Before you start your iPhone application development, choosing the right deployment model for both your internal (.内的,内部的;国内的,内政的;内心的)testing and how you distribute your applications for public use.
Testing Your Applications
During the development of your application, you will find that most often you will deploy to the iPhone Simulator that comes as part of the iPhone SDK download from Apple. This is a great tool for initial acceptance(接受,接纳;赞同,承认;容忍) testing of the functionality you build, however it is extremely important that you test using a real iPhone device and in the conditions that your application will be used (indoor/outdoor, areas of low bandwidth connection, etc).
Some considerations:
在开发你的应用程序的过程中,你将会发现,大多数情况下你将会部署你的应用程序到模拟器上面,这个模拟器也是你从Apple上面下载的Iphone SDK的一部分。这是一个测试你创建的应用程序功能的接收程度最好的工具。尽管如此,在一个真的设备和你应用程序将会使用的条件(室内、室外)下测试你的应用程序也是及其重要的。
GPS Display - testing with the iPhone Simulator will center location on Cupertino and will not simulate good and bad GPS signal acquisition. If you are planning to leverage GPS for map navigation and/or data collection you will need to test in real world conditions.
GPS 展示:使用iphone模拟器进行测试,将会在cupertino中集中于位置 ,并且不能模拟GPS信息获取的是好还是坏。如果你打算使用GPS信号用于地图导航或者数据收集,那么你将需要在一个真环境条件下测试。
There are two primary models for distributing iPhone applications:
Program enrollment with Apple determines which deployment models are available to you. Read details on Program Enrollment for more information.
第一:通过Emain或者一个web站点或者服务器分享你的应用程序。这个模型允许你和100个其他iphone或者ipod Touch用户分享你的应用程序。
第二:企事业单位分发。 对于分发私有的、室内的应用程序给公司内部授权的用户是最好的方法,iphone开发者企业编程在一个500或者更多的员工的供公司是可以获取的。