

  • 一.使用MapR Installer来安装MapR平台。

  • 二.通过yum、dpkg远程仓库来安装,也可自建私有仓库,安装网络比较好

一.MapR Installer是一个MapR的Web UI的集成安装工具.

  • 在一个节点上安装MapR Install

  • 下载安装shell脚本 到下载对应操作系统的安装脚本

    wget -P /tmp
  • 上传mapr-setup.sh到MapR Install节点上,还最好下载三个个包

  • mapr-installer-v1.5.201705041557.deb.tgz MapR Installer的安装程序,如果没有可能需要在线下载JDK...的包,会特别慢的哟!
  • 给mapr-setup.sh运行权限,sudo chmod u+x ./

  • 运行脚本:./ mapr-installer-v1.5.201705041557.deb.tgz mapr-mep-v3.0.0.201704051422.deb.tgz mapr-v5.2.1GA.deb.tgz 下载地址: mep包:

  • 脚本过程需要输入一些参数,如用户组ID、用户ID等等

  • 脚本安装成功后打开浏览器:https://:9443

  • 就是可添加主机,选择安装服务,安装与CDH HDP安装大同小异。

二.不使用MapR Installer来辅助安装

  • Step 1: Install the MapR Package Key Before you install MapR packages, you must install the MapR package key.
  • Step 2: Prepare Packages and Repositories In order to correctly install services, each node must have access to the package files.
  • Step 3: Install MapR Service Packages The installation process will vary based on the location of your packages and the configuration of your cluster.
  • Step 4: Verify Installation Success To confirm success, check each node.
  • Step 5: Set Environment Variables Before starting ZooKeeper or Warden, you must complete this step.
  • Step 6: Configure Nodes Connect nodes to the cluster, configure security, and arrange node storage.
  • Step 7: Bring up the Cluster Before you can install metrics monitoring, log monitoring, or ecosystem components, you must enable the cluster by starting ZooKeeper and Warden and verifying the cluster installation status.
  • Step 8: Install Metrics Monitoring To enable metering and the display of certain metrics by the MapR Control System (MCS), you must install collectd and OpenTSDB components. Metrics monitoring is part of MapR Monitoring, which also includes log monitoring. MapR Monitoring components are available as part of the MapR Ecosystem Pack (MEP) that you selected for the cluster.
  • Step 9: Install Log Monitoring Installing the logging components of MapR Monitoring is optional. MapR Monitoring components are available as part of the MapR Ecosystem Pack (MEP) that you selected for the cluster.
  • Step 10: Install Ecosystem Components Manually You can install one or more ecosystem components from any MapR Ecosystem Pack (MEP) that is supported by the MapR cluster version. A MEP consists of a group of ecosystem components that work together.
  • Step 11: Run Run with the -R option to complete the configuration of ecosystem components that were added manually.

