A total of 20,438 cases of novel coronavirus were confirmed on the Chinese mainland as of 24:00 on Monday, with 425 dead and 632 recovered patients, said China’s National Health Commission. The number of confirmed cases in China's Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions (SARs) are as follows: Hong Kong SAR: 15 Macao SAR: 8 Taiwan: 10
Scientists in south China's Guangzhou City on Sunday detected the nucleicacid of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on a doorknob at the house of a patient diagnosed with the disease, according to an official from the Disease Controland Prevention Center in Guangzhou. Scientists have also warned that other areas prone to contamination include mobile phones, keyboards andfaucet handles, strengthening the importance of hand hygiene.
国家卫健委高级别专家组成员 李兰娟:现在我们整个国家和社会都加强了公共卫生的爱国卫生行动,所以在火车、汽车上都有消毒的设施,甚至电梯好多单位也都进行了消毒,所以说应该总体上是安全的。当然因为人比较多,有一些感染的人在其中不知道,所以我们还得戴个口罩,防止距离接触的传播。我们国家这么重视爱国卫生运动,做得很好的话,还是能够预防的。
国家卫健委高级别专家组成员 李兰娟:我认为没有必要,我是传染科的医生,我到病房里去见了很多有传染性的病人,无非也就是检查好以后洗个手,用流水冲洗就可以了。只有直接接触污染物的时候才需要戴手套,一般是不需要戴手套的,只要你勤洗手,回家率先洗个手就可以了。
国家卫健委高级别专家组成员 李兰娟:我们原来写的是1米5,对面人如果是健康的,应该也不存在这个问题。主要是担心不认识的人,要保持一定的距离,避免有传播的可能。我希望各个地方对接触的人查得严一点,这样有可能面对面传播的机会就会大大减少。在武汉市区我认为这个距离是非常必要的。
Nucleic acid tests of the new coronavirus in stool samples of some patients have been detected as positive, which suggests that a stool may contain the virus, according to the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen.
"The growth of confirmed cases will continue for a while," Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan said in an interview with CCTV on Feb 2. "But I believe it won't be too long."
During the interview, the renowned expert also answered other critical questions that have caused public concern regarding the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
The novel coronavirus is likely to spread by fecal-oral transmission. The issue should be taken very seriously, because the virus has been found in fecal samples of infected patients. We should be highly alert about the fact the virus can spread through fecal matter. In some places of Hubei and Jiangxi provinces, people have a habit of using chamber pots as toilets and washing them in fish ponds, which indeed needs attention.
Further research and surveying should be done to see how many patients have feces with the virus. Based on preliminary understanding, the virus hasn’t been detected in patients' urine.
So far, the confirmed cases are mainly from Wuhan. I haven't looked at the data this morning. The data yesterday showed Wuhan was still the major place of the outbreak. As a result, I think the central government’s decision of putting Wuhan into lockdown is right. It seems there is no obvious outbreak in places other than Wuhan.
I have said before people who will return to Wuhan will not be a problem, because they haven’t been infected before. More than 10 days have passed, so the incubation stage of potential patients is almost over. People who are infectious have already been in treatment in local hospitals, and the others who are OK now will stay fine. However, those who leave Wuhan for other places should be closely watched.
Up to now, the mortality rate of confirmed cases is about 2.3 to 2.4 percent, and the mortality rate in Wuhan is higher than in other places because of the concentration of patients. The mortality rate of the novel coronavirus pneumonia is lower than H7N9, MERS, and H5N1, but higher than regular flu.
We don't have many asymptomatic infection cases, most of these cases took tests because they had contacted confirmed patients or had been to Wuhan. There were reports that some asymptomatic infection cases can self-cure and some are infectious, so if a person's nucleic acid test is positive, quarantine is necessary.
Normally, people don't have to wear N95 masks, regular surgical masks are good enough. The general public should wear masks if inside of epidemic areas and in public places where people are gathering. But you don't have to wear it everywhere, for example, if you went to a court with few people, then wearing a mask is not necessary. You don't have to change to a new mask every time. If you can protect it well – folding the cheek side in and not touching it when taking it off – then you can continue to wear the mask.