D 17 Synergy


1. You could phone her.


He holidays in Yunnan now.

这样会比 takes a holiday 更佳简洁

2. eyesore

碍眼的东西(如建筑物等) You describe a building or place as an eyesore when it is extremely ugly and you dislike it or disapprove of it.


3. palpable

可感知的;易察觉的;明显的 You describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed.

e.g. The tension between Amy and Jim is palpable...



Buddhism calls this "the middle way." Middle in this sense does not mean compromise; it means higher,like the apex of the triangle.

我觉得在这儿作者把 the middle way 解释的很形象,这并不代表着妥协,而像是三角形的顶点。这里讲的是佛教的middle way,我倒想起论语里孔子说的中庸之道:中庸之为之德也,其至矣乎。

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