




 * swipe to finish activity. make current activity translucent to show the previous activity
 * thanks:
 *  1. https://github.com/ikew0ng/SwipeBackLayout
 *  2. https://github.com/Simon-Leeeeeeeee/SLWidget
 * @author billy.qi
public class ActivitySlidingBackConsumer extends TranslucentSlidingConsumer {

    protected final ActivityTranslucentUtil mActivityTranslucentUtil;
    protected Activity mActivity;
    protected int initTranslation = 0;
    protected View mPreviousActivityContentView;
    protected boolean mHorizontalSwiping;

    public ActivitySlidingBackConsumer(Activity activity) {
        this.mActivity = activity;
        this.mActivityTranslucentUtil = new ActivityTranslucentUtil(activity);
        //set default shadow color and shadow size
        setShadowSize(SmartSwipe.dp2px(10, activity));

    public boolean tryAcceptMoving(int pointerId, float downX, float downY, float dx, float dy) {
        return super.tryAcceptMoving(pointerId, downX, downY, dx, dy);

    public boolean tryAcceptSettling(int pointerId, float downX, float downY) {
        return false;

    public void onAttachToWrapper(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeHelper swipeHelper) {
        super.onAttachToWrapper(wrapper, swipeHelper);

    public void onDetachFromWrapper() {

    protected void onOpened() {
        if (mListeners == null || mListeners.isEmpty()) {
            if (mActivity != null) {
                mActivity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.anim_none, R.anim.anim_none);

    protected void onClosed() {

    private void resetPreviousActivityContentView() {
        if (mPreviousActivityContentView != null) {
            mPreviousActivityContentView = null;

    protected void initChildrenFormXml() {
        //do nothing

    public void onSwipeAccepted(int activePointerId, boolean settling, float initialMotionX, float initialMotionY) {
        if (!mActivityTranslucentUtil.isTranslucent()) {
        if (mRelativeMoveFactor > 0) {
            mHorizontalSwiping = (mDirection & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) > 0;
            Activity previousActivity = SmartSwipeBack.findPreviousActivity(mActivity);
            if (previousActivity != null) {
                mPreviousActivityContentView = previousActivity.getWindow().getDecorView();
                switch (mDirection) {
                    case DIRECTION_LEFT:    initTranslation = -(int) (mWidth * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                    case DIRECTION_RIGHT:   initTranslation = (int) (mWidth * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                    case DIRECTION_TOP:     initTranslation = -(int) (mHeight * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                    case DIRECTION_BOTTOM:  initTranslation = (int) (mHeight * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
        super.onSwipeAccepted(activePointerId, settling, initialMotionX, initialMotionY);

    private void movePreviousActivityContentView(int translation) {
        if (mPreviousActivityContentView == null || !mActivityTranslucentUtil.isTranslucent()) {
        if (mHorizontalSwiping) {
        } else {

    protected void onDisplayDistanceChanged(int distanceXToDisplay, int distanceYToDisplay, int dx, int dy) {
        if (!mActivityTranslucentUtil.isTranslucent()) {
        if (mPreviousActivityContentView != null) {
            int translation = 0;
            switch (mDirection) {
                case DIRECTION_LEFT:    translation = initTranslation + (int) (mWidth * mProgress * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                case DIRECTION_RIGHT:   translation = initTranslation - (int) (mWidth * mProgress * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                case DIRECTION_TOP:     translation = initTranslation + (int) (mHeight * mProgress * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
                case DIRECTION_BOTTOM:  translation = initTranslation - (int) (mHeight * mProgress * mRelativeMoveFactor); break;
        boolean horizontal = (mDirection & DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) > 0;
        View contentView = mWrapper.getContentView();
        if (contentView != null) {
            if (horizontal) {
            } else {

    protected void layoutContentView(View contentView) {
        if (contentView != null) {
            contentView.layout(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);

    public int clampDistanceVertical(int distanceY, int dy) {
        //resolve smooth problem while convert to transparent
        if (mActivityTranslucentUtil.isTranslucent()) {
            return super.clampDistanceVertical(distanceY, dy);
        return 0;

    public int clampDistanceHorizontal(int distanceX, int dx) {
        //resolve smooth problem while convert to transparent
        if (mActivityTranslucentUtil.isTranslucent()) {
            return super.clampDistanceHorizontal(distanceX, dx);
        return 0;



