Debugging Terminology



The following terms are used when describing debugging.

Blue screen 蓝屏

    When the system encounters a hardware problem, data inconsistency, or similar error, it may display a blue screen containing information that can be used to determine the cause of the error. 当系统碰到硬件问题、数据不一致或者相似的错误时,会显示一个包含错误原因的蓝屏信息。This information includes the STOP code and whether a crash dump file was created. It may also include a list of loaded drivers and a stack trace.这个信息包含STOP码,以及是否创建了崩溃转储文件。

Crash dump file 崩溃转储文件

    You can configure the system to write information to a crash dump file on your hard disk whenever a STOP code is generated. 你可以配置系统当产生STOP码的时候在硬盘上写信息到崩溃转储文件中。The file contains information the debugger can use to analyze the error.文件包含了调试器分析错误所使用的信息。 This file can be as big as the physical memory contained in the computer.文件可以和计算机的物理内存一样大。

Debugger 调试器

    A program designed to help detect, locate, and correct errors in another program.设计用来检测、定位、纠正另一个程序。 It allows the developer to step through the execution of the process and its threads, monitoring memory, variables, and other elements of process and thread context.它允许开发人员步入进程、线程的执行,监视内存、变量、其他的进程元素和线程上下文。

Kernel mode 内核模式

    The processor mode in which system services and device drivers run. 系统服务和设备驱动运行的处理器模式。All interfaces and CPU instructions are available, and all memory is accessible.所有的接口、CPU指令都是可用的,所有的内存都可以访问。

Minidump file 小型转储文件

    Applications can produce user-mode minidump files, which contain a useful subset of the information contained in a crash dump file. 应用程序可以生成用户模式的小型转储文件,它包含了崩溃转储文件的有用信息子集。For more information, see Minidump Files.

STOP code 停止码

    The error code that identifies the error that stopped the system kernel from continuing to run.标识阻止系统继续运行的错误代码

Symbol files 符号文件

    All system applications, drivers, and DLLs are built such that their debugging information resides in separate files known as symbol files. 所有系统应用、驱动、动态链接库都是建立在不同的文件的,它们的调试信息通过符号文件得知。Therefore, the system is smaller and faster, yet it can still be debugged if the symbol files are installed.因此,系统小而快,如果有符号文件,它仍旧能调试。 For more information, see Symbol Files.

User mode

    The processor mode in which applications run.应用程序运行的 处理器模式。A limited set of interfaces are available in this mode, and access to system data is limited.接口和内存访问受到限制。
