Cocoa Webkit Development

Cocoa Webkit Development_第1张图片

Here are some refer document for COCOA webkit.


website use this method to enter full screen mode.


Refer to:

cocoa webview has implement this method.

webkitfullscreenchange Event

the webkitfullscreenchange event will fire when enter or exist full screen.

OS X: the webkitfullscreenchange event fires when an element enters or exits full-screen mode.

iOS: the webkitbeginfullscreen and webkitendfullscreen events fire when a video enters and exits full-screen mode, respectively.

Refer to:

allowfullscreen attribute for iframe

for iframe we need the allowfullscreen.

Note:the youtube is telling the fullscreen is unavailable

as our website is working fine ,so the real reason should be 'Your browser may not support fullscreen.'

the best solution is 'make web view in cocoa app enable to support’, till now I have not found the solution yet.

Another solution : custom fullscreen window.

1.create a custom fullscreen window to load the full screen window a custom button on your web site.

3.when button click ,calling the app to show the video fullscreen window.

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