详解linux io flush

通过本文你会清楚知道 fsync()、fdatasync()、sync()、O_DIRECT、O_SYNC、REQ_PREFLUSH、REQ_FUA的区别和作用。

fsync() fdatasync() sync() 是什么?



fsync(int fd) 系统调用把打开的文件描述符fd相关的所有缓冲元数据和数据与都刷新到磁盘上(non-volatile storage)

fsync() transfers ("flushes") all modified in-core data of (i.e., modified buffer cache pages for) the file referred to by the file descriptor fd to the disk device (or other permanent storage device) so that all changed information can be retrieved even after the system crashed or was rebooted. This includes writing through or flushing a disk cache if present. The call blocks until the device reports that the transfer has completed. It also flushes metadata information associated with the file (see stat(2)).


fdatasync(int fd) 类似fsync,但不flush元数据,除非元数据影响后面读数据。比如文件修改时间元数据变了就不会刷,而文件大小变了影响了后面对该文件的读取,这个会一同刷下去。所以fdatasync的性能要比fsync好。

fdatasync() is similar to fsync(), but does not flush modified metadata unless that metadata is needed in order to allow a subsequent data retrieval to be correctly handled. For example, changes to st_atime or st_mtime (respectively, time of last access and time of last modification; see stat(2)) do not require flushing because they are not necessary for a subsequent data read to be handled correctly. On the other hand, a change to the file size (st_size, as made by say ftruncate(2)), would require a metadata flush.The aim of fdatasync() is to reduce disk activity for applications that do not require all metadata to be synchronized with the disk.


sync(void) 系统调用会使包含更新文件的所有内核缓冲区(包含数据块、指针块、元数据等)都flush到磁盘上。

Flush file system buffers, force changed blocks to disk, update the super block


O_DIRECT O_SYNC是系统调用open的flag参数,REQ_PREFLUSH REQ_FUA 是kernel bio的flag参数。

  • 一个是你的内存,free -h可以看到的buff/cache;

  • 另外一个是硬盘自带的page cache。

详解linux io flush_第1张图片

可以对比linux storage stack diagram:
详解linux io flush_第2张图片


O_DIRECT 表示io不经过系统缓存,这可能会降低你的io性能。它同步传输数据,但不保证数据安全。

备注:后面说的数据安全皆表示数据被写到磁盘的non-volatile storage

Try to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this
file. In general this will degrade performance, but it is
useful in special situations, such as when applications do
their own caching. File I/O is done directly to/from user-
space buffers. The O_DIRECT flag on its own makes an effort
to transfer data synchronously, but does not give the
guarantees of the O_SYNC flag that data and necessary metadata
are transferred. To guarantee synchronous I/O, O_SYNC must be
used in addition to O_DIRECT.

通过dd命令可以清楚看到 O_DIRECT和非O_DIRECT区别,注意buff/cache的变化:

#echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
#free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            62G        1.1G         61G        9.2M        440M         60G
Swap:           31G          0B         31G

#dd without direct
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 bs=1M count=1024 
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 27.8166 s, 38.6 MB/s
#free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            62G        1.0G         60G        105M        1.5G         60G
Swap:           31G          0B         31G

#echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
#free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            62G        626M         61G        137M        337M         61G
Swap:           31G          0B         31G

#dd with direct
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 bs=1M count=1024 oflag=direct
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.72088 s, 395 MB/s
#free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            62G        628M         61G        137M        341M         61G
Swap:           31G          0B         31G


O_SYNC 同步io标记,保证数据安全写到non-volatile storage

Write operations on the file will complete according to the
requirements of synchronized I/O file integrity completion


REQ_PREFLUSH 是bio的request flag,表示在本次io开始时先确保在它之前完成的io都已经写到非易失性存储里。
我理解REQ_PREFLUSH之确保在它之前完成的io都写到非易失物理设备,但它自己可能是只写到了disk page cache里,并不确保安全。

可以在一个空的bio里设置REQ_PREFLUSH,表示回刷disk page cache里数据。

Explicit cache flushes
The REQ_PREFLUSH flag can be OR ed into the r/w flags of a bio submitted from
the filesystem and will make sure the volatile cache of the storage device
has been flushed before the actual I/O operation is started. This explicitly
guarantees that previously completed write requests are on non-volatile
storage before the flagged bio starts. In addition the REQ_PREFLUSH flag can be
set on an otherwise empty bio structure, which causes only an explicit cache
flush without any dependent I/O. It is recommend to use
the blkdev_issue_flush() helper for a pure cache flush.


REQ_FUA 是bio的request flag,表示数据安全写到非易失性存储再返回

Forced Unit Access
The REQ_FUA flag can be OR ed into the r/w flags of a bio submitted from the
filesystem and will make sure that I/O completion for this request is only
signaled after the data has been committed to non-volatile storage.


