@Test public void httpfsReadHiveParquetFile() throws Exception { Path path = new Path("webhdfs://s128:14000/wbd_test/parq1.0.parq"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("fs.webhdfs.impl", WebHdfsFileSystem.class.getName()); MapurlParams = new HashMap<>(); urlParams.put("user.token", "7hmsNJIget0eGO5maKQ=sfds"); conf.set(WebHdfsFileSystem.HTTPFS_URL_PARAM, JSON.toJSONString(urlParams)); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); FileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(path); InputFile inputFile = HadoopInputFile.fromStatus(fileStatus, conf); GroupReadSupport readSupport = new GroupReadSupport(); ParquetReader.Builder reader= ParquetReader.read(inputFile); reader.withConf(conf); ParquetReader build=reader.build(); Group line=null; line=build.read(); Map fieldTypeMap = new HashMap (); if (line != null){ List typeList = line.getType().getFields(); ParquetInputFormat inputFormat = new ParquetInputFormat(); for(Type type : typeList){ System.out.print(type.getName()+"("+type.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName().name()+")\t\t"); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); do{ for (Type type : typeList){ System.out.print(converterType2Java(line, type)+"\t\t"); } System.out.println(); }while ((line=build.read())!=null); } System.out.println("It is over !"); } public static String converterType2Java(Group line, Type type) { String value = null; String fieldType = type.asPrimitiveType().getPrimitiveTypeName().name(); String fieldName = type.getName(); int repetition = line.getFieldRepetitionCount(type.getName()); if (repetition == 0){ return value; } switch (fieldType){ case "BOOLEAN": value = String.valueOf(line.getBoolean(fieldName, 0)); break; case "INT32": value = String.valueOf(line.getInteger(fieldName, 0)); break; case "INT64": value = String.valueOf(line.getLong(fieldName, 0)); break; case "INT96": value = String.valueOf(getTimestampMillis(line.getInt96(fieldName, 0))); break; case "FLOAT": value = String.valueOf(line.getFloat(fieldName, 0)); break; case "DOUBLE": value = String.valueOf(line.getDouble(fieldName, 0)); break; case "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY": if (type.getOriginalType() != null && type.getOriginalType().name().equals("DECIMAL")){ value = String.valueOf(binaryToDecimal(type.asPrimitiveType().getDecimalMetadata().getPrecision(), type.asPrimitiveType().getDecimalMetadata().getScale(), line.getBinary(fieldName, 0).getBytes())); int precision = type.asPrimitiveType().getDecimalMetadata().getPrecision(); int scale = type.asPrimitiveType().getDecimalMetadata().getScale(); BigDecimal decimalValue = binaryToDecimal(precision, scale, line.getBinary(fieldName, 0).getBytes()); String precisionFormat = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(precision-1, "#")); String scaleFrmat = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(scale,"0")); String format = precisionFormat + "0."+ scaleFrmat; DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(format); value = decimalFormat.format(decimalValue); } break; case "BINARY": value = line.getString(fieldName, 0); break; default: value = line.getString(fieldName, 0); } return value; } public static long getTimestampMillis(Binary timestampBinary) { if (timestampBinary.length() != 12) { return 0; } byte[] bytes = timestampBinary.getBytes(); // little endian encoding - need to invert byte order long timeOfDayNanos = Longs.fromBytes(bytes[7], bytes[6], bytes[5], bytes[4], bytes[3], bytes[2], bytes[1], bytes[0]); int julianDay = Ints.fromBytes(bytes[11], bytes[10], bytes[9], bytes[8]); return julianDayToMillis(julianDay) + (timeOfDayNanos / NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND); } private static long julianDayToMillis(int julianDay) { return (julianDay - JULIAN_EPOCH_OFFSET_DAYS) * MILLIS_IN_DAY; } static BigDecimal binaryToDecimal(int precision, int scale, byte[] bytes) { /* * Precision <= 18 checks for the max number of digits for an unscaled long, * else treat with big integer conversion */ if (precision <= 18) { int start = 0;//buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position(); int end = bytes.length; //buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.limit(); long unscaled = 0L; int i = start; while ( i < end ) { unscaled = ( unscaled << 8 | bytes[i] & 0xff ); i++; } int bits = 8*(end - start); long unscaledNew = (unscaled << (64 - bits)) >> (64 - bits); BigDecimal result; if (unscaledNew <= -pow(10,18) || unscaledNew >= pow(10,18)) { result = new BigDecimal(unscaledNew); // System.out.println(result); } else { result = BigDecimal.valueOf(unscaledNew / pow(10,scale)); // System.out.println(result); } return result; } else { BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(bytes), scale); // System.out.println(result); return result; } }