇_第1张图片

精通office365 Exchange online 篇_第2张图片


2. 通过PowerShell 管理OFfice 365:

2.1 安装Azure AD Module:

Install-Module AzureAD

Install-Module Msonline

Connect-MsolService -AzureEnvironment AzureChinaCloud

Get-MsolDomain -DomainName nipc.me |fl


Set-MsolDomain -Name nipc.me -IsDefault

精通office365 Exchange online 篇_第3张图片



Remove-MsolDomain -DomainName nipc.me

如果自定义的域名在Office 365 全球版上绑定过,即使在Office 365中国版上添加完成,中国版的Exchange管理中心的“接受域”中的也会缺失这个域名,导致邮箱功能不正常。


1.2 用户管理


DisplayName 显示名称

UserPrincipalName 用于登录到Office 365服务的用户名 eg: [email protected]

New-MsolUser -DisplayName "Gan Zhiyan" -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -FirstName Gan -LastName Zhiyan -UsageLocation CN -LicenseAssignment reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM




AccountSkuId                              ActiveUnits WarningUnits ConsumedUnits
------------                              ----------- ------------ -------------
reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS 0           0            2           
reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM    2           0            2           




再通过Powershell 完成批量创建用户:

Import-Csv -Path "C:\users.csv" | foreach {New-MsolUser -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -FirstName $_.FirstName -LastName $_.LastName -UsageLocation $_.UsageLocation -LicenseAssignment $_.AccountSkuId} | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Results.csv"



Get-MsolUser | where Displayname -Like "gan*" | sort displayname | select Displayname | more


Get-MsolRole | sort name | select Name,Description

Name                                       Description                                                                                                                  
----                                       -----------                                                                                                                  
Application Administrator                  Can create and manage all aspects of app registrations and enterprise apps.                                                  
Application Developer                      Can create application registrations independent of the 'Users can register applications' setting.                           
Authentication Administrator               Allowed to view, set and reset authentication method information for any non-admin user.                                     
Azure DevOps Administrator                 Can manage Azure DevOps organization policy and settings.                                                                    
Azure Information Protection Administrator      Can manage all aspects of the Azure Information Protection product.                                                          
B2C IEF Keyset Administrator               Can manage secrets for federation and encryption in the Identity Experience Framework (IEF).                                 
B2C IEF Policy Administrator               Can create and manage trust framework policies in the Identity Experience Framework (IEF).                                   
B2C User Flow Administrator                Can create and manage all aspects of user flows.                                                                             
B2C User Flow Attribute Administrator      Can create and manage the attribute schema available to all user flows.                                                      
Billing Administrator                      Can perform common billing related tasks like updating payment information.                                                  
Cloud Application Administrator            Can create and manage all aspects of app registrations and enterprise apps except App Proxy.                                 
Cloud Device Administrator                 Full access to manage devices in Azure AD.                                                                                   
Company Administrator                      Can manage all aspects of Azure AD and Microsoft services that use Azure AD identities.                                      
Compliance Administrator                   Can read and manage compliance configuration and reports in Azure AD and Office 365.                                         
Compliance Data Administrator              Creates and manages compliance content.                                                                                      
Conditional Access Administrator           Can manage conditional access capabilities.                                                                                  
CRM Service Administrator                  Can manage all aspects of the Dynamics 365 product.                                                                          
Customer LockBox Access Approver           Can approve Microsoft support requests to access customer organizational data.                                               
Desktop Analytics Administrator            Can access and manage Desktop management tools and services.                                                                 
Device Administrators                      Device Administrators                                                                                                        
Device Join                                Device Join                                                                                                                  
Device Managers                            Deprecated - Do Not Use.                                                                                                     
Device Users                               Device Users                                                                                                                 
Directory Readers                          Can read basic directory information. Commonly used to grant directory read access to applications and guests.               
Directory Synchronization Accounts         Only used by Azure AD Connect service.                                                                                       
Directory Writers                          Can read and write basic directory information. For granting access to applications, not intended for users.                 
Exchange Service Administrator             Can manage all aspects of the Exchange product.                                                                              
External Identity Provider Administrator   Can configure identity providers for use in direct federation.                                                               
Global Reader                              Can read everything that a global admin can read but not update anything.                                                    
Groups Administrator                       Members of this role can create/manage groups, create/manage groups settings like naming and expiration policies, and view ...
Guest Inviter                              Can invite guest users independent of the 'members can invite guests' setting.                                               
Helpdesk Administrator                     Can reset passwords for non-administrators and Helpdesk Administrators.                                                      
Intune Service Administrator               Can manage all aspects of the Intune product.                                                                                
Kaizala Administrator                      Can manage settings for Microsoft Kaizala.                                                                                   
License Administrator                      Can manage product licenses on users and groups.                                                                             
Lync Service Administrator                 Can manage all aspects of the Skype for Business product.                                                                    
Message Center Privacy Reader              Can read security messages and updates in Office 365 Message Center only.                                                    
Message Center Reader                      Can read messages and updates for their organization in Office 365 Message Center only.                                      
Office Apps Administrator                  Can manage Office apps cloud services, including policy and settings management, and manage the ability to select, unselect...
Partner Tier1 Support                      Do not use - not intended for general use.                                                                                   
Partner Tier2 Support                      Do not use - not intended for general use.                                                                                   
Password Administrator                     Can reset passwords for non-administrators and Password Administrators.                                                      
Power BI Service Administrator             Can manage all aspects of the Power BI product.                                                                              
Printer Administrator                      Can manage all aspects of printers and printer connectors.                                                                   
Printer Technician                         Can manage all aspects of printers and printer connectors.                                                                   
Privileged Authentication Administrator    Allowed to view, set and reset authentication method information for any user (admin or non-admin).                          
Privileged Role Administrator              Can manage role assignments in Azure AD, and all aspects of Privileged Identity Management.                                  
Reports Reader                             Can read sign-in and audit reports.                                                                                          
Search Administrator                       Can create and manage all aspects of Microsoft Search settings.                                                              
Search Editor                              Can create and manage the editorial content such as bookmarks, Q and As, locations, floorplan.                               
Security Administrator                     Security Administrator allows ability to read and manage security configuration and reports.                                 
Security Operator                          Creates and manages security events.                                                                                         
Security Reader                            Can read security information and reports in Azure AD and Office 365.                                                        
Service Support Administrator              Can read service health information and manage support tickets.                                                              
SharePoint Service Administrator           Can manage all aspects of the SharePoint service.                                                                            
Teams Communications Administrator         Can manage calling and meetings features within the Microsoft Teams service.                                                 
Teams Communications Support Engineer      Can troubleshoot communications issues within Teams using advanced tools.                                                    
Teams Communications Support Specialist    Can troubleshoot communications issues within Teams using basic tools.                                                       
Teams Service Administrator                Can manage the Microsoft Teams service.                                                                                      
User Account Administrator                 Can manage all aspects of users and groups, including resetting passwords for limited admins.                                
Workplace Device Join                      Workplace Device Join                                                                                                        



Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleMemberEmailAddress [email protected] -RoleName "Exchange Service Administrator"




"Gan Zhiyan","Exchange Service Administrator"

"Joe Xiao","SharePoint Service Administrator "

"Eric Yan","Helpdesk Administrator"


Import-Csv -Path "C:\RoleAdd.csv" | foreach {Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleMemberEmailAddress (Get-MsolUser | Where DisplayName -eq $_.DisplayName).UserPrincipalName -RoleName $_.RoleName } | Export-Csv -Path "C:\RoleAddResults.csv"




1.2.2 删除用户:


Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email protected]


Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -Force





$users | Remove-MsolUser –Force

$users=Get-MsolUser -All -ReturnDeletedUsers

$users | Remove-MsolUser -RemoveFromRecycleBin -force




Get-MsolUser -All | select UserPrincipalName,Licenses

从现有用户中移除许可证,用Set-MsolUserLicense 带参数 -RemoveLicenses 多个许可证用逗号隔开。

Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -RemoveLicenses "reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM","reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS"




硬删除是用户邮箱已经软删除超过30天,并关联的Office 365用户已经硬删除。将永久删除所有邮箱内容,如电子邮件,联系人和文件。


用以下Powershell 连接到Exchange Online:

$USerCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://partner.outlook.cn/PowerShell-LiveID/ -Credential $USerCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session


Get-Mailbox -SoftDeletedMailbox | Select-Object Name, ExchangeGuid


New-MailboxRestoreRequest -SourceMailbox -TargetMailbox





(Get-MsolAccountSku | where {$_.AccountSkuid -eq 'reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM' }).ServiceStatus

ServicePlan         ProvisioningStatus
-----------         ------------------
Microsoft Bookings  Success          
SHAREPOINTWAC       Success          
OFFICE_BUSINESS     Success          
MCOSTANDARD         Success          


如果只想让用户只使用Exchange Online  其他的服务禁用,然后再给用户分配。


$LO = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId 'reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM' -DisabledPlans 'Microsoft Bookings','SHAREPOINTWAC','SHAREPOINTSTANDARD','MCOSTANDARD'
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -DisplayName "Gan" -LicenseAssignment "reseller-account:O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM" -LicenseOptions $LO -UsageLocation CN

如果是多个用户,可创建一个txt 文件,每一行包含一个用户账号:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Get-Content "C:\Accounts.txt" | foreach {Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $_ -LicenseOptions $LO}


1.2.4 Office 365 中的多重身份认证(MFA):

“活动用户” 选择 “更多”下拉列表中的“多重身份验证设置”

当用户MFA 后,同时也需要在Exchange Online 中启用新式验证。Exchange Online PowerShell:

Get-OrganizationConfig | ft -Auto Name,OAuth*


如果结果为False 通过下列命令改为Ture:

Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $true


第2章 Exchange Online 管理

2.1 收件人


每种收件人类型在Exchange Online PowerShell 的RecipientTypeDetails 属性中具有有唯一值

2.1.1 用户邮箱


活动用户在分配Exchange online 许可证时自动创建用户邮箱。


Remove-Mailbox -Identity [email protected]


Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -RemoveFromRecycleBin


邮箱删除后,可以通过 Get-Mailbox 来验证,当返回错误提示无法找到邮箱,代表已经删除。

邮箱删除后,在未启用诉讼保留或就地保留时,Exchange Online 将保留邮箱及所有内容30天,30天后将永久删除无法恢复。

如果邮箱是通过取消Exchange Online许可删除的,可以在30天内重新分配许可就可以恢复邮箱,