 * A tool for achieving a one-line global activity swipe back via using some {@link SwipeConsumer}
 * simple usage:
 //add swipe translucent back performance for all activities
 // (default direction: left, previous activity related factor:0.5F)
 SmartSwipeBack.activitySlidingBack(this, new SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter() {
 public boolean onFilter(Activity activity) {
 return !(activity instanceof MainActivity);

 //add swipe back like mobile QQ (activity keep stay and finish activity with release velocity)
 //SmartSwipeBack.activityStayBack(this, null);

 //add bezier swipe back like XiaoMi (swipe with bezier back consumer at edge of screen)
 //SmartSwipeBack.activityBezierBack(this, null);
 * @author billy.qi
public class SmartSwipeBack {
    public static final ArrayList ACTIVITIES = new ArrayList<>();
    private static IPreviousFinder mPreviousFinder;

    public interface SwipeBackConsumerFactory {
         * Create SwipeConsumer to do swipe back business for activity
         * @param activity activity to wrap with swipe back
         * @return SwipeConsumer
        SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(Activity activity);
    public interface ActivitySwipeBackFilter {
         * Determine whether the activity parameter should swipe back
         * @param activity The activity to wrap or not
         * @return true: need to wrap with swipe back, false: do not wrap
        boolean onFilter(Activity activity);

    public static void activityBack(Application application, SwipeBackConsumerFactory factory) {
        activityBack(application, factory, null);

     * The core function for global activity swipe back
     * @param application application
     * @param factory factory to create SwipeConsumer for each Activity
     * @param filter filter of activity, to determine which activity should finish via swipe motion
    public static void activityBack(Application application, SwipeBackConsumerFactory factory, ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        if (activitySwipeBackListener == null) {
            activitySwipeBackListener = new ActivitySwipeBackListener(factory, filter);
        } else {
            activitySwipeBackListener.mFactory = factory;
            activitySwipeBackListener.mFilter = filter;

    //  swipe back with StayConsumer

    public static void activityStayBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        final int edgeSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(20, application);
        activityStayBack(application, filter, edgeSize, 0, SwipeConsumer.DIRECTION_LEFT);

    public static void activityStayBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter, final int edgeSize, final int minVelocity, final int direction) {
        SmartSwipeBack.activityBack(application, new SwipeBackConsumerFactory() {
            public SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(final Activity activity) {
                return new StayConsumer()
                        .addListener(new SimpleSwipeListener() {
                            public void onSwipeOpened(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeConsumer consumer, int direction) {
                                if (activity != null) {
        }, filter);

    //  swipe back with ActivitySlidingBackConsumer

    public static void activitySlidingBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        final float factor = 0.5f;
        // with default scrimColor: transparent
        activitySlidingBack(application, filter, factor);

    public static void activitySlidingBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter, float factor) {
        //default edge size
        final int edgeSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(20, application);
        final int shadowColor = 0x80000000;
        final int shadowSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(10, application);
        final int direction = SwipeConsumer.DIRECTION_LEFT;
        activitySlidingBack(application, filter, edgeSize, Color.TRANSPARENT, shadowColor, shadowSize, factor, direction);

    public static void activitySlidingBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter
            , final int edgeSize, final int scrimColor, final int shadowColor, final int shadowSize
            , final float factor, final int direction) {
            //if sdk version is less than 21, the compatibility of ActivitySlidingBackConsumer is not good enough
            //use StayConsumer instead for android sdk version <= 20
            activityStayBack(application, filter, edgeSize, 0, direction);
        } else {
            activityBack(application, new SwipeBackConsumerFactory() {
                public SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(final Activity activity) {
                    return new ActivitySlidingBackConsumer(activity)
                            .addListener(new SimpleSwipeListener(){
                                public void onSwipeOpened(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeConsumer consumer, int direction) {
                                    if (activity != null) {
                                        activity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.anim_none, R.anim.anim_none);
            }, filter);

