SQLSERVER2012 出新分页功能啦!!!
近两天我在自己工作机的PC(没有并发,单一线程)上做了SqlServer 2000/ (2005/2008)/2012三个版本下的分页性能比较。
1、表数据量200W以内:SQLServer2012 的offset/fetch分页性能和SQLServer2005 Row_number的分页性能(仅考虑出结果速度)基本没区别(难分高下),略高于(大约10%)SQL2000的TOP分页性能。
2、表数据量2000W左右:SQLServer2012 的offset/fetch分页性能略高于SQLServer2005 Row_number的分页性能,主要体现在IO上,但是两者性能可算是远高于(大约25%)SQL2000的TOP分页性能。
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)
Feb 20 2014 20:04:26
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1
sql code
/* 功能:生成测试数据. */ create table Test_paging( id int identity(1,1) not null primary key, TestNumber int not null, TestName varchar(20) not null, TestDept varchar(10) not null, TestDate datetime not null ) go with tep(Number,Name,Dept,Date) as ( select 1,cast('0_testname' as varchar(20)),cast('0_DBA' as varchar(10)),getdate() union all select Number+1,cast(cast(Number as varchar(20))+'_testname' as varchar(20)),cast(cast(Number/500 as varchar(10))+'_DBA' as varchar(10)) ,getdate() from tep where Number<=20000000 ) insert into Test_paging(TestNumber,TestName,TestDept,TestDate) select Number,Name,Dept,Date from tep option(maxrecursion 0) --添加索引(我有测试没有索引的情况,2012的优势更加明显,但是我们的数据库不可能不建索引的,故可忽略没有索引的情况) create nonclustered index IX_TestDept on Test_paging( TestDept ) include ( TestName,TestDate ) go
SQL code
/* 功能:测试2012版本中offset/fetch分页. */ dbcc dropcleanbuffers dbcc freeproccache set statistics io on set statistics time on set statistics profile on declare @page int, --第@page页 @size int, --每页@size行 @total int --总行数 select @page=20,@size=10,@total=count(1) from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' select TestName,TestDept,TestDate,@total from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' order by id offset (@page-1)*@size rows fetch next @size rows only set statistics io off set statistics time off set statistics profile off
SQL code
/* 功能:测试2005/2008版本中row_number分页. */ dbcc dropcleanbuffers dbcc freeproccache set statistics io on set statistics time on set statistics profile on declare @page int, --第@page页 @size int, --每页@size行 @total int select @page=20,@size=10,@total=count(1) from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' select TestName,TestDept,TestDate,@total from ( select TestName,TestDept,TestDate,row_number() over(order by ID) as num from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' ) test where num between (@page-1)*@size+1 and @page*@size order by num set statistics io off set statistics time off set statistics profile off
SQL code
/* 功能:测试2000版本中top分页. */ dbcc dropcleanbuffers dbcc freeproccache set statistics io on set statistics time on set statistics profile on declare @page int, --第@page页 @size int, --每页@size行 @total int --总行数 select @page=20,@size=10,@total=count(1) from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' select TestName,TestDept,TestDate,@total from ( select top(@size) id,TestName,TestDept,TestDate from ( select top(@page*@size) id,TestName,TestDept,TestDate from Test_paging where TestDept = '1000_DBA' order by id )temp1 order by id desc )temp2 order by id set statistics io off set statistics time off set statistics profile off