连续几天都是2点就醒了,6点之后不吃东西是个好习惯!基本3点起来无法入睡正好可以完成最后备课文件,下一步需要开始DBA case,Ken让我买口罩,来回折腾也没确定,我花了点时间去改amazon地址,之后看Serbian tennis player,Novak对比生活不同锻炼坚韧性和珍惜现在时光,都是类似。
South of gozulam park
我都不会讲中文了,就是dosa边上! 她继续问,我就说:我都回答好多遍了!
Richard书:infinite opportunities for suffering: not getting what we“need” or want; being in the company of others who contribute to our unhappiness; having our bodies forsake us with the aging process or illness; or, the worst insult of all, doing everything “right” and dying anyway.都是痛苦,得到和没有得到,他人陪伴加重自己不快乐,身体变老变弱,即使再努力,终有一死,我call!
The First Noble Truth of the Buddha, saabhiniveśa is a fear of yoga itself, because a natural by-product of a consistent practice is that longer and longer periods of dissolution—letting go of who we believe ourselves to be and annihilating the ego—naturally occur. 瑜伽练习就是消除ego,自然而然发生,让敌人害怕:+)
Avind class
buddha is who knows, buddhu is idiot.
prati-prasava is like a roasted seed who does not need come back, will not grow, no need to exit.
British comes to take the land and leave the bible! 这里开始情绪化,对于世界各地殖民统治抨击一顿,德国学生赶紧说: let us come back to jatya(former life)对于甘地非暴力造成很多暴力行为并不认可,可见哲学老师也是人,也有自己强烈观点!
DL said: in orde rot existait non-violence, non-violent people has to exist.
My ananda! but candle does not belong to anyone, I exist, with "Me"
我问他如果每个人都是isvara,为啥希特勒杀人,世界很多暴力行为? Avidya,free will can not abused.
每个人都要修行Punya (Sanskrit: पुण्य) is a word generally taken to mean 'saintly', virtue, 'holy', 'sacred', 'pure', 'good', 'meritorious', 'virtuous', 'righteous', 'just', 'auspicious', 'lucky', 'favourable', 'agreeable', 'pleasing', 'lovely', 'beautiful', 'sweet', 'fragrant', 'solemn' or 'festive', according to the context it is used.[1]
Punya (पुण्य,) is referred to as good karma or a virtue that contributes benefits in this and the next birth and can be acquired by appropriate means and also accumulated. In Vedanta terms punya is the invisible wealth, a part of dharma, the first of four human goals; the other three goals being artha, kama and moksha.
出来后去买scarf给moleni,oil,bus ticket,check bowl meditation 时间,明天我要follow the flow, even chinese invite me for cooking in group I would not go, for sake of quality time of special day, either do my own stuff or with James, which I will do.
He called me late, explained long with his yoga teaching to landlord, harmony issue, then propose a walk to lake 4.45pm and got fruit for me, which is nice, so I am not going to Avind class, but to meet him for short walk since he needs meet Ravi later. I can compromise to start with, by knowing myself, this will not last long, just enjoy.
uber司机坚持多收钱,之前错误预约,J上身赤裸开门,我有些尴尬,装ok,身材真的好,43岁的男人少见,他继续工作,我吃准备好的ramphal,南美吃过,照片以他赤裸上身工作为背景,腹部绝对平坦,他问我是否阳台sun bath,我拒绝了,穿着不合适,一会他说背部有些扭伤,让我帮他压一下,我脸红了,之后的语无伦次和行为就不说了,在他建议是否walk和sunbath,毫不犹豫选择walk,我擅长心灵沟通,很怕身体接触!几乎逃离出去,看到他套上blue man体恤才自在了,马上就忘了,我们聊novak不寻常经历造就他,yogaanytime James加州形象,他的父亲抑郁和家族抑郁史,自己The dark place,问我Marathon经历和培训,我的职业生涯,还有我们掌握的知识,工具和yoga如何可以帮助我们抵抗抑郁,他路上chanting和唱Blues,犹如无人在场,分手时已经6.23,我建议除夕一起做一些不一样的事情,除了我的哲学课和冥想,他要工作和见朋友,well,yoga让我们知道重要的是什么!Massage on shoulder I was a bit flashed and sun bath or walk。
回到house,S和M一起去charkas house,kirtan氛围非常mysore,Juliet非常投入,一个有意思女孩子,要搬去以色列aliet, 以色列marketing做的真好。一个日本老太太73岁,一个人来mysore 3个月,还需要不断提高体式,身材棒,我未来就是这个她,80岁一个人来听歌。和D等去了Riccardo party,有latin music我就可以跳舞,不是很多人都很外向,我就一个人跳,很多都是西语国家,也有烟酒,不需要也可以很high,到了9.30回家,啥都不耽误,心里想着他!