    //  swipe back with BezierBackConsumer

    public static void activityBezierBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        final int edgeSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(20, application);
        activityBezierBack(application, filter, edgeSize);

    public static void activityBezierBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter, int edgeSize) {
        final int thickness = SmartSwipe.dp2px(30, application);
        final int size = SmartSwipe.dp2px(200, application);
        final int direction = SwipeConsumer.DIRECTION_LEFT;
        activityBezierBack(application, filter, edgeSize, size, thickness, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, direction);

    public static void activityBezierBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter
            , final int edgeSize, final int size, final int thickness, final int color, final int arrowColor, final int direction) {
        SmartSwipeBack.activityBack(application, new SwipeBackConsumerFactory() {
            public SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(final Activity activity) {
                return new BezierBackConsumer()
                        .addListener(new SimpleSwipeListener() {
                            public void onSwipeRelease(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeConsumer consumer, int direction, float progress, float xVelocity, float yVelocity) {
                                if (progress >= 1) {
        }, filter);

    //  swipe back with ActivityDoorBackConsumer

    public static void activityDoorBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        final int edgeSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(20, application);
        final int scrimColor = 0x80000000;
        final boolean refreshable = true;
        activityDoorBack(application, filter, SwipeConsumer.DIRECTION_LEFT, edgeSize, scrimColor, refreshable);

    public static void activityDoorBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter
            , final int direction, final int edgeSize, final int scrimColor, final boolean refreshable) {
        SmartSwipeBack.activityBack(application, new SwipeBackConsumerFactory() {
            public SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(final Activity activity) {
                return new ActivityDoorBackConsumer(activity)
                        .addListener(new SimpleSwipeListener() {
                            public void onSwipeOpened(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeConsumer consumer, int direction) {
                                activity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.anim_none, R.anim.anim_none);
        }, filter);

    //  swipe back with ActivityShuttersBackConsumer

    public static void activityShuttersBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
        final int edgeSize = SmartSwipe.dp2px(20, application);
        final int scrimColor = 0x80000000;
        final boolean refreshable = true;
        activityShuttersBack(application, filter, SwipeConsumer.DIRECTION_LEFT, edgeSize, scrimColor, refreshable);

    public static void activityShuttersBack(Application application, SmartSwipeBack.ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter
            , final int direction, final int edgeSize, final int scrimColor, final boolean refreshable) {
        SmartSwipeBack.activityBack(application, new SwipeBackConsumerFactory() {
            public SwipeConsumer createSwipeBackConsumer(final Activity activity) {
                return new ActivityShuttersBackConsumer(activity)
                        .addListener(new SimpleSwipeListener() {
                            public void onSwipeOpened(SmartSwipeWrapper wrapper, SwipeConsumer consumer, int direction) {
                                activity.overridePendingTransition(R.anim.anim_none, R.anim.anim_none);
        }, filter);

    private static ActivitySwipeBackListener activitySwipeBackListener;

    public static class ActivitySwipeBackListener implements Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
        private SwipeBackConsumerFactory mFactory;
        private ActivitySwipeBackFilter mFilter;

        ActivitySwipeBackListener(SwipeBackConsumerFactory factory, ActivitySwipeBackFilter filter) {
            this.mFactory = factory;
            this.mFilter = filter;

        public void onActivityCreated(final Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            if (mFactory == null) {
            if (mFilter != null && !mFilter.onFilter(activity)) {
        @Override public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { }
        @Override public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { }
        @Override public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) { }
        @Override public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) { }
        @Override public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) { }
        @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {

     * find previous activity
     * @param fromActivity the given activity to find its previous
     * @return the previous activity if exists
     * @see ActivitySlidingBackConsumer
    public static Activity findPreviousActivity(Activity fromActivity) {
        if (mPreviousFinder != null) {
            return mPreviousFinder.findPreviousActivity(fromActivity);
        if (fromActivity != null) {
            int index = ACTIVITIES.indexOf(fromActivity);
            if (index > 0) {
                return ACTIVITIES.get(index - 1);
        return null;

    public static void setPreviousFinder(IPreviousFinder previousFinder) {
        mPreviousFinder = previousFinder;

    public static interface IPreviousFinder {
         * find the previous activity for the given activity
         * @param fromActivity activity given
         * @return the previous activity
        Activity findPreviousActivity(Activity fromActivity);


            .addConsumer(new ActivitySlidingBackConsumer(this))

