

作为动词“有,拥有 (值得自豪的东西.....)”,可以替代我们常常说的have, there be句型,需要注意的是这里的boast是让人自豪的地方。(不能用于进行时态)


1 那家宾馆还拥有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场 

The hotel boast two swimming pools and a golf course.

2 我的家乡有不错的气候,天气也很晴朗

My hometown boasts great climate all year round and the sky is constantly crystal clear. 

3 英国不仅拥有很多的世界名校

 The UK boasts tons of well-known universities, from Cambridge, Oxford to Manchester university. 

4 这句话可以背下来:

Phenomenal English boasts arguably the most driven English learners. (很喜欢driven 这个小词)

---My university boast arguably the most driven language learners. 

5 《经济学人》这样介绍Instagram的用户数量

The photo-sharing app has grown snappily and now boast 1bn monthly users. 

6 微博的月活跃用户数量高达4.3亿,就可以说

Weibo now boasts over 430 million active monthly users. 


这个小词很好用,source 除了表示来源,还可以表示:让,使得,得益于,赋予,带来,有,......我们常常说 .... a sense of happiness,a lot of joy等等表达都可以替换成 「a source of .... 」


1 阅读和写作总会让获取灵感

Reading and writing is a source of inspiration. 

2 住在国外的中国人往往通过交朋友来获得开心

Meeting new friends is a source of delight/joy/happiness for Chinese people living abroad. 

3 背诵这句话:中国的经济社会的抑郁改革开放政策

The reform and opening up policy has been the source of economic and social progress for China in the past four decades. 

4 西方国家的人有更多的创造思维 (boast)

Westerners are the source of creative ideas 

5 何洁让贵州人民感到骄傲

Jie is a source of pride for people in Guizhou 

6 失业总会让人们感觉到紧张

highest unemployment rates is a source of tension among people, especially the young. 

amount to 

相当于,这就好比,和..一回事,一样...其实就是我们常说的= is 


1 浪费我的时间就等于浪费钱一样

Wasting my time amounts to wasting money

2 笔记本电脑的价格等同于我一个月的工资

The price of a laptop amounts to my one month's salary 

3 许多人认为进入顶尖大学就像是能够找到好的工作一样

Many people think getting into one of top universities amounts to landing a good job. 