重新编译了bcache内核模块,打印出bio->bi_opf,opf是bio的 operation flag,它有req flag or组成,决定io的行为。

request flag

#from linux source code include/linux/blk_types.h
enum req_opf {
        /* read sectors from the device */
        REQ_OP_READ             = 0,
        /* write sectors to the device */
        REQ_OP_WRITE            = 1,
        /* flush the volatile write cache */
        REQ_OP_FLUSH            = 2,
        /* discard sectors */
        REQ_OP_DISCARD          = 3,
        /* securely erase sectors */
        REQ_OP_SECURE_ERASE     = 5,
        /* reset a zone write pointer */
        REQ_OP_ZONE_RESET       = 6,
        /* write the same sector many times */
        REQ_OP_WRITE_SAME       = 7,
        /* reset all the zone present on the device */
        REQ_OP_ZONE_RESET_ALL   = 8,
        /* write the zero filled sector many times */
        REQ_OP_WRITE_ZEROES     = 9,

        /* SCSI passthrough using struct scsi_request */
        REQ_OP_SCSI_IN          = 32,
        REQ_OP_SCSI_OUT         = 33,

        /* Driver private requests */
        REQ_OP_DRV_IN           = 34,
        REQ_OP_DRV_OUT          = 35,


enum req_flag_bits {
         __REQ_FAILFAST_DEV =    /* 8 no driver retries of device errors */
         __REQ_FAILFAST_TRANSPORT, /* 9 no driver retries of transport errors */
         __REQ_FAILFAST_DRIVER,  /* 10 no driver retries of driver errors */
         __REQ_SYNC,             /* 11 request is sync (sync write or read) */
         __REQ_META,             /* 12 metadata io request */
         __REQ_PRIO,             /* 13 boost priority in cfq */
         __REQ_NOMERGE,          /* 14 don't touch this for merging */
         __REQ_IDLE,             /* 15 anticipate more IO after this one */
         __REQ_INTEGRITY,        /* 16 I/O includes block integrity payload */
         __REQ_FUA,              /* 17 forced unit access */
         __REQ_PREFLUSH,         /* 18 request for cache flush */
         __REQ_RAHEAD,           /* 19 read ahead, can fail anytime */
         __REQ_BACKGROUND,       /* 20 background IO */
         __REQ_NOWAIT,           /* 21 Don't wait if request will block */
         __REQ_NOWAIT_INLINE,    /* 22 Return would-block error inline */

bio->bi_opf 对照表

|十进制flag |十六进制flag|REQ_FLG|
| --- | --- | --- |
|2409 | 1000 0000 0001‬ | REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC|
|4096 | ‭0001 0000 0000 0000‬ | REQ_META | REQ_READ|
|34817 | 1000 1000 0000 0001 | REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE |
|399361 | ‭0110 0001 1000 0000 0001‬ | REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_META | REQ_FUA | REQ_PREFLUSH |
|264193 | ‭0100 0000 1000 0000 0001‬| REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_PREFLUSH |
|165889 | ‭0010 1000 1000 0000 0001‬ | REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE | REQ_FUA |
|1048577| ‭0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001‬ | REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_BACKGROUND |
|‭0010 0000 1000 0000 0001‬| REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_FUA|


笔者通过dd源码已确认:oflag=direct表示文件已O_DIRECT打开,oflag=sync 表示已O_SYNC打开,conv=fdatasync表示dd结束后会发送一个fdatasync(fd), conv=fsync表示dd结束后会发送一个fsync(fd)

  • direct
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct bs=8k count=1
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 34817, size 8192

bi_opf 34817, size 8192:bi_opf = REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE,是一个同步写,可以看到不保证数据安全

  • direct & sync
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct,sync bs=8k count=1

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 165889, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 264193, size 0

bi_opf 165889, size 8192: bi_opf=REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE | REQ_FUA ,是一个同步写请求,并且该io直接写到硬盘的non-volatile storage
bi_opf 264193, size 0: bi_opf= REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_PREFLUSH ,size = 0,表示回刷disk的page cache保证以前写入的io都刷到non-volatile storage

#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct,sync bs=8k count=2

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() iop_opf 165889, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() iop_opf 264193, size 0
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() iop_opf 165889, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() iop_opf 264193, size 0


  • without direct
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0  bs=8k count=1

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 2049, size 4096
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 2049, size 4096

bi_opf 2049, size 4096:bi_opf = REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC,同步写请求,可以看到原先8k的io在page cache里被拆成了2个4k的io写了下来,不保证数据安全

  • direct & fdatasync
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct conv=fdatasync bs=8k count=1

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 34817, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 264193, size 0

bi_opf 34817, size 8192:bi_opf = REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE, 同步写请求,这个不保证数据安全
bi_opf 264193, size 0:bi_opf = REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_PREFLUSH,一个disk page cache 回刷请求,这个就是fdatasync()下发的。

  • direct & sync & fdatasync
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct,sync conv=fdatasync bs=8k count=1

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 165889, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 264193, size 0
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 264193, size 0

bi_opf 165889, size 8192: bi_opf=REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_IDLE | REQ_FUA ,是一个同步写请求,并且该io直接写到硬盘的non-volatile storage
bi_opf 264193, size 0: bi_opf= REQ_OP_WRITE | REQ_SYNC | REQ_PREFLUSH ,size = 0,表示回刷disk的page cache保证以前写入的io都刷到non-volatile storage
结合上面的分析,这三个bio其实就是一个写io,两个flush io,分别由O_SYNC和fdatasync触发。

  • direct & fsync
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bcache0 oflag=direct conv=fsync bs=8k count=1

kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 34817, size 8192
kernel: bcache: cached_dev_make_request() bi_opf 264193, size 0

同direct + fdatasync,应该是写的是一个块设备,没有元数据或元数据没有变化,所以fdatasync和fsync收到的bio是一样的




#hdparm -W /dev/sda
 write-caching =  1 (on)


#hdparm -W  0 /dev/sda


#hdparm -W  1 /dev/sda

你可能感兴趣的:(详解linux io flush)