
8th period of Oral English

• guided by Stefanie Denise Kinnamon
• Date: April 21, 2014
• Present:Joan, Byron, Rachel, Zhuwu, Edward & Kim
• Manuscript by Kim

Warmup: Visa Interview Questions

  • Why are you visiting the U.S.?
  • How long will you stay? It will take me 3 month to conduct the research.
  • Who is sponsoring your visa? I am being sponsored by ... (美方高校)
  • mention you are from Jiangsu (one of the wealthiest provinces in China) 有助于签证
  • CUMT 要解释全称,一般签证官不太了解简称,而且可以强调CUMT is a tier 1 university; Prestigious University
  • What is your job profile.?
  • How are you able to take such a long leave from work. Mention the permission, summer vacation, etc.
    I can work from distance. (Longer answers will be better)
    I have no duties to perform in summer, etc. Make it clear that you still have job on you. be specific.
  • What assets do you own in China. You can show deed of ownership or lease (for renting).
  • Foreign transactions 跨境费用
  • Stipend, I will receive a stipend of $1000 every month.
    I have sufficient funds to support myself.
  • Don't go to the emergency room in US, it will cost you at least $10000. Use clinic if possible. When you first go to a city, look for a clinic, it's cheaper.
  • Do you plan on working while in the U.S.? Be very careful if your visa do not allowed. look up: visa requirements. No.

Renting an apartment

Tacobell, Americanized Mexico food

  • Apartment Amenities / appliance
    laundry facilities
    Carpeted / Wood / tile floors
    escalator / elevator (lift)
  • Can we talk the landlord/landlady down? 讲价
  • When is garbage pickup?
  • Do I need to buy a separate container for recyclables?
  • Stove 炉子
  • Are the utilities included in the rent?
  • Carpeted floors is __deal breaker.
  • Short term lease. Sub-let 二房东
  • router, wifi hubs / hotspots
  • check traffic patterns
  • balcony
  • facilities,
  • couch surfing
    if I go to beijing tomorrow, how can i buy the ticket.我很聪明,呵呵呵呵 这个很好玩
