Chapter 18, 11.16


1.They will trot out反复提the hard-won words of their college education

The author likes to trot out some cliches.

2.So don’t be deluded欺骗 that criticism is an easy route to glory.

I always delude myself that nothing is impossible.

3.How adroitly Ozick warms up the waters, beckoning召唤 us to return to the literary landscape of her own college years and thereby understand her amazement at the tale of near oblivion遗忘 she is about to unfold展开.


1. Several conditions that apply to both good reviewing and good criticism.

Critics should like—or, better still, love—the medium they are reviewing. Don’t give away too much of the plot. Use specific detail. Avoid the disproportionate ecstatic adjectives.

2.一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特。艺术写作也是这样,不同的人喜欢不同的电影,绘画等艺术形式,不同的人对相同的作品有不同的看法。所以如果写的话,就请写自己喜欢的,描述一些情节而不是所有,专注一些impressive detail。

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